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Jul 2012 · 682
Les états-unis
Morgan sb Jul 2012
Land of the free, home of the brave
Soil that was created by the work of slaves
Earth taken from natives
Their tears on a trail
Animals killed, all remains were entrails
Liberty freedom
Liberté, egalité
Fireworks light up the sky
Countries away defenseless people die
Year after year, the fighting persists
Saving the world, or just saving our skins?
Fortune, grand fortune in the USA
More than the poorest of country's
But with these riches comes a great price
Help others in need
Or satisfy our greed
Live long and prosper
I'm not loving it
help a brother in need
But help yourself first
Contradictions, hypocrisy
Tell me again just how great we can be?
Love , compassion
There was never any
Celebrate independence
While some have nary a penny
One cent
The one percent
Contradictions, hypocrisy
Red blood, white faces
Blue open skies, lost opportunity
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
Morgan sb Jul 2012
The mind of a romantic
Is blind to flaw
I create perfect images
Of imperfect individuals
This time is no different
In the end it's often not
Simply something that catches ones eye
The object of affection
What I yearn to be called
Or perhaps not
For I cringe at the thought
Of making another
Feel the pain
That grips my sensitive mind
It's easy to look over a trait such as
Greed or arrogance
But superficiality
Never ever worth it
It may break a heart
Or cause tears to fall
But holding on to one obsessed with merely appearance
Gets one nothing at all
Jul 2012 · 674
Likened to a symphony
Morgan sb Jul 2012
Shudder shudder 
Sometimes falls flat 
When you hit that High note 
There are tears in my eyes 
My hand caresses you 
Quiver at my touch
Up and down I feel your vibration 
The beauty of this magical thing 
Is that sweet music erupts from my violin's string
Jul 2012 · 613
Morgan sb Jul 2012
Tears dripping across my cheeks
When I recall that way I felt
Knowing you wanted her all along
The kindness
Sweet words
All misinterpreted
Silly, naïve me
Heartbroken, lamenting
No one to relate to
For others are lucky
Some in life don't get the romance
The hugs, soft touches, warm kisses
Sweet words, love letters
All they get
All I get
Is pain
The crushing blow of rejection
Never did I know a pain more persistent
Tears continue to fall
Soon they'll stop
But that pain will return soon again
Jun 2012 · 760
Morgan sb Jun 2012
Not a day goes by
Where I don't dream about your eyes
That way you look at me
That sends my head spinning
You flash a smile, bite your lip
Little do you know that my heart beats on
Rapidly, pounding
Your voice contains a certain
Effortless sensuality
Sends me on a whirlwind
In the evening, when I lay to dream
My visions are of you
In all your splendor
A shame though
That they're simply dreams
Jun 2012 · 893
Gilded wings of promise
Morgan sb Jun 2012
I pray for you
She doesn't tear your heart to pieces
Tarnish your idea of a true love
You see the pleasant, blinded, close minded
Not seeing the reality, sad, unreturned
Not an option
Fighting till wits end
Waiting for an answer
Yay or nay
I pray she doesn't torment you
Keep you waiting when you deserve
A love that's pure and sweet
A sort of innocence
I pray that soon you find her
And she's the answer to your love not found
Find that love
But for now
It's in the angel with gilded wings
Unaware of her powerful trance
Like a siren, you're drawn to her
Days go by, your heart grows weak
Her eyes dazzling
Perfection embodied
Euphoric , sweet nothing seem to pour heavily
From your heart that's been touched
How fondly, how highly this beauty seems
If only she knew what she's done to you
Maybe that angel would descend from her pedestal
Give you the wisdom, the truth you need
Guidance, some guidance
The angel in assumed perfection
Has not one admirer
Tis the hardship for her, unbeknownst to you
I pray that you find your own beauty
The one that understands your heart
One who listens to you
Speaks tenderly
Cares for your gentle heart
And kisses as if from heaven herself
Jun 2012 · 891
Feels like Heaven
Morgan sb Jun 2012
Simply a victim
Of Cupids cruel bow
Touched by sweet emotion
Driven by a lustful desire
Your heart has been captured
By a force unseen
Your mind wanders to her, and that face you adore
The smile you revel in
Those moments you shared
Are unforgettable
This is pure emotion
Vulnerable, fragile
When it hit, you took note
Driving you slowly into
A pleasurable turmoil
Your eyes go soft at the thought of her
Mind wanders at the sight of her
Never felt another thing quite like this
When it hits for the first time
You pray it's the last time
Often heart wrenching pain
In other instances
Pure bliss
Watching this transformation
Once a boy
Now a boy deep into something he can't control
Doesn't want this to stop
Not sure how it started
The wicked sting of cupids bow
Forgotten by the sweet nectar of a newly found love
Jun 2012 · 664
L'amour? C'est mal
Morgan sb Jun 2012
Oh this ache
Constant aching
My mind craves your intellectual stimulation
The words your lips form
That make my sweet soul churn
This hope that
In a day
A month
A year
Your heart will turn a new leaf, turn to me
If only dreams were real, sometimes
We'd be together
I bet you've never thought of us
Hands touching
Lips touching
Minds and hearts connecting
Feel the best of my heart when you're near
And you'll know the extent of this silly prayer
For a love unrequited is a sad one at that
Sitting, waiting for a change of heart
That won't likely come, but I want to believe in
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Morgan sb Jun 2012
You've peaked my interest, unexpectedly
Not so sure
But I find your allure
Charming in the least
Maybe I'll decide to know you
Maybe I'll ask you the time
But for the moment, you'll maintain that desire
And with that, I'm perfectly fine
Jun 2012 · 388
That first time
Morgan sb Jun 2012
Never have I experienced quite a whirlwind of emotion
I hardly dreamed meeting one like you
It happened unexpectedly
My heart grew fond, rapidly
That momen when you just feel it
Is it love?
Is it lust?
What it is, I care not
The joy, and mirth,
As if you descended from the Kingdom,
By the aid of Angels on gilded wings
I'll never find one whose eyes turn my soul to mush
Eyes that have seen what I haven't
Lips so itching to be kissed,caressed
A mind so malleable, ever growing
Full of ideas I could hardly comprehend
This first instance, completely unexpected that I'd feel this strong
I developed a passion, this deep passion
To know you and your name and your mind
'twas my choice to let you know the words from my heart
I hope you look back, understand that
This was the first time I'd ever felt such
Strong, euphoric, emotions
Sweet affection
First love
Jun 2012 · 778
What love really means
Morgan sb Jun 2012
I didn't use to believe it
But now I do
Mutual love will occur
If its pure and true
One can't force what just won't happen
Only pray for the best
Dream up the possibilities
If you fall in love, I hope for you
That the one you feel for
Falls quickly for you too
If not, fear not
Time will let you know
If its okay to wait, or time to let the love go
A sad thing, love lost
But better a sound mind and broken heart
Than a heart holding on to love lost
Jun 2012 · 745
An Innocent Sort of Love
Morgan sb Jun 2012
To tell you in words how I feel towards you is nearly impossible
In the simplest of words,
My chest pounds, for me heart awakens
My eyes fall low, for my face grows soft
Its as if my girlish innocence has come alive
And I grow timid, shy, vulnerable, femme gentille
A smile forms, quite naturally
My thoughts are clouded, foggy
Drifting every which way
I can never say enough, or the right words
But all of your words are right
If only you thought these things too
If only you knew these words were to you
A sweet sort of limerence
The strongest I've known
So hard to forget you
Though I don't want to
These emotions, these awakenings
What to do with myself
All questions seeking answer
And you aren't the one to provide it
Perhaps I'll never know why you of all souls walking this Earth
But I care not, for I care for you
Morgan sb Jun 2012
Ladies and gents
An execution
Tick tick goes the laborious clock
And poor old nick waits in sick anticipation
Hear the sound
The blade drops down
Slicing through the skin and bone
Dead, correct ?
What tends to end clean doesn't
Poor old Nick, beheaded, yet coherent
Laughing, torment, cheering, he hears it
Pain burning
Blood boiling as if pouring from the gates of hell
Descended from Satan's veins
This excruciating pain, reaching a ******
Yelling, burning, crying, burning
A tear rolls down
The crowd does down
The town resumes
Poor old nick
A dead, miserable man
What a way to go.
Jun 2012 · 391
Come here
Morgan sb Jun 2012
Give a little kiss
A little touch
Even your kind words are enough
Hear me out
Let my breathy, light words touch your soul
Lean in close, really feel me
I'd let you near
If only you wanted me
May 2012 · 362
Morgan sb May 2012
Look at my poor heart
It's not quite broken yet
It's simply aching
May 2012 · 384
Hopeful? Not necessarily
Morgan sb May 2012
My eyes are big and brown
Though he does not like them
For they don't sparkle in the light the way others' do
My face is warm and sweet, comforting
But he doesn't care
For all he'd like to do is stare at her longingly
It could be those things, my lips, my smile, my hands, my touch
Whatever it be
These are the things I cannot change
The things he wouldn't change
Simply because they belong not to her, but to me
Poor, lonely, misfortune me
May 2012 · 753
Ma coeur
Morgan sb May 2012
My heart is literally crying
No longer does it race with anticipation
Now it's just a throbbing, sad thump
Lub dub
Lub dub
If I could cry I would
My heart is literally crying
May 2012 · 362
In your view
Morgan sb May 2012
She's beautiful
Takes your breath away
Despite your efforts, your eyes never leave her gaze
She makes yo'u nervous
Gives you this indescribable feeling
All you want is to be close to her
Feel her
Listen to her
Touch her
It's those eyes, her smile
The way she laughs at the things you say
I'm no professional
Merely a girl with feelings
But I'll be ****** if you aren't in love
Head over heels
Going crazy for this girl
Who frankly is not too interested in you
I don't get what you see
I don't have to
I just wished that you had seen me
And felt those same things too
May 2012 · 439
Never been kissed
Morgan sb May 2012
Quite sad really
How one can dream day by day
Craving another's lips
To taste their sweetness
Revel in their softness
Passion, overwhelming passion
Two lips meet
Not quite by mistake
Waiting, waiting, impatient
The right time will come
When will that time come
Waiting for a moment, and searching for what I do not know
Hoping for that sheer moment of magic
Anticipation building
When one least expects it
Ta da
May 2012 · 558
Psycho II
Morgan sb May 2012
Who am I fooling?
Certainly not myself
Mere moments passed where I erased you from my mind,
Eliminated your presence from my beating heart
Who am I kidding?
The moment I see you again, I'll feel it all again
I can only pretend for so long
Why is it you ,of all people, to make me feel just so?
After the tears, and the contemplation
I've come to no conclusion
I am at a loss for words
My emotions frighten me far too much
Maybe when my head is clear, though it won't be
When my heart is open, though it won't be
When these thought of you leave my mind
Which they won't be
Please, go away, go away, I think
I don't know
I just don't know
May 2012 · 725
Morgan sb May 2012
Not thrice
Not once
Twice you said it
It's a silly thing with me,
To hear someone call to me, address me
So to only hear you say it twice
My namesake rolling out of your lips
With that perfect way you speak
How often I talked of you, and relished in your magnificence
How often I called to you
And you did twice to me
Was this a hint from the beginning?
No, I'm simply being daft
Yet I can't help but wonder
Just how often you spoke of her
Absolutely, positively, more than twice
May 2012 · 385
Morgan sb May 2012
I've just fallen out of love
It only dawned on me a few short hours ago
I have come yet again to a realization
Epiphany if you will
I'm not going to be that person to give you the love you need
I can't provide you happiness
Make you smile, or your heart beat faster
It was just something I imagined
No doubt I felt everything, more than I have with any other
But alas, tears fall, for this feeling has left me
These suppressed emotions no longer exist
And this all came to me just yesterday
May 2012 · 521
A Hard Pill to Swallow
Morgan sb May 2012
You're okay
Just not for me
I love your smile, and the way you speak
The only issue is that you're not for me
Your hair, your face, effortless
Maybe meant for someone else?
There's nothing wrong with you, you see
You're just not for me
Is that so bad?
Are you upset?
Don't be
Just find someone else, anything else
It's just that you're not for me
May 2012 · 1.3k
Morgan sb May 2012
I can’t take this 
It’s purely indescribable 
Pulses racing 
Mind going blank 
Feeling like
Out of control 
Stop doing this to me 
Never mind, I love it 
Don’t ever stop 
I need this feeling 
The euphoria 
Can’t be real 
What’s going in 
I swear I’m in heaven because I feel like I’ve transcended 
Doesnt take much 
How can you do this 
Funny thing, you’re oblivious 
Utterly, and thankfully unaware.
May 2012 · 2.5k
Morgan sb May 2012
Slowly drifting 
Fading fading 
Sitting still with no rhyme or reason
Routine routine 
Yes sir yes ma’am 
Yes we’re very pleased 
Well I’m not 
But that doesn’t matter I suppose 
Call me melancholy 
Bringer of gloom and pessimism 
Never shying from reality and realistic tendencies 
Sitting sitting 
But for what?
May 2012 · 683
Morgan sb May 2012
Softly, gently
Sweet kind words that do not harm me
Please be kind
Too rough
I cannot bear it
I need the soft, the romantic
Please be kind to me
Protect me
Guard me from the abrasive unknown
Shield me from brutal reality
I cannot bear it
Please protect me
I need gentle, soothing words of kindness
Give me your gentle sweetness, naïveté
It's what I crave
And how I thrive
Not brutality, I ignore reality
Ethereal fantasies are where I reside
May 2012 · 638
Pauvre homme
Morgan sb May 2012
Black cat black cat
Don't step on that **** crack
Break a mirror
Bad luck begins
Or just a foolish game we wish to play
Who created this luck business?
Silly childish games
But avoid that ladder  
Friday the 13th
Beware beware the black cat
Hear the warning
Watch your step
Silly childish games
May 2012 · 800
Teary eyed
Morgan sb May 2012
It breaks my heart to think that you won't see me in that special way
I can't make you feel anything
I can't make your feelings disappear
We feel the sane emotion
Funny thing is
I'm not sure how much she cares
Not that it matters
Silly teenage fantasies
What do we expect?
Some miraculous love affair?
Eventually this feeling will have to fade
And be replaced with wretched sadness
Yet, I already feel it
May 2012 · 835
Teary eyed
Morgan sb May 2012
It breaks my heart to think that you won't see me in that special way
I can't make you feel anything
I can't make your feelings disappear
We feel the sane emotion
Funny thing is
I'm not sure how much she cares
Not that it matters
Silly teenage fantasies
What do we expect?
Some miraculous love affair?
Eventually this feeling will have to fade
And be replaced with wretched sadness
Yet, I already feel it
May 2012 · 837
Teary eyed
Morgan sb May 2012
It breaks my heart to think that you won't see me in that special way
I can't make you feel anything
I can't make your feelings disappear
We feel the sane emotion
Funny thing is
I'm not sure how much she cares
Not that it matters
Silly teenage fantasies
What do we expect?
Some miraculous love affair?
Eventually this feeling will have to fade
And be replaced with wretched sadness
Yet, I already feel it
May 2012 · 493
Morgan sb May 2012
They sing their sweet song 
You listen attentively 
They sing the same notes over again 
Oh the birds are free, to fly where the wind goes 
But what do they really mean 
Their chirp and chatter
Possibly a cry for help 
Help me help me help me
They cry
A bird can only fly so far 
Can only do so much 
In so much time 
Their life is not magnificent 
Each day is torture 
When will they eat 
Will they become prey 
Will their bodies withstand the harsh elements 
Will their eggs survive 
See, the birds aren't so great 
What makes them different than ourselves?
The birds are like people too 
They have feelings 
The birds are miserable, so why do they live? 
That have families too, and so they're stuck. 
Sure, the caged bird sings of freedom 
But once it's attained, they're trapped 
Help me help me help me
May 2012 · 363
In my dreams
Morgan sb May 2012
I bet his kisses are soft and gentle. His touch soft, and faint. The impression of his lips imprinted in my mind, where I keep those secret things. The way he smiles not just with his lips, but with his eyes. Oh those eyes how they sparkle, and I hope that they smile for me . I hope I'm doing something right here; I may have to take a risk. But, only good can come from this. Still, I'd love to feel his kiss.
May 2012 · 424
Silly teenage fantasies
Morgan sb May 2012
I dreamt of you and your sweet lips last night . The way they meshed with mine was perfect. Your eyes sparkled when you pulled away, and your pupils dilated at the sight if my face. Again we kissed and it was gentle. None of that sloppy , tonguey business ; only a brief touch of your lips against mine. But, in that moment, I knew you wanted me. I could tell by your lack of hesitation. I could tell by your passion and stance. I could tell by your smile I felt as your lips pulled away. And, I knew , at least for now, that we would be happy for awhile .

— The End —