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I'm the worst poet alive
If I were to write you something, I'd spend not hours but days
Even years
Struggling with the right words
Investing my body and soul into each and every verse
I'd tell myself after 5 minutes of writing
"I need a break, this isn't working out."
After every fleeting emotion was carefully gift wrapped
Between those immortal lines and thoughtful metaphors
I'd spend a few more days questioning myself
Thinking I don't deserve you
You'd tell me "It's alright. If you want to let it go, you can."
I'd tell myself, this isn't real and its different this time

I'm truly the worst poet alive
Because no matter what I say or write
I can't make you stay
Poor self esteem breaks more bonds than you can imagine.
The white flowers poured their color
Into the flowing seas
As I poured my soul endlessly
Into the streams of still water

The medley of the rain speaks to me
In its crystal droplets and clear pitter-patter
It tells me that she needs no another
So, I hold back my tears

I tell myself some other day
If I write and write again
About the sadness of the rain
Time will wash away her beautiful face
A million unspoken words
As the rain pours
When the flowers shiver in the cold
The morning comes

I'll wait in the dark woods
Searching in the corners
Where desire lurks
As the sky hides from plain sight

Sleeping soundlessly
My mind stays awake at night
Hoping for your touch
Yet forgetting you constantly
The streets are endless without you
There's no home to go back to
A light led me to your arms
Now it flickers, unsure of your warmth

If this is the way you want things to be
I'll be alright in a few weeks
I know you're lost to me
There's a life beyond this misery
The flowers shift and sway
As the sun blazes
Letting the warm breeze color this scene
With your face close to mine

Every day seems longer than the last
A violent storm carries with it the past
There's pain in my heart
That gets lost in the locks of your hair
There's a fire burning inside
A crimson, blue, and yellow light
It shines in my heart
Brushes my canvas with art

It is filled with pain
That spreads faster than the violent rain
Deep blue spreads across the bruises
Reddest hues mark the grooves

It is the colored canvas of my soul
There's a fire raging inside
That ravages the memories of my life
I save my sorrows
And hold my fears close

As the rain pours tonight
A hurt heart forgets its desires
Every moment seems longer
Than the stars that glimmer
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