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Myri May 2015
The grass is tickling
My hair
And the breeze is lifting
My toes
As they scrunch up under
The sun
And my nose inhales the smell
Of summer
While the whistling continues from
The trees
And the cooing echoed from
The birds
But there is still an underlying hint of buzzing from
The bees
Myri May 2015
I'm at that moment in the sleepover
Where I have a headache
From too many sweets and out of tune singing
We are both curled up on the bed under a blanket
Festooned with kernels of makeshift popcorn
The iPad is full of ridiculous videos
And the desk full of dreams on sheets
Of pure dove white paper
Except now it's covered
With glue sharpies and cutouts
But never mind
I couldn't care less now
Because I'm worrying about the money
All spent on food and clothes
Clothes that make you look like you had less food
Than you actually did
I know you're going to snore so bad
But right now I'm writing and laughing
At cheesy videos and hilarious quotes
I wish we could stay together always
Myri May 2015
Please dont hit me
Im sorry
I know it was my falt
But the bruses hurt
So I cried
I promise I wont do it again
Ill make it up too you
And I won't say that it was you
Ill say it was my falt
So you dont get blamed
Im just stuped  I know
But it will be our secret
You know about the purpel
The purpel blotches flowering
Across my brokun skin
But never mind
It doesnt hurt that bad
So I will stop crying now
Just please dont hit me again
I wont cry anymore
Because it was my falt anyway
I shouldnt have brokun it
You know the coffee mug
It was just you accidentally
Bumped into me
I wasnt pushed or anything
It was all my falt
Because Im no gud  
But you love me anyway
And you show it with the purpel flowers
Circling my body
Its for my own good
Im sorry you had to hit me
Spelling mistakes intended
Myri May 2015
Why bother with family and friends
No seriously think about it
You're going to die anyway
So what's the point in having
Short lived companions that only cause pain
Yes you have the good times
But so does everyone else
So why is it special and cherished
When love is handed out freely
We are so selfish
The only reason we make friends
Is to get gratification
And to be amused
To flatter ourselves
It's a competition to see who can gain the most
So we can pat ourselves on the back each day
But we are all in the same position
So it seems normal and natural
But sometimes you lose the people
You know the ones who gratify you
And compliment you
And unfortunately your companion  ranking
Goes down and the fight to boost egos slows down
What an awful shame
It can hurt lots when someone doesn't sing your praises
Poor you
But if you gossip and berate, your ex ego booster
You could gain more followers
How exciting!!!!!
Even though that means your following someone as well
**** they could be ahead of you in the friends factor
And it could be all your fault and you could make yourself lose
What a pitiful grotesque shame
Your popularity
This is fully sarcastic and in a way true
Myri May 2015
Hey Mr perfect
Don't let me talk to myself
I know you're somewhere out there
So please pick me off the shelf
Who needs friends when I've got you
Because I need a plus one to make my two
Myri May 2015
One step
And I fall
So easy
So simple
So that's what I do
I fall
Down towards the thrashing rocks
Dipping in to the freezing depths
Inclining  my head
And thinking of all that has come
And will come
Come to an end
But I don't want it to end
I've decided it's too soon too late
I want to drag it out longer
I want to savour the salt on my lips
The thrill in my blood
But it's too late
It's always too late
But at least it was easy, simple
Never mind I can't stop now
Nothing can't prevent the incessant tumbling
So I will just be enveloped
By the sandy crests
Myri May 2015
If people knew what I saw in the mirror
Would they look at me in disgust
If people knew what their comments did to me
Would they have thought it in the first place
If people knew what I thought of them
Would they be scared or confused
If people knew what I did for them
Would I have been given a second chance
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