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Dec 2014 · 187
The Way.
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
The way you write,
It's like painting the sky.

The way you speak,
Makes my heart grow weak.

The way you make me feel,
Is like insanity on wheels.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
It's not what you do,
That makes you perfect.

It's how you do it,
Why you do it.

Your messed up,
But you've gotten through it.

You've been hurt,
It's happened before.

But still with you,
I can't help but adore.
Dec 2014 · 153
I feel like.
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I feel like,
Maybe he won't leave me.

But it's a very,
Scary thing to think.

Either we will be married,
Or he will leave.
Dec 2014 · 573
Physical vs. Mental
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Physical pain goes away,
Mental usually doesn't.

It hurts more sometimes,
But it usually doesn't.

Physically I am fine,
Mentally is a different story.

I'm a mess.
You wouldn't even notice.
Dec 2014 · 212
You make me feel...
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
You make me feel something,
I didn't know I was capable of.

You make me feel happiness.
Dec 2014 · 170
Magic and Stars
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
You make me see stars,
And feel magic.
Dec 2014 · 189
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
You make me smile,
Like a idiot.

I blush,
Like a crazy little girl.

My smile,
Is actually real around you.

Thank you,
You showed me what happiness feels like.
Dec 2014 · 183
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I am afraid of,

But also I am not,
I am afraid of what could be done,
But what won't.

I am afraid of being left,
If I am left,
Then I won't have anything to fear.

But how would I exist,
Without fear,
I'm afraid of fear.

Is what defines me,
Fear is not what it is,
But what it isn't.
Dec 2014 · 948
Black and White
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I believe color,
Is a beautiful,
Superficial thing.

I believe darkness,
Holds beauty,
Very few can see.

Darkness don't mingle.

Understands the light,
But doesn't like it's fake feel.

Doesn't understand the dark,
Because it isn't color.
Dec 2014 · 231
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
You ask me to write about love...

What is love?

To me it is what gets you up,
When you don't feel like breathing.

It makes you laugh,
When you feel like screaming.

It makes you feel a mile high,
When minutes ago,
You were twenty below.

There are so many aspects of love,
If I wrote them all,
I would write to death.

Maybe thats where the line,
Til death do us part,
Comes in.

Because if you really want me,
To tell you about love,
It is so much more then everything above.

Love is complicated.

But then again,
So are you.
Dec 2014 · 202
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Tires on the ice,
The moving,
The sliding,
Where do they go now?
What do they do after this?

They feel so out of control,
Round and Round they go,
Which way they don't know.

They slowly wither down,
With each patch of ice given,
They are spinning so much,
They don't know they are spinning.

Now they get replaced,
They are finally done spinning.
Dec 2014 · 200
All in Time
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
The tires run quickly across the ice,
They slowly disappear in time.

The ice slowly disappears with it,
All in time.

All in time.
Dec 2014 · 506
Tires on Ice
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
They spin faster,
And fast on the ice,
Never seeming to stop.

Your life,
Flashed right before your eyes,
Faster then the tires on the ice.

You have grown older,
Have made something of yourself,
But the ice never changed,
But the tired got off the ice.

Then the ice melted away,
Like your life slowly does,
Day after day.

It slowly happens,
But seems so quick.
Your tires soon unstick.

You life flashes,
Time to say goodbye,
Goodbye you,
Goodbye tires,
Goodbye ice.
Dec 2014 · 535
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Virginity is not about,
The first time you had ****** activities.

But being a ******,
Is about the first time you made,
Dec 2014 · 239
Best Vs. True
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Best friends are friends,
That promise they won't end.

True friends are friends,
That are honest when they say they won't end.
Dec 2014 · 286
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Vic Fuentes,
is Life.

Vic Fuentes,
is Love.
Dec 2014 · 556
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
My perfect batman boy,
You make me think happy thoughts.

I am your weird little batgirl,
Forever we will be.

Dec 2014 · 342
Fears Lurk
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
"I have to go" he mumbles into his pillow.
"Don't leave me." She whispers, her voice showing her fear.

"The darkness is where my fears lurk."
Dec 2014 · 268
Speak and Dream
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Dream louder then you speak.
Speak louder then you dream.
Dec 2014 · 588
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Long distance.
Short distance.

The commitment is what matters.
Dec 2014 · 195
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I don't believe I have ever felt so alone in a crowded room,
At the same time I was next to you,
You were talking like we were best friends,
But in all honesty,
We were never friends.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
People are like caterpillars.
We all start out the same but we all change.
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014

It's when you can't handle yourself,
So you let blades and fire do it for you.
Dec 2014 · 163
I want you to..
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I want you to smile,
Like you have never felt pain.

I want you to sing,
Like no one is listening.

I want you to play,
Like you are in a roomful of people,
But your the only one with an imagination.

I want you to scream to the stars,
Like they are about to fall on you.

I want you to be in control,
Because this is your life.
Dec 2014 · 176
Let Him
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Brighter then the sun.

His eyes,
Could see right through you.

If you let him.
Dec 2014 · 387
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
We are nothing but birds,
With broken wings.

We are the kids,
You would be nervous around.

But we are the kids,
We are most comfortable around.

We are the birds with wings,
Snapped in two.

But Anne,
Her wings have healed and she will fly.

And Max,
His wings are splinted,
But they work.

Her wings were never completely impaired,
But now she flies gracefully.

His wings are impaired,
But he has learned how to use them.

Her wings are lifting her higher then before.

His wings are lifting him,
His troubles leaving him.

Her wings have lifted her troubles away nicely.

These people,
Will live to fly another day.
Dec 2014 · 249
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
He took me on a tour today,
He goes,
No dad.
No dad.
No mom.
Different dad.
No dad.
No mom.
Different dad.

It is not the parents,
That left us,
That define who we are,
But it is who we choose to be.

Because it is all a choice.
Dec 2014 · 162
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
When there is no happiness.

Even when your tears have run dry.

Even if you have nothing to try for.
Dec 2014 · 140
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
There is nothing to believe in,
When emotionally,
There is nothing there.
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
When asked,
Why don't you believe in yourself,
What is an adequate answer?

My teacher asked me this,
After reading one of my poems,
I stumbled over the question.

I know I do not,
But I am unsure,
On why.

Maybe it's because,
I've never been chosen first,
Or never gotten done first.

Or maybe it's because,
I don't like the way I write,
I wish I could pain the sky with my words.

Maybe because,
I don't think I can write as good,
As everyone else.

I don't enjoy comparing myself,
To people better then me,
But I don't believe in me,
So I cannot compare myself,
To myself.

I don't believe in myself,
Because I am myself.
Dec 2014 · 324
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I can't honestly believe you are changing me.

But you are.

Your imprinting on me like a fresh scar.
Dec 2014 · 182
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I'm a dreamer,
But I don't believe they come true.

I believe in love,
But I don't believe many people have it.

I believe in hope,
But I cannot find it.

I believe in happiness,
But I don't think it is achievable.

I believe in beauty,
But I cannot acquire it.

I would believe in me,
But I don't want to.
Dec 2014 · 680
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I don't have many close friends.

I don't see a reason to have them.

They do everything a journal can do.

The only difference is journals can't talk.

But sometimes that's better.
Dec 2014 · 261
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
You make me smile.

You make me happy.

You make me feel like nothing could go wrong.
Dec 2014 · 256
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
When did we become this?
When did you begin to make me happy?
When did I await your messages to no end?

Why can't I describe these feelings?
These beautiful feelings,
But they are only beautiful because they are about you, you see,
Without you I wouldn't understand beauty.

You make me smile like an idiot,
And blush hotter then the sun.

Don't you see what I've become?

I'm becoming a girl,
Who is helplessly in love with you.

Please stop me,
Unless your planning on catching me,
Because when I fall,
I will fall hard.
Dec 2014 · 230
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Your smile,
Lights up my heart.

Your eyes,
Melt my soul.

It's like you were built for me.

I think I love you.

But that can't possibly be true,
But maybe it is a fact you like me too.

Your as cute as can be,
You make me happy I can see.

I love the way your eyes light up,
When talking about music.

I just love everything about you.
Dec 2014 · 191
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
There are many things,
I would like to say.

Many things,
I choose not to say.
Dec 2014 · 319
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I do hope that when you get a new girl,
You treat her better then you treated me.

You treated me worse then you would treat,
The **** in the street,
Or the dirt on your feet.

Because obviously,
You only wanted me to use me.
Dec 2014 · 343
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
Trying to write happiness,
Is painfully boring for me.

Trying to be exciting,
For your eyes to see,
Is extremely tiring for me.

Trying to disguise myself,
For the sake of your eyes,
Makes me want to strike myself,
Messily in the eyes,
With a rusty knife.

Trying to change the way,
I write,
Makes me want to,
Spontaneously Ignite.
Dec 2014 · 251
Lexi Dvorak Dec 2014
I have a slight addiction,
My obsession with your eyes is more powerful,
Then a drug addiction.

I see the color of your eyes,
Filling the skies,
The same colors as blue birds that soar in the sky.

I really enjoy the tingly feeling,
That you give me.

You give me the happiness,
I have been without for so long.

I was in need of something powerful,
To fill my days with joy,
But you gave me something more,
Potent then red wine on white sheets..

Filling my eyes with joy,
Each word you choose to speak.
Nov 2014 · 301
One Out Of Many
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
Are those girls,
That you claim,
Nothing happened with,
Better then me?

Do they make you,
Happier then me?

Are they,
Then me?

Because I'm wondering,
Why if it was always,
Only me,
Why your kisses,
Seemed so distant,

Because it makes me wonder,
Is there a problem with me?

Is there a reason,
You want other girls,
Then me.

You were my one and only.

But now I see,
I was one,
Out of many.

You can want more then me,
I understand,
I've always wanted more then me too.
Nov 2014 · 287
There are Some People.
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
There are people that say,
That depression,
Is Ok.

There are people that say,
That being bipolar,
Is just another disorder.

There are people that say,
That having anxiety,
Is a normal thing.

There are people that say,
Being Unhappy,
Is a thing that will just pass.

The best part is,
Is not something that,
Should be a part of your everyday,

Being bipolar,
Isn't a joke,
It isn't something fake,
It's not just another disorder.

Isn't a regular thing to have,
It is annoying to have,
And hard to deal with.

Being Unhappy,
Is a very bad thing.

How would you,
If you were hurting daily,
Because someone said,
Your problems are a normal thing.
Nov 2014 · 133
This Girl.
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
The girl may smile through her pain,
But all she really feels as pain.

The girl may stop and fake her smile,
But that only lasts a little while.

The girl may begin to cry herself to sleep,
But she doesn't get much sleep.

The girl may pretend to be happy,
But only because she doesn't want your sympathy.

She isn't fake,
But she is in pain.

She isn't happy,
But at least she is sane.
Nov 2014 · 302
Lovely Face
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
A girl with a lovely face,
Still cuts her wrists.
Nov 2014 · 254
I love you.. Please
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
I softly whisper the words,
That have been played through my mind,
Millions of times.

I love you

I don't care,
If you believe it is true,
Because I know that it is undeniably true.

I love you

It is becoming bothersome,
The amount of times,
Your name has been said.

Each time it triggers my heart,
Quick like a rabbits,
Happy like a kid awarded,
With a fresh ice cream cone.

Why is it I cannot seem to get you,
My head

I'm pleading with you now,
Never leave me.

I am afraid that if you do,
This thing they call heartbreak,
Will consume,
The being I call me.

Once again,
Never leave me.
Nov 2014 · 205
I hope.
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
I hope my words set fire to your heart.

I hope my words fill you with so much passion,
It hurts.

I hope that my words are so intense,
It makes you want to cry.

But I never hope my words,
Make you wish to die.
Nov 2014 · 409
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
My little Raven,
My newly found friend.

We will definitely,
Be together til,
The very end .

My beautiful Raven,
My very good friend.

You'll probably take,
My hot chocolate,
Once again.

I make weird faces,
For your weirdness.

My scary little Raven,
My weirdest friend.
Nov 2014 · 2.5k
Lexi Dvorak Nov 2014
He looks down at his bruises,
The bullies they do this.

She looks down at her scars,
The bullying went way to far.

He smiles,
But the bullying has broken his heart.

The bruises, scars, and broken hearts,
Show nothing in comparison,
To the mental scars.

Why can't they like me,
Why do they hurt me.

These questions come to them,

Have you heard these wretched names?
Or even,
Clinically Insane

Have you ever stopped to think,
The pain has made them this way?

No they are not,
Ugly .

No they are not,
Fake .

Never have they been,
Clinically Insane .

But this pain,
Is more potent ,
Then red wine,
On white sheets.

Causing them not to,
Or wish to breath.

Don't you see what you have done?

This pain,
Cannot be undone.
Oct 2014 · 220
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
Everybody seems to have problems,
Claiming theirs are the worst.

What happened to people being happy?
Oct 2014 · 313
Forget The Cold
Lexi Dvorak Oct 2014
The broken heart.

The crying girl.

Her life sent into a bright white whirl.

He found her.

Broken and bleeding.

Crying and pleading.

He grabbed her hand.

Held her close.

Told her she wasn't like most.

He made her feel warm.

She forgot about the cold.

When she tried to remember he handed her a jacket.

He kept her warm.

She hopes never to feel cold.

He promised to keep her heart warm.

Even when his is solid ice.
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