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Sep 2014 · 178
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Empty handed
Secrets have slipped away
Out of my hands
Now i'm empty handed
With words i can't take back
Empty handed
With my guilt and shame
Sep 2014 · 286
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Jeans getting looser
Shirt falling off my shoulders
Skinny equals fragile
Have someone worry
They might break me
Stuck in a world
Where my secrets lie
Secrets are hidden
Like quicksand
You can't get out
My mind stuck
My soul drowning
Murphy disappeared
ED has the rope
His evil hands loosen his grip
Almost falling
Almost drowning
Begging him to stop
Tighten his grip
No use have to obey him
Or i drown
In the quicksand of life
Sep 2014 · 5.2k
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Heart weak
Body emaciated
Can't stop
Need to feel numb
Need to feel empty
Empty and numb
Is what i crave
Sep 2014 · 494
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Weakness of my body
Weakness of my heart
Love has disappeared
Love of my life
Ran away faster
Than i could say
"I love you"
Sep 2014 · 151
Less than
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Feel like a fake
When people have it way worse
I can't cope with life
When their doing just fine
Feel undeserving of my issues
Sep 2014 · 526
Lovely blade
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
The sting of the blade
Comforting warm blood
Blood pooling on my body
Symbolizing my demons
Draining out
Lost in the moment
Not thinking about pain
Physical pain rises above
Blood representing my soul
Everything numb
Blissful feeling
Sep 2014 · 534
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
105 calories
Brain food
Rather have 0 calories
Than for my brain to function
Sep 2014 · 483
Christmas cheer
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Christmas cheer
Lovely people all around
Brightened the houses
Food all around
Doing naughty things
I'm naughty with food
Shouldn't get rewarded
Sep 2014 · 254
Failed success
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
I thought i would be strong enough
To achieve
Once again
Filled with self-loathing
I want to be special
I guess i'm not supposed to be
Sep 2014 · 300
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Have i mentioned that i'm crazy?
I'm insane
Crazy beyond belief
I'm crazy
Not surprised that no one likes me
Sep 2014 · 166
Come back
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Slipped away
Faster than you thought
Something took her
Slipped away
I found it won't be the same
Sep 2014 · 139
Reality of the world
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
World that breaks
Into nothing
Breaks until there's nothing left
Need one steady thing
In a world that breaks
Everyone leaves
Places change
People change
I need an answer
An end to the end of the searching
I need one steady thing
In a world that breaks
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
I want to cut
This unlovable soul
Inside of me is breaking
Need relief from my demons
Holding me under
I can finally breathe
Sep 2014 · 236
Don't worry
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Don't worry now
It will be okay
I promise
It can't rain forever
Seems storms will hold on
They eventually fade
Into the background
The real you
Will be the storm
That no one wants
To ever go away
Sep 2014 · 613
This is anorexia
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Brittle nails
Thin hair
Heart pounding
Growling stomach
Broken heart
Longing for starvation
Of my emotions
That i keep so hidden
Sep 2014 · 563
Stitching wounds
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
We stitch these wounds
They never did get fully repaired
Scars of the past
Bleeding my pain
We stitched these wounds
Hopefully they'll go away
Sep 2014 · 1.5k
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
My eyes are open
Another sleepless night
Picking apart my body
Peeling away my insecurities
In my head
You say to yourself
"I promise i won't eat tomorrow"
Suddenly you can lie your head
On your soft quilted pillow
Just remember your promise
You can't break a promise
Sep 2014 · 148
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
My heart is glass
I dare you to break it
Don't **** with glass
It just might come back
And slice you right in the throat
Sep 2014 · 453
Everyone says
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Who says
Every thought
Every insecurity
Wrapped up in your head
Who says
Every mean word
Every impulse
Who says
You're not good enough
Sep 2014 · 307
Broken heart
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
My heart is broken
Stuck in my head
Lost at sea
Don't know what i'm doing
In a place so dark
As dark as the night sky
My heart is broken
Get away from me
You don't deserve
To see my pain
Sep 2014 · 356
Only in my dreams
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Best night ever
Stuck in a trance
You beside me
Hands locked
Lips locked
Caress my leg
Handsome man
Sitting by the fire
Together forever
Sep 2014 · 182
Worlds colliding
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Two worlds collide
Stuck in the motion
We can't choose both
My own world
Does not mix
Leave my world
My world
Isn't like any other
Sep 2014 · 220
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Feel the light
Feel the happiness
Of friendships
You never know
When they could disappear
As fast as a tornado crashing down
Sep 2014 · 147
So much easier
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Easier to lie
Than to see the disappointment
In your eyes
Telling you my secret
Very dangerous
You wouldn't understand
The world i live in
Easier to lie
Sep 2014 · 129
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
God is a blessing
Good and bad
He is powerful
Gets rid of our demons
When we need saving
God is the angel
To save us from the devil
Sep 2014 · 257
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Sleepless night
Thinking too much
Can't sleep
Drowning in self-hate
Sep 2014 · 325
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Keeps me grounded
Keeps me loved
Friends come and go
Family is forever
Sep 2014 · 231
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Is love
Is acceptance
Can't find a way
To make me happy
Nothing makes me good enough
Sep 2014 · 426
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Y­-yo-yo of emotions
Sep 2014 · 751
Beautiful thighs
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Click, click, click
Goes my thighs
Beautiful thin
I will be happy when i'm thin
Sep 2014 · 274
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Stop yelling
Stop crying
Stop questioning
I won't give you the key
To open my doors
My doors are ******* shut
ED is my father now
I obey him
For better or for worse
He helps me
More than anyone else
Sep 2014 · 197
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Constant lying
Constant denying
Can't let my secrets out
It's too special
Too sacred
I'm sorry
Sep 2014 · 128
Don't know
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Don't even know who i am
Blurred vision
Refuse to look in your eyes
You're lying
I'm not beautiful
I'm a monster
Of many kinds
Sep 2014 · 522
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Blood flooding like rain
Emotions slowly draining my mind
Feel the sting of abandonment
Burning off negativity
Soft hands
Cover them
Band aids heal all wounds
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Walking around
How i feel
Food is the chain
Starving away my sadness
Food is the key
My brain is in ED's hands
Never satisfied
Stuck in the mentality
That skinny is everything
All i want to be is normal
Sep 2014 · 355
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Flushing the disappointment
Puking up sadness
Stand up
Wipe my repulsive face
Feeling high as a kite
No feelings in me
Empty like a hollow heart
Evidence of my soul flushed
Sep 2014 · 262
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Rocket blasting off
Can't stop
Holding my emotions
Throwing them away
The trash can
Are where my emotions lie
Stuffing them down
One by one
Stuck in the cycle
Sep 2014 · 185
Now a teenager
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Teenage girl
High off a blade
High off emptiness
Scarred arms
Bruised soul
Fake smile
Dull eyes
Drool comes down her face
From the food her mom is making
"Too many calories, i'm chubby enough"
She says
Dreaming of an easier day
Unexpected life
A mirror
A scale
That doesn't matter anymore
Her secret world
Is hers alone
No one's allowed in
Only if they want to get poisoned
By her demons
And become on of her
Nothing can take her high off the blade
Off a growling stomach
No one can stop her
So don't even try
Sep 2014 · 197
Young girl
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Young girl
Bright eyes
Cheerful smile
Crumbs of chocolate
On the corners of her lips
No worries
No cares
Dreaming of the days ahead
Anyone could get into my world
Nothing to hide
Full grace
Nothing could take away
Her high of life
Sep 2014 · 121
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
So many memories
When i think of you
We laughed
We cried and celebrated
So many more
You got my life started
Began my story of bliss with you
Now that you're gone
All i have is memories
Where i started my journey of life
With you
Sep 2014 · 328
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Addicted to bones
Addicted to scars
Addicted to self-destruction
Can't find my way out of the darkness
Running from myself
While the young girl
Had tears in her eyes
Scared of the girl
Staring back at her
Sep 2014 · 232
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Supposed to be a kid's holiday
Instead it's ED's
Binge and purge fest
Cycle continues
No way to get out
Lost in the waves of destruction
It's secretive
Locked and chained doors
Only ED's sons and daughters can get in
You can't save me
ED has bolted the doors
He has the control
Sep 2014 · 121
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Over food
Over people
Over everything
Can't get away
From the crippling anxiety
Over my life
Sep 2014 · 479
Undeserving souls
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Undeserving souls
Scattered around like roaches
Don't want you
My hearts broken enough
I don't need you
Undeserving souls
Sep 2014 · 815
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
I'm a toxic person
I hate myself
You don't understand
I want to crawl into a hole
I'm embarrassed of myself
Nobody likes me
Everyone *******
Sep 2014 · 226
I'm sorry
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
I'm sorry i'm not perfect
I wish i could be what you wish
State of longing
I don't know where to go
Maybe this is how i'm supposed to be
Unlovable heart and soul
Can't remember what it was like before
Stop trying to change me
I'm not sick
I'm strong
Sep 2014 · 148
Secret world
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Leave me be
To my secret world
Alone with my demons
Invisible friends
Sep 2014 · 263
Broken girl
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Scarred arms
Chewed nails
Fat drooping
Poison fills my veins
So broken i can't explain
Heart pounding
Hands shaking
Want this to end
Can trust no one
Sep 2014 · 252
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Stop trying to understand
You never will
Digging deeper and deeper
You soon find your shovel stuck
Trying to get into my world
You will find a says
"Caution ED doesn't want you here"
Sep 2014 · 281
Murphy Lynne Sep 2014
Locked in a cage
My attackers aren't animals
They're demons
Chewing up my soul
Spitting it out in a pile of blood
Is poisoned by demons
She won't let go
She trapped her
In a cage so dark
She looked invisible
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