When your view is totally different
Give to none shocking current
Calmly indicate your position
By telling the present condition
Never at all behave venomously
Use God-given wit enormously
Even if you are completely right
Refrain from waging a stiff fight
You may be in fact perfect
And you may be correct
Here only employ precious wisdom
Be not a slave for conceit's kingdom
Offer your ideas very politely
Let your act be made rightly
Never jump to quick conclusion
To avoid possible concussion
When truth stays at your side
Show true humility, not pride
Quietly if you plan to deal
For you surely all will feel
Harsh approach never helps
By that, only hatred develops.
Differences of opinion, Will surely arise, But, if we are wise, We can form a Union, We only must act, To create tryst, By gathering fact, We must do the best.