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 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Cindy Munoz
Meeting in such a conspicuous manner,
that makes you ashamed to discuss it with others.
Not a figment, or a catfish,
but could this be real?
From shared interests and conversations,
it seems your "soulmate" truly does exist.
And is evidently closer than you thought.
So take this leap of faith,
and fall in love.
Or withhold,
and search for someone new?
This fear of falsehood seems to restrain us,
but so does the thought of meeting through a screen.
Hoping for the best,
but preparing to be "cat fished"
I suppose.
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Maybe one day

everyone here-

can get together

we bonded through the internet and the technology

but perhaps one day

we can be more than the poem we liked
a picture on the profile
or a compliment we gave

maybe one day
we can see each other face to face
and become a bit more than a mere stranger
because a poem says more than we can ever say to anyone else
it reveals your inner soul
because each comment has a thought of its own

there has to be some stigma that brought you here

the truth is I don't know your story
but I promise I will tell you mine
when you tell me yours.
Some Asian folk revere the Tao
the way of Yang and Ying.
Others worship ancestors
and of Confucius sing.
Buddhists seek a one way trip
with no wish to return.
Hindus think we're born again
just not in Christian terms.
Some follow in the steps of Christ,
this life, their cross to bear.
Others say Carpe Diem
and just don't give a D*mm.
Islamiscists eschew alcohol
and never lunch on ham.
This place has many faiths and creeds
to suit our every mood.
The voodoo that you do so well
is with suspicion viewed.
The foodists are the latest cult-
a blight upon the land
like Joey chestnut at buffets
consuming all they can.
To them no cow is sacred
and wine just slakes their thirst
They walk among us and they breed
and I don''t know which is worse!
My rotund coworker claims  her religious affiliation is "Foodist"
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