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Our promises were like glass
  So fragile that the slightest touch would break them.
I over looked all the signs of betrayel and held on to the foolish hope that was soon to set sail with you.
You lied and told me the four letter word we both used one to many times.
     At the height of all the lies
    You told me you'd choose me over any and everything grabbed my hand and said we'd fight odds.        and ends to be togther, but when it came down to it you choose the odds over me and we came to the end and all our promises broke like the fragile heart you once clothed with your warm love and affection.
To many wishes do I hold dear and to little not so soon do they come true, but from all the wishes I have only a few do I so  yearn for to come true.
I wish there was more time in a day to spend with you.
I wish there was more stars in the night sky so that I may count them all with you.
I wish that there were more flowers of all kinds in the world so that I may give them all to you.
I wish the world knew what it felt like to love you and only you.
I wish for so much more-for you but none can compare to wishing to love you till the day I leave behind this life I've spent with you.
to love with a love beyond comparison
is to love with a love a love unseen before
hold dear those who hold your heart dear
keep fear of the ones who seam unclear
a heart was built to love with love not to break like the promises one makes.
pain a funny feeling that one cannot contain
it comes at the moment you decide you're okay
the moment you begin healing
then all you can do is have the pain of concealing.
loving you has taken away my sight as well as my might
i tried to be who you want , but in the end you're leaving.
but i'm not done i refuse to morn you my love.
as much as you meant to me somethings are just not meant to be.
now i must set you free like a dove in the winter breeze
we shall meet again in our next life and every life follows you belong to me.
I love you silently
I mourn you quietly
I cry for you internally
I miss you abundantly
I look back at us constantly
I feel my love for you grow eternally
I ponder of you daily
What we were to what we are is unexplainable , what we had is indescribable
But in the end it’s only a memory I live with.
Everyday walking through the streets seeing people , couples , families , friends and non as lonely as I , I see them but they don't see me. I walk these streets alone , no one to hold my hand or to say 'it's going to be okay' , I walk a lonely road I sometimes delude myself into thinking I'm love by someone , but then she just proves me to be right I am alone. This lonely feeling slowly kills me inside , I think a bucket of acid would be less painful. My solitude isn't a curse or a gift , its a punishment for crimes I did not commit. How I yearn for the feeling of someone holding me , someone loving me , someone wanting me in their life , the unwanted feeling of wanting to be apart of someone's life or at least noticed. They say if you can't be happy alone then how can you be happy with someone else , but they don't know the feeling of being alone your entire life. This is my life , a never ending lonely road , with no hope for love , no hope for friendship , no hope for a life beyond the four corners of a house I'm bound to live in alone. This is my life the life of a lonely man.
They say the coldest feeling in the world is jumping into a frozen river in the depths of winter. I've held on to you for to long and I still feel the same but now maybe I should let you go , but that would mean loosing apart of myself that once made me gold.  Why can't you hear my call , why are you walking with you back facing me , makes me feel like I'm never going to see you again. Makes me wonder what I actually meant to you , cause you make it so easy for me to see how u can let go of me. Knowing all this still my heart beats your name , I tell myself I don't love you but my heart reassures me I do. The coldest feeling in the world is loving someone who doesn't love you back. I can ask you for love but what the point love not given freely is sign it doesn't want to  be given. I can say I wasted time on u but we both know that time was never wasted. Guess I'm a sucker for love , a victim of an unpunished crime. But still the beat from my heart spell your name. The bitter coldness you've left me with is incomparable , its indescribable but weirdly its satisfying knowing the pain and confusion is from you.
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