Grace my presence Give way in a field of flowers Allow me to carry you A kiss whilst spinning Just like the movies The sweat betwixt our hands The petrichor from the rain Lest we grow apart Don't let go
A whisper in your ear One last time If it all were to cease Would I cross your mind Past that initial time? For me You'd be that sunset The one that never goes away Would you notice The star that has already faded Its light barely reaching your eyes
A whisper almost silent Grazes across the breadth of my face Your aura pierces me I stick my arm into your chest I feel for your soul I grab your life in my hand I rip it from you It slips from my hand like sand I can never pick up every grain
When the anger seeps from my eyes I breathe I breathe and think of your heart Beating in your chest as I listen We are so close in that moment Yet still I feel neglected How to kiss and love To tell me you have doubts My dreams have dreamt through you Your eyes I have seen us Only us