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 Jan 2013 Mutt
Courtney Snodgrass
Everyone tells me,
I need to forgive and forget,
And that life's too short.
That I need to let it all go,
And just move on.
It all starts running together,
Sounding like a broken record,
Trying to play the same song.
But Mom,
You always said to ignore,
The peer pressure.
For all the grudge holders
 Jan 2013 Mutt
 Jan 2013 Mutt
I am tired of my rants
like a millions hammers
pounding away in my brain
constant chatter drowns sanity
expectations love and affection
comfort insecurities and misadventures
regrets lost and found
a million lives not lived
what could be and what is
hauntings and remembrances
shadows looming large on today
today that is not perfect
perfection that is just in mind
mind on verge of lunacy
constant screams drowned
in the agonizing void
void that is my life

I am tired, very tired

tears they have a mind of their own
roll down when you least expect
open your soul to strangers
strangers that glare
stay in dark away from glare
tucked in blanket of oblivion
lost and lonely yet sane
lost and lonely yet sane
 Jan 2013 Mutt
Nestor David Armas
Princess of pain
I am your jester,
If I make you laugh
The rain will pass,
But there is always a storm
Which you hide behind,
How is it that we can be
Lost on a boat and not at sea?
If the sky is above us
And the earth is below,
Where are we
That we cannot,
Reach the stars
Or feel the quicksand?
Would you poison me with love
If I don't let your smile spoil?
If we can both be fools
Of whom do we make a mockery of?
Queen of my denial
Won't you condescend to me,
Riddle me with a fiddle
The sweet harmony
That is our non discord,
That is if we didn't know
Any other words,
Than yes & I love you...
© okpoet
 Jan 2013 Mutt
John F McCullagh
It is a lonely life we chose;
a keeper and his mate.
We live on Execution rocks
saving sailors from sad fates.
The tower light protects the Sound
from Sand’s Point to ‘Rochelle.
The rocks are cruel, the lives they claim
Doubtless with Neptune dwell.

One day, exploring our domain,
I chanced upon a man.
Unusual, to say the least,
to stray so far from land.
His hair was white, his eyes steel blue,
blue as Ocean deep.
A sudden chill passed over me
Like a terror born in sleep.
He asked me if I knew this spot,
And how it got its name.
How, during the Colonial times,
Condemned men here were chained.
At low tide it was no matter
But imagine their distress
As the tide grew ever higher
until it strangled their last breath.
How horrible a fate they faced;
abandoned and alone.
Their screams were mad and guttural
as they drowned in Ocean foam.
There, down at the waterline
I saw a brace of chains.
When I turned back to look at him-
Only I remained.

It is a lonely life we chose;
a keeper and his mate.
We live on Execution rocks
saving sailors from sad fates.
I spend my off time reading
in our little house of stone.
I seldom venture to that place-
and I never go alone.
But sometimes, when the moon is full
And the tide is running high.
I imagine that I hear the screams
of a man about to die.
Published January 28, 2013
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It is the Winter of 1859 and the keeper of the Light house at Execution Rocks on the Long Island Sound has a disturbing encounter.
 Jan 2013 Mutt
Ashley Wade Parker
gin reminds me of
black birds
               in the dead
  when i want to
take my
                 b   r   o   k  e   n
learn               y
          to       l
of flowers
blooming in
slightly-sweet country music
thunderstorms and orange
of wearing
too much
               and blush
just to walk around                    
in my kitchen
of cheeks
and the taste of lime
and gingerale
                         on the pads of
of restless nights
when days are     l         o      n     g
and sweet cosmos
and wine
don't   cut the    edg
and the
of lavender laundry detergent
on a paper cut
being a
GROWNwoman and realizing
or stop.
when you
         a      c    r    o    ss
a stage
of t
u m
b l
off of a summer warmed s
of swisher
and wind chimes
in north carolina
of pressed powder and the tastes of
watered down
iced coffee
almond milk
with no sugar
 Jan 2013 Mutt
Rose Amberlyn
I look into vulnerable eyes.
I see someone who wants to be loved.
Someone who wants to be accepted.
His heart is swollen shut from all his love that was tossed away.
His mouth opens wide, and yet he has nothing left to say.
A caring songbird merely singing to the wind,
Please sing to me, please let your song begin.
Open up your heart to me, do not be afraid.
Show me all this love you have that someone threw away.
I promise once I hold your hand that I will not let go.
Just wait and see,
In time,
I will prove it so.
For Christian

— The End —