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 May 2013 Mona
 May 2013 Mona
it all started with hi
just one word, two letters
i never, in that moment, thought you'd mean this much to me
but, surprises are always falling from the sky
i fell for you
and still to this day, i regret it
regret falling in love with you
but, silly me
how i turned out like this
the broken, useless, unwanted girl
but you never knew
because i wasn't important to you, she was
you basically showed me
that someone like I, cannot be loved

 May 2013 Mona
Rise from the grave with brighter beliefs
For time won't heal all these memory wounds
Lodged inside the past lies fear underneath
Distant stains of joy and bitter defeat
Covering these walls with a hindering releif
As salvation hangs in reach without a sound

The dead live on with a beat in their chests
A reminder that denial is holding them back
Tightly gripping in a constraint of loss
Failing to find strength and a bridge to cross
Bring forth the end or wait to see the rest
A true sense of belonging is what we all lack

If there is a purpose it would just be this
If there is an answer it would have been solved
If there is worth in someone it wouldn't be us
If this is a notion that makes you feel nervous
Take a long look back at everything you miss
and be grateful that one day it will be resolved
I love words
for their meanings
their woven tapestries
but also
for their taste.

Tell me, when was the last time you tasted a word
as sweet as strawberry shortcake
or bitter as dark hot coffee?
try it.
remember diction, now.


­feel the 'q' like a potato chip
the 'f' like a wind
(swooping through)
the 'b' like a kiss
(so quiet)

Gives new meaning to the age-old rhyme:
Some books should be tasted,
others devoured,
but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly.
Tell me your favorite words
Northface, pretty face, thinks shes perfect, far from it, so not worth it.

Acts like she’s sure of herself, always knows exactly what to say, coping with the fact that tomorrow she has to get through another miserable day.

Surrounded by all the other girls, she’s the leader of the pack, only because she’s nice to them even though they all hate each other, and she knows they talk behind her back

Fully alive, life of the party, she can’t be mislead, crying on the inside, far from wounded, she’s already dead.
 May 2013 Mona
Quentin Briscoe
My Drug..
My words injected in my blood...
like a book pull me open watch my letters flood...
Like the ocean, this the see..
The body coated me..
but my crack is my pen...
A blank page is ******...
and spoken word is my ****..
Because its exactly what I need..
To get me high..
I'm talking lifted above the sky..
This is more than just a vision
but word infected poison..
Because it seeps into your brain
makes you go insane
as they push against your skull
this drug is never dull
Once you understand it
you can't live without it...
Jungle fever type of motion
I got me
real bad
I went there
and I can't go back from it
and its causing some commotion
I can use to my advantage,
I could try to save the world
or I could slowly **** myself,
chasing after girl after girl...
see I received this sinful gift
Gave to me from Adam
knowledge in the fruit that Eve handed him
and generations later I sit addicted to gaining wisdom
in the form of words that were accidentally eaten..
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