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why do I fear being replaced
why do I feel my place in your heart is outside cause another is there
why do I fear im loosing you
why do you talk 100's of others
am I not good enough , are my words to little or was my life not enough. Im so tired of fearing the morning because you might not be there anymore .
Im tired of you allowing someone else to come between us im tired of you not seeing my pain and torment because your eyes are on another. Why do you have to make this love so complicated
Baby in this evil world the people are merciless and cruel they'll feed on your pain and enjoy it and will keep coming back for more even when you have nothing left to give they'll still come.
Because of that I had to become hard and harsh I had to pull myself together and seal my heart , and then I feared no one , and I was an unstoppable force
then you came and now your my only weakness , your the one thing they can hurt to get to me but if they touch you ,
that will be the last they see of anything because even though you are my weakness your love is my strength , my shield and you are the one person I cant live without , loosing you is the one thing I fear and a future with you is the only reason I fight.
You will always see her face before you feel her heart
You will always want her body before you can love her
You will always look at her as a prize
You will never be hers truly
People will never look at you the way I do
Every morning waking up to the thoughts of you after a night of dreaming of you
Looking at you and seeing the heart that stole mine
Waking up to the sad bliss of missing you.
They ask me what I see in you , they say I deserve better , they think of me as a fool for fighting,
But I know that your heart is gold I know no matter how hard I try ill never deserve you , you'll always deserve better , and ive felt your heart and I know your worth every minute of my fighting your worth my life and more , death is no risk for me because as long as I die proving my love for you I'll die happy.
You deserve better then me but all I can do is be my best for you. I fell in love with that amazing person inside and she has me in more ways then one she has me whole heartedly. These words are cliché but I can say them in a million languages I can write them a 1000  different ways , I can express it in a 100 ways , I can say it 10 times but it will always have 1 meaning and that is I belong to you I love you my baby bear my perfect love
Sometimes I and think of all the little things we had,  of the time we spent together , the kisses we shared , the memories we made and the love we had. Maybe it was our little dance or short song that had to quickly end , but I know that I practice our moves and listen to us sing over and over just to get some closure on the fact your gone and we're done. Maybe it was my ego maybe it me was taking whatever we had for granted but as they say you only when something is gone will you truly understand its value.
Goodbye my love goodbye our memories always remember I love till the day I die
people will always judge you ,
be it on your dressing
be it on your choices
be it on your life
no matter what what it may be people will always judge you, and the thing about judging is that they always expect you to fail and mess up and when you do they act shocked and disappointed but secretly they smiling and laughing saying I knew it and then they spread the news like wild fire, but when you become a success and you do what they didn't think you would they join in your glory and pretend like they always knew you would but secretly they Hating you for proving them wrong
This relationship is like a walk in a desert , feels like I've been walking forever,
feels like the sun got me down
feels like you the hot  unkind sand enjoys my pain
feels like all I am is another just passing by
feels like all you want is to drag me down and watch me lay for waste as I decay and slowly suffer a painful death, but the shame is on me for loving you and not being able to let go guess I love the pain and I guess I give up
Sometimes its a little to much to bare and sometimes its a little to cold and bitter, Why I fell in love with you I'll never understand.
Why I had to be the one to suffer your betrayal and cold one sided love I'll never understand
why I had to be the one to wish for your love I'll never understand
But the thing that bothers me most is why I cant I stop loving you with all the pain you've given me.
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