A dream, is a forever dream.
Which eventually might just come true.
A hope, is a forever hope.
That you eventually would hope to be answered.
My love.
Is your forever love.
One that will never ever vanished toward you.
Forever love always stay around.
Especially if the giver of it was good.
And left forever memories to remember.
The heart, is a forever receiver.
If, what it receive is lovable?
That love will never fade.
Like a child, now that has grown.
Will reflect back with a smile about that forever love.
And especially the giver.
It might be that grandparent.
It might be that parent.
It might be that kind and caring teacher.
Even a good leader of a church congregation called the preacher.
It might be that spouse.
Except, somewhere your heart know, who forever loved?
Love can be anything of choice.
But choice, can't be forever loved.
If the hurt is about the subject to come.
I've found in my life the one I want to give my forever love.
Forever, forever, forever she will be, my forever love.
And she doesn't even know it.
Then again, I'm not her mind.
But I can see she sense it in her eyes.