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 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
What's more deadly,
A gun or a thought?

Because a gun gives you the opportunity,
But a thought pulls the trigger.
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
These Days
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
These days,
I feel many feelings all at once,
It all just gets mixed up in the end,
And it leaves me in a tiny ball,
Curled up in the corner,
Bawling my eyes out.
And I hate myself for it.

I sometimes wonder when it'll end,
I wonder when all the mixed feelings will disappear,
I wonder when that day will come,
The day that the only feeling I'll be feeling is
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
8:54 PM
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
Here I am,
Typing away on my computer screen,
The scent of vanilla filling the room.
Even though a million thoughts are running through my head,
There's one that stands out.
*It's you
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
I remember how my grandmother tried to explain our world to me;
She told me a story,
She said the ground and the sky;They love each other.
But they don't have arms
So rain,that's just how they hold one another.
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
Here I stand,
Watching you lean against the wall;
Your arms around her,
Holding her the way I pictured you holding me,

Here I stand,
Gazing at those beautiful eyes of yours,
And how they watch over her;
The way those eyes of yours were supposed to watch me.

And here I stand,
All alone,
Feeling my heart being ripped out of my dear soul.
For I am not as fortunate as the girl you call 'baby'
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
There is one thing that I've learned about so far in life.
It's to never sacrifice your happiness,
For the one you love.
Because in the end,
*It's just not ******* worth it.
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
I now understand why people find it so hard,
To witness death.
It could be the death of your favorite celebrity,
Your favorite comedian,
Or even the death of a family member.
The aftermath is all the same.
It's as if a part of you is missing,
Gone forever
*Never coming back.
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
Never say goodbye.
Who knows,we may meet again someday.
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
Saying goodbye kills the hope of meeting again.
And who knows?
We might meet again.
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
 Sep 2015 Mrs Grey
Hey there.
That's right,
I'm talking to you.
The one's that's staring into this screen.
I just wanted to say something to you.
Let's call its a little note of encouragement.
Okay,I'm just gonna go right into it.

Dear Reader,
If you managed to read up to this point,
I'm proud of you :)
And you should be so proud of yourself.
Because of who you are.
There's only one version of you out of the 7 billion people in this planet we call Earth.
You should be proud of who you are,
Because I am.
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