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The cold hard floor
Is where all of us start
With no way up
We are lying in the dumps after all

Those of us who do manage
We get up, walk on
Brush the dust of our sleeves
Nursing our grazed hands, like a big cat licks it's wounds

Those who face life for the first time
Struggle to walk and stumble
Their feet go numb with every step
Because their legs, till now, were unused

Those who become used to the bottom
Take off their clothes and become naked
Again and again, showing an immaculate frame
Full of cuts and bruises because they are in love
With themselves
A small poem on imperfection. Hope you like it.
You can't fly, but you walk on.
Our urges are primal and therefore animalistic.
Our dominating, territorial urges are defined not by humanism
Instead by primitive impulses
That is why we are animals

Whereas we should be humans first
Because we breed on the suffering of others
We continuously exploit our position and those underneath us
We can never be living because we thrive off death

We do the same to fellow humans as we ******
Torturing them in self-interest and pushing forth selfish agenda
We are maybe lowlier than animals because we have the capacity to feel, to think
Instead, we choose to destroy and exterminate

Laying waste to beings that do matter
And celebrating things that we can assign value
In all likeness, we are living things as much as plants are living
We serve to breathe

But do not benefit the planet or give the world what it needs
We are incapable of peace, but relish war
That is the nature of our race, whether you like it or not.
A comment of mine.
You know I want the best for you
The mulled green on a verdigris sky
Full of stars and light
Because my love is true blue
My favorite color.
You're missing me I know
We used to go out every week
On a Sunday, its a couple of hours
My Dad we held our love with a kiss on the cheek

You're thinking of me
I know I am, how was your day?
How was the workplace? Your boss?
Soon, I know you'll be away

I'll be broken and in pieces.

You won't put me back together the same way
Yet, when I try to
I always fall apart the next day
We are two yards away and tomorrow is another grey day

My ears thrill at the sound of your voice
My heart finds peace and feels whole
It was an eternity when I was a child
And you felt young, I know Dad because I'm getting older

Faster, with everyday and those yards are turning to lightyears
Please come back before time runs out
I wish my family were together.
You know what hurts
When you move on
And the moments were so short
That they aren't worth remembering

But, the feelings leave a bitter after taste
When my heart wants to rejoice
You're a footnote stuck on my chest
Reminding me that I have a voice

I am glad this pain
Moves me to become
A better person as an ocean will get warmer after rain
Like the sun settles on my shoulders after a cold shower

I wash my pain in the reign of yesterday
You're my every memory.
Yet, you don't exist.
The smell of coffee in the rain and cluster of stars
With a sip of the morning, some sun is visible
As I read the news
I say I love you

The afternoon is identical, I know I want you
With the undulating sunlight
Sitting on the roofs of distant huts and the saddest Gods cry

I know the night is different, those spirits lift me up
When the sun is gone and my demons come alive
I think upon a star, when I need something

I wish for you in vain and think of you just the same
I know you're far.
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