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Apr 2014 · 399
Forever Encourage
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I am forever encourage by your love and faithfulness.
Even while my life is falling apart, I keep looking toward you.
My focus never leaves your face, while things are being changed.
Transforming into something so very beautiful and wonderful.
Still I stay focus on your face otherwise I will get lost in the waves.
For I am afraid, yet you are my strength in the eye of the storm.
I keep my focus upon you throughout these trouble times.
Apr 2014 · 213
Holy Spirit
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When Christ saves you fear not, for it will be him not us.
That works out this salvation in our lives, so quit worrying.
Trust him when he says that he has every thing under control.
Believe me he does, for he knows everything about us all.
Just trust in him for we are fail, but he never will fail us.
He is so  knowing that he has staked his life on you.
So stand firm allow him to work the salvation into your life.
Trust in him alone, for you arte powerless without him.
Apr 2014 · 157
Here I Am
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Here I am, take me as I am for its Christ that works within me.
Here I am, Christ transform us into his likeness a little more each day.
Here I am, with all my brokenness, being renewal with his strength.
Just remember that he can do the same for you as well too.
Here I am laying down self so that I can pick up his will for my life.
Its really simple for its Christ that does all the work in your life.
All that we have to do is persevere and allow Christ to heal us.
Apr 2014 · 268
Totally Open
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
We have  to love unconditional, love everyone and love deeply.
We have to trust God, and not fear what might happen if we start to love.
For the evil one will try to scare us into not loving unconditional.
But since Christ loves us like this , we need to love others the same way.
So Love hard, trust Christ and forgive all that have hurt us.
This way people shall see Christ shining through each of us.
So all that we need to do is trust the Creator of the universe.
Apr 2014 · 198
Every One Needs A Savior
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Everyone needs hope, there is not one person whom desperately needs Hope.
But one thing that people fail to realize, we are all fallen souls in this fallen world.
In order to receive hope, we have to let go of all of the worldly things.
We need to become spiritual, accept Christ as your personnel Savior.
Then realize that there will always be suffering and pain here.
Its not until Christ returns that things shall change for his people.
But he does strengthen us, during these times of hardships.
He will not lose his people, no not one of us shall be lost.
For he loves
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Then find a person whom has no one that cares about them.
Then start to pour on unconditional love upon that person.
It does not have to be romantic at all, it could be at a nursing home.
Then watch as Christ uses you to bring a change to that person's life.
For it shall be Christ that unconditionally love that person through you.
Making you a world changer to that one persons live, and it shall be beautiful.
Apr 2014 · 175
Only One Way To Love
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you start to love others unconditionally ,there is no failure.
Because you ignite a spark in each of their lives, even in the ones that you get no response from.
For people were created to love, but sin got in the way and twisted it.
Made it into something selfish, and wicked but it was not suppose to be like that.
Still Christ calls his people to love others unconditionally to show them.
The right way to love others,it may shook them  to be loved like that.
So if you want to follow Christ, it might be tough at the beginning.
But you shall become a world changer by loving this way.
Even if it but one life that you might change, it shall be worth it.
Apr 2014 · 169
Knowing Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Knowing Christ is not about avoiding hell or being blessed.
But its about becoming a better person an more Spiritual being.
Its about learning to love others and learning to love yourself.
Yes this journey that we all are on is a hard one but Christ will help.
Its about loving Christ more then yourself, and loving others.
That is what being a true christian is all about fellow-shipping.
Blessing others with your gifts, and talents and with yourself.
This is by far what being a true christian is all about here.
If you fail to love and help others then you fail in becoming a true christian.
By the way God will work on you learning to love yourself.
Not the selfish way but the way that Christ created us to love ourselves.
Apr 2014 · 205
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Freedom is not having an perfect life here on the earth.
But it is rather living a life outside the normal realm.
Its allowing Christ to accomplish things that others only dream about.
It is not living a life free of pain and suffering, but its about overcoming them.
In the sense of getting up even when you are in severe pain.
Thus allowing Christ to use you during these times of suffering.
Revealing the strength of Christ, so others will want this as well.
Being a testimony of Christ faithfulness in your life during all times.
Apr 2014 · 201
Take the Hard Way
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I pray that when things become hard, that you will stand not run away.
I pray that you shall always allow Christ to lead you through the narrow road.
Even when you are feeling abandon, you still will trust Christ totally.
Knowing that he is using you through these hardships to lead others out.
That your faith will continue to bloom into something very beautiful.
That your love for others shall never waiver, but grow stronger.
Allowing others to see Christ , through you in action not just words.
Apr 2014 · 252
Holy Spirit Does the Work
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I will stand firm for my salvation is not of me but from Christ.
For it will be him that works the salvation into my spirit.
I just need to accept and allow him to accomplish it in me.
Seeing his truths and acknowledging that he is my Lord.
Actually its the Holy Spirit within us that accomplish the works.
Our job is  to be available to be used by Christ for his purpose.
Thus being in the right place at the right time for him.
I will praise my God for he is way too Good to me way too good.
Apr 2014 · 173
Christ Can Heal
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Christ said by your faith you are healed.
It is all a faith thing, God wants our trust.
Once we realize that he is our all in all.
Trusting him to protect and provide for us.
Then things shall start changing in your life.
For through faith mountains are removed.
Freeing obstacles from your path ahead of you.
Thus living a Spiritual life not a worldly one.
Apr 2014 · 228
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I need you more then food, and water, more then the air I breathe.
I need you more then money or the clothes that I always wear.
I need you more then life, more then the-sun that beats down upon me.
I need you more then anything, for this world has nothing to offer me.
This world a rotting place death and stench of sin and evil.
Pure evil has so many in its clutches, but you fill me with hope.
With your truth, your words of wisdom and love us so much.
Your love shines in the darkest reaches of this whole universe.
Apr 2014 · 461
Desperate And Needy
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I will never denied it, yes I am desperate and needy for you.
For only you can bring out the very best in me, only you.
I live my whole life, believing things that were not true.
But reading your word, transform my mind totally.
Thus revealing your truths and wisdom into my mind.
So yes I am desperate for you and yes I am needy too.
But how else is my life going to become transform.
Showing this lost world your mighty power and love.
For only you have the knowledge and patience to help me.
Apr 2014 · 273
Now And Forever
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Now and forever I stand, with Christ and Israel my family.
For they were God's chosen long before the United States.
They are still God's chosen people even after their unfaithfulness.
Actually we are all unfaithful to Christ, but he is still faithful.
For he is Holy without any sin,  but we are like ***** rags.
But he seen something in us, something worth dying for.
To save us from the burning pits of hell,  to place us in heaven.
He rescue us while we were yet his adversaries here on the earth.
Apr 2014 · 290
Soon the King Shall Return
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Times are tough, times are harsh but soon he shall return to the earth.
Imagine the Awesomeness of our One and Glorious King and Savior.
He whom took my place at the cross, shall that I would have a place with him in Heaven.
He whom bored my sins on that cross , so that I could inherit his Spirit within me.
I see just how beautiful this Love story truly is to all of his people.
For he had a choice, yet he choose to take our place on that cross.
There is no greater love then the Love of a friend taking our place.
For Christ accepts us with all our faults and brokenness as well.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Suffocating , in this world full of sin and despair.
Christ is allowing our freewill to override all else.
Revealing to us, what happens when we are in control.
If the world really seen the truth , they would repent.
That we all need Christ, this mess that the usa is ion.
Is proof of what happens when man is in control.
But the ones in the world are being blinded to the truth.
That Christ way of living is the only true way to live.
Apr 2014 · 372
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Addiction is a prison, full of suffering and pain.
Some people loves the pain, it makes them feel alive.
Others think that this is all that they deserved.
To suffer, because they feel that they are worthless.
But listen to Christ, he said that I have came to set the captives free.
Still today he is at work setting free captives of addictions.
Showing the world that he is still working in this world.
So that all that see it can come to him and be rescued.
Apr 2014 · 264
Give Me The Freedom
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Give me the  Freedom,  to worship my God the way he wants me to.
Give me  the Freedom,  to celebrate his love with others in this world.
Give me the Freedom, to live the way that he calls me to live  life.
Give me the Freedom, to work on myself with the Holy Spirit's help.
Give me the Freedom to die to self on everything that I do.
Give me the Freedom to live in a Nation that is ruled by Christ.
Give me the Freedom to fellowship with other true children of God.
Give me the Freedom to love others the way that Christ loves me.
Apr 2014 · 225
You Are Special
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I appreciate each and everyone of you, for each of you are Special.
For each and every one of you have a purpose and a mission.
He creates beautiful master pieces to be use to do great things.
Each one of you are loved by the Creator of the entire universe.
He loves you enough to create you in the form that you are in .
He spoke you into existence, thousands of years ago before Adam and Eve.
He knew your weaknesses and strengths when he form you then.
For each and everyone of you are special Awesome workman's ship of his.
Apr 2014 · 140
Hello World
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
One thing, that keeps me confuse, why do people reject Christ.
When they know that he is real, its very confusing to me to see it.
I understand those that do not believe that he is real, I understand .
But why would people that been bless by Christ reject his ways.
I mean it scares me when I mess up and think that he left me.
But to purposely know him as God and then reject him completely.
Now this is a scary thought,we need to pray their heart changes.
Apr 2014 · 487
Give Me Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son Jesus here to save us.
So since Christ came here to save us from eternal death in hell below.
We owe it to him to allow us to reach out to those that are hurting, and the lost too.
For whomever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
So it is up to us to reveal to this lost dead world Christ that lives in us.
Thus by allowing Christ to use us to reach others , we are becoming like him.
So give me Jesus, so others will see him in me and repent and cry out to him.
Apr 2014 · 257
Living Through Pray
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I am only alive because there were people praying for me.
They are the reason that I am standing strong right now.
Those whom pray for me deserves the things store up for me.
Because if it were not for them I would never made it through.
All the spiritual attacks that I been hit with , the evil one trying to destroy me.
But I was prayed up enough where God kept me so protected.
Even though try honestly I did not deserve, none of it that he done for me.
Apr 2014 · 283
Rejected Not By Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you been rejected and toss around by others, then give it to Christ.
He understands what you are going through right at this moment.
He loves you, for you are one of his greatest creations please keep standing.
Do not give up on this life, he will give you the strength that you need.
To finish the journey that he has set before you to complete it.
For there are other people that may lose something if you quit.
They may not finish the journey as well if you are to give up on it.
Also you will miss the miracle that Christ is preforming for you to receive.
So keep on pushing through till Christ shows you that you have completed it.
Apr 2014 · 313
Food For Thought
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Food for thought, Christ whom is God became human to died for you.
He is God, the Alpha and Omega whom was born to suffer and die.
He could have been born a king, after all he is God the Creator.
But then how could he have suffer and die a sinners death then.
He loves you enough to leave heaven to go through all this hardships.
He could have been born wealthy , but he was born poor and in a manger.
He could have change his mind anytime he choose to, but he did not.
After all he told Peter  that he could call on legions of angels but he didn't.
One legion is thousand and they would have destroy this whole planet.
Apr 2014 · 380
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Suddenly my strength has been replenished.
Suddenly the Lord reveal things to us all.
For Christ wants us to live in each moment.
For each moment there is work to be done.
To encourage, or minster to or to bless someone.
With the gifts  and talents that he gives to us.
To love upon others the way he loves upon us.
To boldly go out and reach out to the hurting and lost.
o encou
Apr 2014 · 345
Standing Firm
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I been through rough times as well as good times in my life.
I know that Christ is always good, that he is always there for me.
I been hungry and I been filled, I seen Christ up close to me.
I seen many of his miracles throughout my life on this planet.
I seen Christ hands on my life and other people life as well.
I felt his love, and seen many of his blessings in my life too.
I seen so much in my life that shows Christ is indeed God.
For many times I should have died, but here I am still standing firm.
Apr 2014 · 6.2k
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I have been overcome with pain and lots of suffering.
I have been overcome with heartache and desperation.
I have been overcome with dread and loneliness.
I have been overcome with a darkness that has tormented my soul.
It was called hopelessness, but Christ has made me a overcome.
I have overcome cigarettes gambling , and alcohol addiction.
I have overcome  sins, through the Holy-Spirit that dwells within me.
Christ has made me an over comer in this life and the very next one.
Apr 2014 · 491
Keep Pressing On
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
The Light of the wow , has already won the battle giving us the True Hope.
Because in the end, we won as well through our Savior who is light and hope.
So never give up , never commit suicide, just keep pressing onward toward the prize.
Run to him the Creator of the universe, for he shall pick you up and carry you.
Through the trying times, for he loves you so very much, keep pressing.
Allow him to reshape who you are, to work on making you like him.
For life is far too short here, to give up on God here and ending your life.
So trust in him whom walk on water, trust in the true Hope.
Apr 2014 · 530
I Know
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I know that in my life, I  kept wandering away from you.
I know that I been unfaithful to you, O Lord Christ.
You taught me lot through out my life here on the earth.
Even though I been unfaithful, you have been very faithful to me.
You have deliver me from so much including my attitude God.
I am so grateful to your faithfulness and your loving-kindness.
For you have done so much for me and your other people.
You are always faithful to us, and you love us unconditional.
Mar 2014 · 259
Follower Of Hope
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I shall put my Life into the Hands of the only true Hope that we have.
For only the Creator can fill your life with your Hopes and Dreams.
For he created us with our Hopes and Dreams , so trust him to fulfill them.
He wants only the very best for each and everyone of us, so please don't give up.
He shall give you even greater things then you ever dream about too.
For he is the one whom gave you those hopes , dreams and desires too.
For once you lay your life and everything else in his Loving Hands.
He shall orchestrate those hopes, dreams into something even greater.
Then you ever imagine in your wildest dreams, for he loves you.
Mar 2014 · 249
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The reality of life is this, there are no super-heroes to save the day.
So if you are expecting a person to come in and save your day.
Then think again, for that is Christ place, to save you all.
He is a jealous God, he wants no one else to take his place.
So wake up, realize that only Jesus can save any of us .
Then you shall see mighty miracles and wonders in your life.
For he shall save you from everything that is not of him.
He shall even save you from yourself, he is totally Awesome.
Mar 2014 · 174
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Press on open up allow the Lord to restore you  completely.
Everyone has some brokenness inside of them of some sort.
So before you decide that life is not worth living anymore.
Realize one thing that the healing is just around the corner.
Trusting that if you give up, you shall miss the healing.
You also may be the cause of someone not finding Jesus.
So do it for those that are seeing Christ through you.
Just keep on allowing Christ to use you to reveal him to others.
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Please Dont Give Up
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Things are getting more differcuit in these trying times that we are living in.
I know there have not been a day that went by that I did not want to give up.
But remember Christ has already won, we have to just walk out the victory.
Just trust him , he is really on our side, he not like the politicians making lying promises.
He is God, he is Holy which means he does not lie to no one , so just trust him.
For he wants only the very best for us, he died on the cross for  everyone that loves him.
So all that we can do is finish the walk out , for he already been victorious.
Thats what this life is all about trusting in the one that created us.
Mar 2014 · 241
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
There are so many hurting people in this world today.
Each of you are by far more special then you will ever know.
Christ has created each and everyone of us, for a special purpose.
Even the ones that do not know him are Wonderfully made.
I just pray that each of them would lay their hurts and sufferings down.
Allowing Christ to come and heal them of all of their brokenness.
Thus then they shall see Christ for whom he truly is God of Love.
Then they would know him the way that I know him Faithful.
Mar 2014 · 457
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Imagine a world without guilt, greed, nor selfishness.
Imagine a world full of Love, Peace, and Perfection.
Imagine a world without Tears, Sin , fear, and rejection.
Imagine a world where there isnot Loneliness, or Condemnation.
Its just around the corner, its called Heaven and New Earth.
It will be real, after Christ returns for all of his Elected.
Now does that sounds Awesome and Beautiful to you.
All that you have to do , to go there is to have Christ in your heart.
Jesus Christ will save you, but you have to be sincere, when you call out to him.
Mar 2014 · 142
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O how I need you Lord, for I see how mess up that I am.
We each need Christ for no one is without sin, not one.
Also we are all; mess up, in one way or the other .b
For sin will mess you up , we all have some wicked thoughts.
It takes Christ to change those thoughts into good ones.
So yes we all need Christ to work on each of us daily.
For sin does not just attack us once, then quit it continues.
Every day is a new day to battle sin, satan and flesh.
So keep on pushing through this life with Christ at the helm.
Mar 2014 · 261
Rescue Us Christ
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Lord , O how we need you help us to quit hurting.
Suffering with such emotional pain, heal us Lord.
Heal us of these aches both physically and emotional.
Save us from ourselves, for we are broken people.
I keep on going down the wrong way on a one way street.
I keep chasing a dream that is not meant for me.
I truly need your healing for I love a woman that i should never have met.
I still have her on my mind from time to time.
O how I wish that I never met her , heal me God.
It truly hurt to love someone that you will never be with.
Mar 2014 · 342
Reach Out
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Reach out to those that are hurting.
Reach out to all of those that are in need.
Reach out to those that are desperate.
You may never know who life you may have saved.
Reach out to the wearily and suffering as well.
Reach out for by this way , you are helping others.
Reach out who knows, maybe this person shall help you too.
Reach out , reach out we all need a helping hand.
Whom knows maybe one of these is a angel from the Lord.
Whom been sent to help restore you as a child of Christ.
Mar 2014 · 407
Forever Faithful
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
As the sun goes down once more , Christ love shine brightly still.
He whom created the heavens and the earth, loves us so much.
That he would be born in a world that despises him and died.
So that we may have life renewal through him our Savior God.
For all that he went through , here on the earth a lamb lead to slaughtered.
Just so that we may be rescue from our sinful nature that Adam gave us.
For Christ gave us a perfect sinless life through Adam and Eve.
It was those two that mess up and gave us this sinful nature.
But Christ still came to save that which was lost which was us.
Mar 2014 · 191
I Can Hardly Wait
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O how Awesome is our King, he is so Wonderful indeed.
The Helper that he has given to his people here on the earth.
Doing mighty feats of Miracles, and healing those hurting.
He love us first, if it was not for him we would be in hell.
O how he has done so much for us already on the earth.
O Excited I am , can hardly wait to see my King face to face.
So that I may worship him, for he is so very worthy.
I can hardly wait, for he truly love us unconditionally.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I keep on hearing love hurts, but they are wrong love that Christ made.
Is Pure, Holy this is true love it is an action kind of verb ,Love is.
For it is because we all are sinners, and as much as we try to overcome it.
Not the feely worldly kind of of love that traps us in our emotions.
This kind of love is addicted, sinful lusting satanic kind of love.
That a lot of people pine away over or even commit suicide over this.
But life is so hard when you are single, feeling lonely unloved and rejected.
But the truth you are loved more then you shall ever know.
You are not rejected either the True Living Savior died for you.
This is the greatest act of love there ever was he died so you will live.
So realize one thing you are not alone you have Jesus with you.
If you do not know him yet , pray ask him to come into your life.
To help you manger it ask for his forgiveness of your sins.
Let him know that you do know that he died for your sins.
The feely kind of love is satanic not Christ love its Holy.
Mar 2014 · 133
I Shall Follow
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Lead me through this journey and I shall follow always.
Because now since I am found, I do not want to be lost again.
For the road that lead to where you had found me was hard.
Still it is hard, but now I have you leading me through it.
So I just follow you, and keep going with you same path.
For I want my life  to make a difference in someone else life.
Because so many people have made a difference in my life.
To know that each one of us are special to our Creator.
No matter who you are or what you have done Christ still loves you.
Mar 2014 · 131
Take Me There
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Take me there, to the place of healing and redemption.
Take me there, where your love is needed the most.
Take me there , where ever your Spirit may lead me.
Take me there, to where the lost may be open to you.
Take me there, where your love is overwhelming.
Take me there, for I want to be where ever you are.
Take me there, to heaven above once my Spirit leave my body.
Take me home to heaven where I can worship you Lord.
Mar 2014 · 190
I Am
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am a psalms 91 man, the Great I Am is my protection.
He is my deliverer, and my teacher, and doctor as well.
A time is coming when we shall see him face to face.
When everything that we want will be right in front of us.
For once these old bodies are destroy , so too shall death be.
As well as sin and sorrow there shall only be life and joy.
Thus it shall be a dream come true complete joy in life.
No more test nor no more anger nor rejection just complete love.
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Life Struggles
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Life struggles keeps me in tune with staying humble.
I know that this life was never meant to be comfortable.
For you use our brokenness , hurts, and struggles.
To reveal yourself to the lost and hurting people.
Through our hurting , and pain they see your faithfulness.
So they shall know that you are the only true God, Jesus.
Thus then they too shall come running to Christ for healing.
Mar 2014 · 263
When We Are Desperate
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When we become desperate, everything is falling apart.
We are so needing and clinging to Christ help that we keep crying out.
Actually it would be great that even when life is going great, we remain  clinging.
We never let go of that desperation, we cling to him always, no matter what.
Through the good times and the bad times we stay clinging to him.
Then just imagine the testimony to the world that would be.
To cling so tight to Christ, they would see how much we do love him.
Mar 2014 · 133
In Order To Find Yourself
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself in Christ.
In order to truly live, you have to keep dying to self too.
In order to see the truth, you have to let go of the lies and the world.
In order to be loved by people, you have to become a servant.
For even Christ came here not to be serve but to die for many.
Life is very hard, but Christ shall keep strengthening you.
So trust in Christ, and you shall be at the feast of Christ.
Mar 2014 · 152
Dont End it Now
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ loves you more then you shall ever know.
He did not create you to lose you to the dark side.
He created you to have fellowship with to love.
He does not want you to give people his place in your life.
He wants to be there to heal you of your brokenness.
He loves you more then you shall ever know.
Please don't take your life, give it to him to heal.
Just learn to trust him, because he really does love you.
Mar 2014 · 158
Perfect Life
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
A perfect life is not having a easy one to live in.
But to live a life that shall draw many to Christ.
Because this life is short lived , maybe 1 hundred years.
But then come forever which you shall live in suffering.
For through the hardships and trials, yet never giving up.
People see Christ within you, they also see Christ strength.
Thus seeing a supernatural life that you are living here.
They will want to have the very same life that you are living.
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