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 Oct 2013 mt
Lacey Danielle
 Oct 2013 mt
Lacey Danielle
I'm sorry that I was never good enough
I'm sorry that picking her over me was tough

I'm sorry that when you broke me my shattered pieces cut you
I'm sorry that I will never be able to trust you

I'm sorry for all the things I did that led you to believe you loved me
I'm sorry that you realized you didn't and that now you're hopelessly set free

And I would like to apologize
For the wondering devil in your eyes
Who wants to be free
But keeps blaming me for your misery

I am not the one who causes you pain
And I won't be the one screaming your name
When you need someone who loved you
To come to the rescue

You gave up on me for her
And put her on a pedestal
you gave her the half of your heart
I begged to see from the very start

I'm sorry
That I was never good enough
I'm sorry
That picking her over me was tough
 Oct 2013 mt
Iris Liu
 Oct 2013 mt
Iris Liu
your smile is a lot less convincing
after your heartless slurs
you say you’re getting better
but you’re absent like remorse
 Oct 2013 mt
Irah Rahim
I'm tired.
Of all that got to do with the thing we call life.
I know it ain't easy to reach the peak of the top.
I know.
I know that it'll take a whole lot more of tears and wounds.
I know that it'll take more than just a drop of sweat.
I know it'll take more than bruises and cuts.
But yet.
I'm still standing right here.
Not intending to move a muscle.
Not trying to make a change.
Not willing to do a sacrifice.
I know.
I should wake myself up.
So that I'll know where I really stand.
But yet, my mind said stay still and do nothing.
 Oct 2013 mt
how it all started
 Oct 2013 mt
and now i can't even look
at the stars in the night sky
without thinking of the night
where we left the party
and found an old hammock
in the back of a garden
and you held your arms
around me tight
and tried to find
the stars you knew of
and my head fit perfectly
where your shoulder
and neck meets
and just like that we kissed
and it was so clear
that you were the one for me
 Jun 2013 mt
maybella snow
i found out                  
you're in pain
you did it to yourself
       you felt sad
those were your excuses
you slashed
because of a    

you told me  
you felt guilty    
and yet
you still did it  

i worry
i fret
i'm scared
for you

distance grants no access
i'm locked away          
unable to talk

my room        
closes in around me
i punch walls        
a boxing match
no winner              
knowing its impossible
i'll never be able to
hold you, help you

bruised hands
nothing helps me          
because i'm not helping you

days after
my hands are still aching
your cuts still bleed
nothing gained
only pain
I was 15,
And you were 16.
And we met through a computer screen.
And we instantly connected.
And we talked non-stop.
And we became best friends.
And we shared our deepest secrets with one another,
not caring that we were two complete strangers.
That never really mattered.
We were just troubled kids,
longing for someone to talk to.
Someone who felt the things we did.
Someone who wouldn't judge us.
Someone who might possibly understand.
We found that in each other.
You were my solace.
And I loved you.

I told you about how my family was no longer a family.
And you told me about how you didn't know if you could handle much more.
And I was worried.
And you occasionally disappeared for days on end.
And I became frantic.
And you would tell me you were in the hospital.
Those ****** pills again.
And I begged you to stop,
To try and get better.
Because you were my solace.
And I loved you.

I was 16,
and you were 17.
And you had a girlfriend.
And she didnt like me.
Or maybe she just didnt like what we had.
So she made you choose.
And it broke my heart to see you choose her.
Because you were my solace.
And I loved you.

Six months later.
Six devastatingly long months later.
I heard from you again.
And I didn't know how to feel.
So I cried.
Tears of anger, sadness, regret.
But mostly joy.
Because you were back.
You were finally back.
And you were my solace.
And I loved you.

I was 17,
And you were 18.
And we met face to face.
After two long years, it finally happened.
And it was the best night of my life.
And I was so sad to see you leave.
But you had to return to your broken home.
And things got worse for you.
And old habits picked back up.
And your depression consumed you.
And it ate me alive to see you that way.
Because you were my solace.
And I loved you.

I am 18,
And you should be 19.
But you never got to see that day.
Because old habits die hard.
And you finally succeeded.
And my heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest.
But the rest of my body is numb.
And my mind is darker than ever.
Because now I have no one to share my secrets with.
No one to listen.
Because you are gone.
And you were my solace.
And I love you.

Honestly, the ending of this poem isn't true. The boy did not die. But it seems as if he has because he completely disconnected himself from my life. It hurt less to just lie.
 May 2013 mt
MaRiahh Hodgkinson
"I love you,"
She said, one cold winter day.
With scars on her thighs and
With sadness in her heart.
"I love you."

"I love you,"
He said, one rainy spring day.
With scars on his wrists and
With tears in his eyes.
"I love you."

"I love you,"
She said, one hot summer day.
With pants on her thighs and
With sleeves on her wrists.
"I love you."

"I love you,"
He wrote, one cool autumn day.
With a rope around his neck and
With pills in his system.
He professed his love for the last time
On a piece of torn paper.
"I love you."
 May 2013 mt
luci sunbird
I'm going to bury myself a hole
And cower there
For all the things I've done
And who I've become

I want to disappear,
And not face the irreparable damage
That I've prepared

It's a waste land
My mind
My heart,
It's been misguided for a beat too long

I've decided what's best
And now I must carry on

It's the sadness that comes along
Surprising me into thinking
That perhaps I'm wrong,
Perhaps I should entrap myself
In this unhappy jail for a longer sentence

That perhaps my heart is right, and my mind is wrong
That perhaps I'm meant for sadness
That happiness is bad
 May 2013 mt
Emily J Wright
madness reflects the soul in pain,
a confrontation with the
a voice unheard,
a mind divided,
a shivering heart that fails to mask the
tangled web of lies
scribbled on a blank sheet
in an empty world;
is it survival of the dawning
or of the ending?
are we that survival?
once known all to well 
the answer
shakes free from what, oneself?
too many questions
unanswered, incomplete
hang in despair,
the stool was taken from underneath
too quick and regret haunts 
blurry dreams where movements are
foiled, actions are vain, breathing is
heavy, and pain is
but from lives sought after
wrestled and beaten, 
the mind is a tempest.
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