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Everyday I wake up to the cold feeling of a cloudy sky , its been like this since you left, I dread the feeling of my feet reaching for the cold floor , there's no warmth , no light ,this place is nothing but an empty box filled with memories of you and I , every tear that drops is a crack in my heart, all I see is the moment you left , the pain in your eyes and the curse of a love so strong but yet so fragile , every moment I spend thinking of you makes me want to run as far away from my own thoughts , but the voice of pain won't let me shut it out. I beg myself not to give up , I make a promise that you'll come back but maybe our love story was a sonnet short and sweet. Maybe our love stories not over , maybe you'll fight for me , but enough maybes , I beg you come back , I plead with you come home , let's fix our castle with broken walls , we never crumble and fall apart , our walls only collapsed. I cannot live without you , I cannot breathe my own air as long as your not around , I fear myself more then I fear what's hidden in the dark, but then again you are my light in the dark.
I love you, but I'm afraid of loving you , I feel like I'm doomed to a history bound to repeat itself , a path of pain I never chose to walk on. You say words but how do I believe you how do I believe what you don't show , how do I know loving you won't be the same as putting a bullet through me. I don't know why but I can't stop loving you , I can't get through my doubt and pain grows like an infection. But sadly all I see is loving you might be the end of me
Days go by but I still stand there slowly walking through the lonely streets of this dead city now that your gone there's no more plan.
I once woke up to sight of you in my arms now I wake up from dreams when there was a time you were in my arms
Your laugh haunts the halls of this.  house where we once shared a love for the ages.
What happened to us I'll never know , where you drifted to I'll never find and why you ran I'll never understand.
I guess all I can say now is
I miss you
I miss you like the waves miss the moon
I miss you like a sun flower misses the sun in the icy depths of winter
I miss you like the lonely sailor misses his home.
I can use all the descriptions in the world but they will all mean the same I miss you.
Everyday I miss you I sink deeper and deeper soon will I reach the sea bed , a place where there's no need for words or explanations.
I dream of the day you come back but then again its just a dream.
Along with you is my light my hope my will and my love for you are my life and I miss you, cause your the one that I want the one that I need the one that I have to have just to succeed , when I saw you that first time I knew it was destiny , I remember when I first held in my arms and I knew it was real now where's all those days gone just disappeared like a dream , every night is a dream and everyday is a nightmare. I need you and I miss you and I love you and I really need to hold because my souls falling apart come back baby let's fix our world and stop this apocalypse and keep our paradise forever.
Every morning I wake up and stare in the mirror wondering why you are only in my dreams and not my reality. I know your real , even in my dreams as our fingers combine forming a bond unbreakable by man it feels so real as you whisper in my ears 'never let me go' as your arms reach our around me . Why are you stuck there , in that limbo of my fantasies I'll never know. Every morning waking up and remembering that it was just a dream ment to keep me warm through the night , the memories of a dream that felt so real breaks me.  To you my lost love I say I'm here waiting for the day our hands clash and our great bond and never ending love starts and for me to hear the words'never let me go'.
I followed the path of light I went straight through hell and watched the demons rip off my flesh and drain my blood ,I dug up back to earth only to swim in a pool of blood shed by the greedy merciless hungry politicians , children lay dead, bodies soulless and eyes filled with more pain then a bullet in a gun , when I awoke to this when I saw this I missed hell for there even there in the fiery pit of hell there's mercy to the wicked of wicked to the sinners of sinners but here on earth men are worst then the devil himself , even he fears what man has become, we fear monsters under our beds and in the dark , but the truth is we fear the monsters in the mirror for that reflection the true monsters monsters are showen
You've been here before, not once, not twice  ,Yes it got harder then it was , yes the load got heavier  And those people who said they'd never leave , just disappeared  But your not weak , you say your not a fool  yet you keep looking back and holding on to those who left , holding on to what was instead of what will be. Life was designed to break you , tough times where designed to teach you , but only you alone can make 'you' ,empires grew and fall , skyscrapers were built and broken down ,so what goes up must come down.It will rain for a month but the sun will always rise  hope is always in reach all you have to do is grab it or die trying, its time to do or die because tough times dont last tough people do so keep the faith and fight on for success.
It's the opposite of light , a dark place only some will enjoy.
it comes with its name it comes with the night.
I prefer the darkness over light ,
why you ask ?
It doesn't lie , it doesn't feed false hopes , it tells the truth ,
in it we find secrets , we find demons and ghosts, fear brings out the truth.
just as life is a big illusion so is light , they say light is at the end of the tunnel , but we walk for years with no luck , I for one think its time to best embrace the ****.
Accept the darkness and forget the light and suddenly your path will open up in plan sight , seak the truth and you will find no light but insted a darkness so true so bright it will become your guiding light.
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