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I wonder if this is what happy feels like
i have never felt this way
so light and fluffy
the butterflys you give me
the sweet things you say
i wonder if this is what all the girls
strive for
is this what all the sappy stories are about?
i dont know what it is
but i dont ever want it to end....
I love you
 Oct 2012 morgan nicole
 Oct 2012 morgan nicole
Falling into your eyes... can't stop the feelings inside

One kiss from your lips... strings of my heart, all tied

Touching you softly... heaven on my fingertips

You touching me... every time, my heart skips

A whisper in your ear... of a love, strong and true

Sitting by the fire... happiest when I’m with you

Asleep in your arms... sweet dreams guaranteed

Waking next to you... fulfilling my every need

Time cannot erase... the feelings that we share

Forever and ever on... I will always be there
Your words hurt just as much as your actions,
I don't know what you're trying to do,
All this love I have for you,
You just want to break it in two,
Do you even care if I hurt?
I'd never hurt you,
If I'm really not what you want,
Then just say we're through,
Really, must you torture me like you do?
I've never asked anything of you,
I've just loved you unconditionally,
Then you dare come to me,
Saying it's all a lie,
If I'm lying to you,
Why have I been here since the start?
 Oct 2012 morgan nicole
Mike Shaw
Slipping away
Even deeper
Into the void
Getting Smaller
The downward spiral
At the heart of it all

The art of self-destruction
The beauty of being numb
The perfect drug
Beside you in time
Just like you imagined
I'm looking forward to joining you, finally
Terrible lie
Something I can never have

The big come down
The great collapse
The day the world went away
The line begins to blur
Help me I am in hell

At the heart of it all
Right where it belongs
The greater good
The great destroyer

A warm place

Poem created using titles of Nine Inch Nails songs.
Title names by Trent Reznor.
Arranged by Mike Shaw.

— The End —