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Hope in my reach yet not in an arms distance
Day after day the load gets heavier and heavier
as it becomes more and more difficult to continue
as the will to go on starts to slowly diminish
I look for a light but all I see is a pitch black ,
void filled with pain and sorrow ,  
The demons trip me and push me over as all the weight falls onto me , I slowly give up ,I slowly stop wanting to go.
I lay there , hope hanging by a thread , boulders crushing my spine suddenly all hope is lost , all strength is gone and my struggle to get up and continue begins
is this love worth it ,
is it worth the effort will it last or will it end
the same way the others did
, so much confusion so much doubt
so much love yet so little trust ,
is this the meaning of love to be
hurt and to love again with the fear of being hurt again
what is this
why is it so hard to know whether she loves truly or whether she
loves falsely
whether her love is honest and real or another game
im yet to play.
we build a life holding on to others opinions and ideas of us ,
how they see us and want us to be , what they don't like we change
what they want we keep.

How long are we going to live on their beliefs , their ideas and live the life of another.

what I see is people who live to follow and not to create their own path

the most important thing is when you wake up and look in the mirror who you see is and what you think if them is the most important opinion in life no one elses
we build a life holding on to others opinions and ideas of us ,
how they see us and want us to be , what they don't like we change
what they want we keep.

How long are we going to live on their beliefs , their ideas and live the life of another.

what I see is people who live to follow and not to create their own path

the most important thing is when you wake up and look in the mirror who you see is and what you think if them is the most important opinion in life no one elses
when I look up at the moon I cant contain the ability to smile , because when I look at it I realise how dark the night is , how cold it gets and in all that darkness theres but a single light.

times are hard now , we start finding that people who once made us feel special now insult us and bring us down.

We find ourselves sleeping away into an empty , lonely abyss  never to find someone to pull us out of it , and we sleep with the thought of being alone forever.

But morning comes and the sun rises chasing away the demons and giving us light and warmth.

we don't need anyone to stand by us , befriend us or be with us because we can make it on our own
Some wish for light in the dark , others wish to get out of the dark , and others embrace the dark,
As for me I dont want light , light fades away
I want someone to grab in the darkness of my life and hold me tight and keep me warm and
love me forever because the darkness is a cold and scary place and all I want is someone to love.
all I ever wanted was love , I can give it unconditionally but never receive it
Dont know why I can see it but I do ,
I see it coming from miles and miles away
I know this is the part where the end starts,
I know it I feel it I see it and my heats crying it , its cracking with every day that passes by its breaking knowing that our world will soon meet its end and you'll be gone.
The nights seam colder and more lonely , the days seams sadder and grey but I guess its because I know your love my warmth will soon be gone , when the day comes I'll let you go not because I don't love you but because I do , I'll live ive always lived but my existence is equal death , all I can do now is enjoy the time I have left with you because you love him he was your mistake but now you realise im the mistake. and you miss him and all I can say is go to him.
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