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Mar 2014 · 185
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Through life is difficult and often hardships occur.
Yet the Lord Christ shall strengthen you daily.
Making life less complicated bless you beyond measures.
Teaching you how to be a better servant and friend.
Healing all of your hurts, sufferings, and heartache.
Revealing himself to you as he begins to use you.
For his glory, he will raise you up to show the world.
That he is real, so none of them can have any excuse.
For why they have rejected you on a daily basis.
Mar 2014 · 211
To Hold Onto
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To hold onto that which is good, to stand firm till the end.
To love even those whom do not want to be loved, to see.
To see that we do our very best to live a life of righteousness.
To boldly proclaim Christ word to a world that rather not hear it.
But to do it anyway, for the ones that shall receive it with gladness.
To sacrifice and suffer for his name, to love everyone the same.
Because we worship the God of love, so we do as he does.
To see everybody as a chance to bring even more to Christ.
Because its not us ministering, but the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mar 2014 · 189
Free to Be
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am free to be strong through Christ strengthen.
I am free to see the truth, that been kept hidden.
I am free to walk away from truck hitting me.
Only because the Holy Spirit within me, saved me.
I am free to be a warrior for Christ my God and King.
I am free to have Christ deliver me from addictions.
Because he whom is in me is greater then him in the world.
Mar 2014 · 219
Take Me
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Take me, Lord, do a mighty work within me everyday.
Take my hopes, take my dreams, my pain and sufferings.
Take my joy, my desires , my everything take them all.
Mix them together, and heal me of my short comings.
Create in me your masterpiece, let this world see the beauty.
That you have created from a life of hurts and sufferings.
Show those whom are struggling your faithfulness to me.
So that they shall want the very same thing from you God.
Mar 2014 · 434
A New Age
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
A new age is coming, get ready for the church new home.
After the birthing the new thousand years will come.
Where we shall sit and celebrate Christ Glorious coming.
What a time that shall be, no more tears just great joy.
We shall be praising, and worshipping our Creator.
While feasting on the finest food that we ever tasted.
For Christ will set out only the very best for his people.
So looking so forward to our fellowshipping together.
Enjoying our sinless love and enjoying our Savior love too.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I lay my dreams, and everything else down. so my God can use me.
To be his hands and feet, to reach out to the confuse and lost world.
Because so many have no clue what is going on right before your eyes.
For Christ is God and he only wants the very best for each of you.
When you decide in your heart that you truly do need the creator.
Laying down all of your doubts, so that you will get to know him.
Then you shall see that he truly does love each and everyone of you.
With an unconditional love, and the problems that are in this world.
Are really created not from God but from either ourselves or others.
When you follow him you shall not walk in defeat but victory.
Mar 2014 · 235
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We whom are called by his name, must fully love others.
For by this they shall know that we belong to the Christ.
For this was why he came into this world to die a sinless death.
To give life to all that believe in his Holy and Righteous name.
He did not have to die, he could have let us all die and go to hell.
But he wanted to save us from the wicked scumbag satan.
So he came here to save that which was lost to him thank you God.
So don't we need to lay down our pride to be humble and loving.
So that he can use us to minster to the lost , hurting world that we live in.
Mar 2014 · 151
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Please keep leading and healing me , Lord Jesus lead me on.
I have my issues and faults, I know that I am far from perfect.
But it is ok , because I know that you are perfect, and you love me.
I also know that you are still working on me, for I am your masterpiece.
I am created in your image, also all through my life I felt your hand on my life.
You have been very protective of me and I am so very grateful.
That my creator loves me enough to keep on working on my healing.
So of course I will continue to push through these hardships that I am in.
Mar 2014 · 217
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I hear several voices in my mind, my voice Christ and the evil one.
For we all deal with these three for it is a continue battle going on.
With good which is God and evil one trying to deceive us as well.
But when we keep reading Christ Holy Word it embeds in our mind.
Then we become in tune with Christ voice, and start obeying him.
But its not a over night event, sometimes it take years to tell them apart
Some people never learn to tell them apart, now this is very sad.
But as for me and my house, will choose to listen to Christ voice..
Mar 2014 · 142
To Feel
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To feel, is to be human, to love is to be a live human.
To live to love is what Christ created us to become.
To love unconditional, is to place yourself in their shoes.
So to trust Christ is to see him for who he is your God.
To see the hurting, and to help them is to love others.
But to do nothing, would only make you heartless.
To be born , my purpose is this, to bring Christ praise.
Mar 2014 · 298
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Love always prevails, when you love upon the world.
Truly love upon everyone, everywhere you go.
Showing Christ Spirit within you every single day.
Love matters the most if you do not love them genuinely.
Then how can you expect them to listen to your words.
For only through a real relationship of love with people.
Shall you be able to minster to any one that you may know.
So love comes first, then ministering to them secondly.
Mar 2014 · 385
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O evil people everywhere doing as they please.
While the Living Savior is calling out to them.
To repent, acknowledge him and turn to him.
So that he may heal them and restore them.
Into the kingdom of the Living God,.
But they refuse to repent of their wickedness.
For some of these love the way their sins feel.
Others feel too unworthily to change their ways.
But Christ is still knocking on their heart doors.
Mar 2014 · 254
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ will make all things in your life as fresh as the morning sun.
He shall make your past sins disappear, from your life now.
He shall lift you up and carry you through this race of yours.
He shall make your life new, blessing you beyond imagination.
He shall never leave you, he shall stand beside you always.
Showing you marvelous and awesome things to come.
For he love you enough to be hung on the tree back then.
So fear not , stand firm in the promises from Christ your God.
Mar 2014 · 327
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I have laid my addictive behavior down, being healed.
I am laying down my pain, sorrow, guilt, and struggles.
I am laying my sins, anger, and rebelliousness down.
I am relying on every single promise that you have made.
I am doing this , praying that others shall follow my lead.
Thus hopefully drawing the hurt, guilt ridden and struggling.
Into seeing that God can and will heal their issues too.
I pray that they shall stand on Christ truths as well.
Mar 2014 · 804
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To thirst for his righteousness, is the only way to be.
To live a life fully commented to the only true God.
To live a life thirsting to reveal Christ within you.
By loving others , no matter how difficult it can be.
Because he loves us unconditionally so we do the same.
To live a righteous life, with Christ strengthening us.
Because only by allowing him to transform us.
Will people see his spirit with us, transforming us.
Mar 2014 · 329
Become A Beacon
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Let us allow Christ to transform us into a Beacon of Hope, for the anybody.
Revealing to the hopeless, that Christ is the only Hope that there is.
Let us whom are weak allow Christ to become our strength in everything.
Let us allow Christ to become our source in everything that we need.
For he is protection from the storms of life for us as well, so praise him.
For he will deliver us to the finish line of this race that we run.
He is the armor that we wear when bullets from the evil one fly at us.
So let us show this world all of this that Christ does for us.
Thus becoming the beacon that will lead many to Christ Jesus.
Mar 2014 · 201
Have You Ever
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Have you ever been in love, with someone you will never be with.
Have you ever long for that person even though you know its wrong.
Have you ever felt addicted to one person, knowing she is not for you.
Have you ever imagine spending the rest of your life all alone.
Even though you do not want to spend the rest of your life alone.
Still you know Christ allow this to reveal to you how he feels.
Every time someone dies lost and ends up going to hell.
Mar 2014 · 244
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
You can chose to live a live pleasing to Christ.
Or you can live a life pleasing your fleshy desires.
But in the end you shall be reaping what you have sow.
For through your choices you have made decisions.
Which someday shall catch up to you in one way or another.
So be not surprise when you start to suffer for those choices.
So before it become too late lay them down at the cross.
Start to make good choices ones that benefits other people.
Start to live a life pleasing to the Creator of the Universe.
Mar 2014 · 243
Choices and Love
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We have a choice to love unconditional or to love addictly.
We have a choice to love and obey Christ, or to blame him.
For all of the evil that lies in this world that we all live in.
We have a choice to keep sinning or to hand it to God.
Everything we do or do not is made through our choices.
I am going to work on being as obedient as I can be .
For I know that Christ loves us and only want the very best.
So I will choose to obey the only one that knows my ending.
As well as my beginning, for he is Awesome too.
Mar 2014 · 271
To Be
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To be loved, you have to love others.
To be strong, you have to overcome weakness.
To be brave you have to learn to trust Christ.
To be free, you have to die to self daily.
For once you put all things into the hands of God.
Then your life shall continue to be transform.
You shall slowly be transform into a likeness of Christ.
So learn to trust in your Creator, for he is the Almighty.
The one whom spoke everything into existence, that is good.
Mar 2014 · 785
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Lay down all of your struggles, at the foot of the cross.
For Christ shall help you , he will become your strength.
Giving you the power to overcome every single struggle.
He wants you to relie on him, to trust him completely.
He shall not only guard you, but give you the power.
To overcome them through his Spirit the Holy Spirit.
For he loves you unconditionally , so trust him alone.
Mar 2014 · 6.5k
Never Give Up
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you are hurting and suffering, never give up.
When everything is getting dark, and you are losing hope.
When there is no joy, just sorrow, pain, and suffering.
When everyone abandon you, and life is bleak and dark.
Never give up, just realize that Christ is the true Hope.
For only he can bring you hope, for he is alone Awesome.
He shall carry you till, all life escape your inner-being.
Never allow another person to become your Hope.
For we all shall let each other down, for we are weak.
Only Christ can be that Light shining drawing us in.
Mar 2014 · 284
Freedom And Free-Will
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you use free-will correctly, Freedom happens.
For when you choose to follow Christ way of living.
Your life becomes so much better in the long run.
For you have choose to live for others and die to self.
Which is a beautiful way to live, live for other people.
Freedom is not having a easy or luxury life-style.
But it is laying down self in everything that you do.
So that you can pick up Christ will in your life.
Mar 2014 · 265
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We all yearn for a change, strength to overcome our pain.
We all desperately seek guidance from our Savior and King.
Time are only growing worst, people are becoming so selfish.
Still its our job to love upon them , to show them a better way.
A righteous way to live a life through Christ our King.
Yet a lot more people are hurting, and suffering with pain.
All that we can do is keep praying for some relief.
Through healing, or through being strengthen to endure.
So desperate for so many things to be changed for the better.
But we all know it shall not happen till our God comes back.
Mar 2014 · 234
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ calls us to encourage others, to lift them up.
To help others to see Christ in the right way here.
For tis sad today but so many see him in the wrong way.
They think that he belongs to greedy and selfish people.
But tis is not the true God for he belongs to those that love.
That put others before themselves, to love others as thyself.
So let us reach out to the hurting, lost, and suffering.
Showing them that our God is Love, and that we are too.
To help them to know that God is truth, love and Holy.
So they might become unblended and see him for who he is.
Mar 2014 · 273
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We all have a past, things that we would rather forget.
But we all have fond memories as well, good things.
We all have past loves, people that have touch our hearts.
We all have seen beauty in one form or another too.
We all have seen misery too and felt some kind of pain.
But to be honest until you find God, Lord Jesus.
Your life shall be not be as great as it could be.
For he is a healing God, a saving Savior the Creator.
He is the rescuer, the Redeemer of Men , my Salvation.
Mar 2014 · 280
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ will not only rescue us, but restore us as well.
For he will finish what he has startled in each of us.
For he loves us so much, that he want us to be perfect.
He will raise us up in the last days to be mighty Warriors.
Fighting not through flesh and blood but spiritually.
For our battle will not be a fist battle but a scripture one.
So by putting thy full armor of Christ on each day.
Shall prepare each of us for the evil war before us.
Mar 2014 · 483
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I rest upon your promise that you shall restore us.
That what was stolen from us shall be return to us.
That all that we were suppose to be would be restore to us.
That our relationships that became mess up will be restore.
So I am relying on your promise of restoration for us.
Because you do not lie, I know it shall be done.
For you are a restoring God, you will give us much more.
For your faithfulness is a given, you are always good Lord.
Mar 2014 · 644
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Hurting, broken but still living life through Christ,
Struggling with pain, yet still living a life worth living.
I know that at times , I want to go and hide somewhere.
At times I may even plead for this life to be over with.
But its not my decision to make  , its only Gods will.
So I stick it , waiting for storm to disappear from me.
Still I know that Christ knows everything about us.
So I shall trust in him, for he knows our ending too.
Mar 2014 · 422
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am lost for words, on how much Christ has touch my life.
The times that I seen death , yet was able to walk away.
The times where I should have died, yet still here I stand.
Reaching out to a Savior that really does care and rescue.
He touch those that truly love him with his healing touch.
For his love redeems, and bring peace to those whom believe.
He is always close and never reject those whom search sincerely.
For he is faithful, and always blessing those whom love him.
Mar 2014 · 6.0k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The hopelessness hold so many worthy people hostage.
The key to rescue is in truth, Faith and healing,  love of Christ.
Like you I too was at one time, held a prisoner by its grasp.
But it took Christ to rescue me from its slimy clutches.
I needed to know I am loved, and worthy of complete joy.
I may not always be happy but I do have joy in my life.
To know whom you are in Christ is the key to rescue.
But so many end up ending their life because of this.
But once you realize just how special that you are.
This is where the healing will take place  in your life.
Mar 2014 · 316
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am drowning in the love of Christ, my Savior, my King.
He overwhelming me with his perfect love and peace.
I am drowning in his love for me, but I refuse to be rescue.
For to be in the center of his will is the safest of places for me.
To live and die in his will is  sweeter than the sweetest honey.
Because dying in his will , shall only bring him great glory.
Which in turn shall bring the lost knowledge of him.
Drawing them to my heavenly awesome Savior and God.
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
No longer am I living in hopelessness any longer.
For my Savior dwells within me, restoring me,
Into the Life that he created me to live in.
For Christ has save and rescue me filling the void.
That was missing in my life, now he reigns in me.
Through the Holy Spirit which he gave unto me.
The Spirit becomes one with my own spirit.
Training, delivering, healing, and restoring me.
So that I may become fit to be with my Lord and God.
Mar 2014 · 370
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Do you want some live- changing knowledge, trust in the Lord.
For only he can transport to the place that we need to be at.
In order to find those life changing moments in ones life.
That will take root and transform your life into something worthy.
But most people would rather live in the moment here and now.
Instead of wanting to make a difference in other people lives.
For to have a true life changing moment means sacrifice on their part.
But believe me laying one self down for Christ to use is worth it.
Mar 2014 · 378
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ calls us to step out with faith and live a life without boarders.
To walk on stormy waters, to let the chains of addictions and sins fall.
To break the bonds that hold us prisoners, to speak healings into others lives.
To become supernatural beings through the faith given to us daily.
To become soldiers of Christ to speak boldly about him to the lost.
To live a life full of joy and compassion for others always and forever.
To push through struggles leading others out of the darkness too.
To live a life without any worldly boarders to entrap us in it.
Mar 2014 · 362
Immortal Soul
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We will all be given new bodies after our death appears.
The ones going to heaven shall be given beautiful ones.
While the other ones too will be given new bodies also.
But after awhile it shall not matter if their bodies startled out beautiful or not.
Because being in hell where its shall be even hotter than in a volcano.
Will take effect on their mind, bodies, and spirit living without death.
So choose wisely on where you will go spend eternal life ahead.
For whatever the sower sow they shall also reap forever more.
Mar 2014 · 309
Love Without Boarders
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Love others , use no boarders to contain this love.
Just love everyone, for by seriously loving others.
They shall see Christ the living God in you all.
When someone upset you or make you mad.
Then love them even more, pray for them too.
For prayer answered are full of great miracles.
So just keep on loving others unconditional.
Make your Heavenly Father super proud of you.
Mar 2014 · 258
To Truly Live
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To truly live a life that is fulfilling everyday.
We must die to self in order to live a worthy life.
But most people do not get the connection to truth.
For by serving others, by caring for them only then.
Do we begin to truly start living a worthwhile life.
So many people think money is where its at and power.
But those people do not know the true God for he is love.
For love not the evil love that is addicted but unconditional love.
This is when life become truly amazing when you love everyone unconditional.
Mar 2014 · 175
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Live a life, worth living , live a life for Christ.
For by living a life as a servant for our God.
Whom said the greatest people shall be servants.
For by serving others will they see Christ within you.
For our job is to bring people into relationship with Christ.
For that is the only way to become born again is to know God.
Its one thing to say you know of God even the devil says this.
But to be communing everyday with the one that created the earth.
Now that is a blessing unto itself, to know Christ fully.
Mar 2014 · 356
O Holy One
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I thank my Savior for giving me enough grace to complete this race.
I thank my God for not only saving me from the fate that I deserve.
But also for the mercy that he gives me and others everyday.
For none of us deserves the grace, mercy, and salvation that we get.
But he still gives it to us freely, all he expects in return for this gift.
Is for us to try and allow him to transform us into a new creation.
I for one know the nastiness that lives inside of me called sin.
But the Holy Spirit dwells within me too, transforming me daily.
Mar 2014 · 941
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Sometimes the best way to receive a blessing is to give one away.
Its ironic but Christ said the greatest person is not the one sitting.
But the one that is serving others, its not like the worldly perceive.
The same can be said for wanting hope then allow Christ to use you.
For we know very well that Christ is our Hope and Salvation.
For only through him can we obtain either one of these blessings.
So if you want a life fulfilling, then help others obtain it first.
By doing this then your life will be fulfilling to you and others.
Mar 2014 · 157
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
You are the Light of our lives, for you came to heal and save.
For even though you have created this world from nothing.
Still your Kingdom is not of this world, but its in heaven.
Still you came down to a world that hates you to save the ones.
That belongs to you, giving us your mercy, and grace too.
For your sinless death and then resurrection on the third day.
Happen so you could restore the people that belong to you.'
So that we may once again become children of God.
Mar 2014 · 335
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Behold the Lord come knocking at the door of your heart.
Are you going to keep him waiting, or will you answer it.
For he has come to lead you into salvation, mercy, and grace.
For through him, you shall see many miracles and be saved.
Fear not for he shall walk you through your journey.
Showing you things that others in this world shall never see.
For his kingdom is not the earth, but the heavens themselves.
He shall lift you up, and teach you new things that are hidden.
Mar 2014 · 776
Batter But Still Alive
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Some days I look like I am crushed, and banged-up.
While other days I look like a victorious Mighty Warrior.
Yet both times I stand firm, a Overcomer through Christ.
For its not me that is the overcomer but my Awesome God.
Whom came down from heaven to share my body with me.
Together we become one spirit,  sharing the same body.
He protects me fro all harm, he is my comforter here.
Mar 2014 · 683
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you allow Christ do clean house inside of you.
He shall work within you miracles, healing , and deliverance.
For he wants the world to see him within us all.
Thus giving him, not us the glory for them all.
For he will do a work like nothing that we could do on our own.
For then he shall raise us up so the world will see us overcoming.
Thus praising his worthy, Holy, Glorious and Mighty Name.
Mar 2014 · 183
You Are Important
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
You are very important, your life does matter no matter whom you are.
For Christ does never create garbage nor junk, you all have a purpose.
Never put yourself nor anyone else down for we are all valuable.
For even the most hateful person was created by Christ with a purpose.
Its just sometimes we never accomplish the purpose we were created for.
Sometimes the selfishness sets in before, our purpose can begin.
Some times it more has to do with the hurt that we carry within us.
We some how never give it to Christ either, so we die with the purpose.
Mar 2014 · 426
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We were created with a great purpose and untold value.
When Christ use us to reveal himself to the lost through us.
For its by far greater to find the only one whom can save your very soul.
Then for a hundred years or so to live a live in the lap of luxury.
Then to die and spend the rest of all eternality suffering in torment
Our purpose is to allow Christ to draw the lost toward him.
So that they too may join us with him in the heavens after death.
So remember you are by far more valuable then all of the riches in the world.
Mar 2014 · 239
Life Without Borders
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
The worldly wants to keep us hostages  in the troubling world.
But we need to walk spiritually not living in this world fully.
But walking as though we are not bound by this world laws.
Because in truth we are not bound by those laws that hold the lost in *******.
We are children of Christ with the same power that Christ had.
When he walked this earth over two thousand years ago.
Once we start using them to reveal Christ within us, people will be saved.
For this is just one of the many reason Christy gave to us the comforter.
Mar 2014 · 456
Losing Oneself
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I have seen more miracles in my life, that comes from Christ.
I have been hit by several vehicles, and I should be dead.
But I am still here not because of myself or anything that I did.
But because I became lost within my Savior by asking him into my life.
I accepted the fact that my life is unmanageable without him in it.
I also accepted that I needed to repent of the sins that I committed.
I want to keep losing myself in my Lord and my God Jesus Christ.
Because only he can make my life worthy of truly living it out.
But first I needed for him to send the comforter to become one with my spirit.
Mar 2014 · 132
What Is Hope
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Hope is living with the knowledge of knowing that you have a future.
That your creator , created you to fellowship with and loves you too.
Hope is knowing that your purpose is to love him and be with him.
For only Christ can give any of us true hope everywhere for he is God.
He loves us so much that he came down here to suffer and die for us.
Once you realize the full scope of it, you will realize just what he done for you.
Its so amazing how much that he truly love you, enough to die for.
For he is a Holy, Loving Savior that wants to save you from death.
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