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Molly E Nov 2014
Swallow your regret
With a bottle of pills,
Honey your life's not over yet
You've got five minutes to ****.
Molly E Oct 2014
A pretty way of saying;
"The dead are stil alive,"
A gorgeous show of tolerance
The facade never dies.
It's okay to scream
When nothing is alright
It's okay to cower in fear,
To want to end your life.
The regret isn't yours,
We do what we will
Labeled as mental
If we just can't sit still.
Throw up the lies
That hide in your stomach;
We're not skinny in our minds',
And the pain is redundant.
But take a deep breathe, sweetie,
You'll be fine.
Just remember, my darling,
Everything dies.
Molly E Oct 2014
A thousand pages,
Never read.
A vacant path,
Left for dead.
The silent screams
That fill our ears,
The cuts so deep
We cry in fear
You are not the only one,
There's thousands out there
Who's lives are done.
Just rock your head
Accept your fate
We're crash test dummies
Who took the bait.
Release your sympathy
We know who we are.
We've heard our first insult,
We've carved our first scar.
Molly E Aug 2014
Those words you said
The hate you spread,
That made her take her life.
The mean words all caught up inside
They tangled around her heart,
They whispered softly "jump my dear,
The rope is just a start."
Twenty years later and you still don't know
The effect that you had,
when the next day she didn't show.
You thought she was scared;
But she's not an open book.
You were blind-
And that was just the hook.
I think I'm going to add more to this later, but I'm going to bed now. It's been so long since I've last posted): but I wanted to write a poem like this, addressing the effects hateful speech can have on others. Please stay strong<3
Molly E Jan 2014
"A beautiful burden,"
He said.
"A beautiful girl."
A beautiful burden, is what he gave me.
A beautiful night,
Though not to last.
A beautiful burden,
Was shed on me.
A beautiful burden,
That's passed.
Molly E Dec 2013
I really dont know what to say
Whatever, i never do.
But you, know, its kind of funny how
I always muddle through.
I really can't express myself
It would never rhyme.
But, you know, its kind of funny how
i usually do fine.
I have this love relationship,
with everyone,
with life.
I have this hate relationship,
it always pays a price.
You know, humans are weird
we take pride in being smart.
But really how smart are we?
We can never do our part.
We can never shut our mouths,
we make people cry,
we make life miserable,
we can't even guide the blind.
You know, people are crazy,
I'm not sure i like them.
You know, what if we were extinct?
What if you and your most loved were left?
Not your family, but the opposite ***
maybe even your best friend, its up to you.
Wouldnt it be so great?
I would raid all the stores,
I would go to Africa,
see in the bad the glore.
Everything depends on money,
im sorry if you dont have it
i really truely am,
because that is definitly tradject.
I'm sorry this poem is terrible,
it doesnt really rhyme
i want to get some thoughts down,
if its incoherant, fine.
It's funny how we love,
because they never love us back
its funny how we trust
then realize theyre bad.
If you understand this,
if you even read this far,
like if you agree-
but you probably wont.
Because thats just how life works,
but ill stick my ******* up
***** everyone
im fine.
Ill revise it one day, but today isnt the day. Just wait, itll be good
Molly E Dec 2013
My life stills,
your life speeds
will this creature ever get away from me?
It's screaming in my mind,
saying "Come now, don't go"
In it's terrible voice,
In it's terrible throw.
"Come now little one, no need to leave.
This is the beginning, love, you'll see."
I scream and cry,
I look away,
I am imprisoned,
with this thing I hate.
"Stop your crying, you'll be fine-
I'll have you home in three days time.
Just three times infinity, my gorgeous one,
for then you and I will be finally done"
He winked and smiled,
he thinks he's so shrewd,
stealing my time,
putting me in a mood.
So I lifted up my chin,
and haughtily said-
"For I shall not stay here, I don't care if im dead."
He smiled crookedly,
his yellow teeth bared,
saying, "Love, don't be that way-
I know your just scared."
I screamed,
I knew there was a new world out there.
He read my thoughts,
said I must just not care.
I said I do to care,
I care very much,
for I'm sure my afterlife will be full of lust.
He said, "Darling" with his stale breath,
"In the way you go out, Hell will be your wreath."
Still working on a better ending. In the beginning, please don't have ***** thoughts about it the girl is in a hallucination the man is trying to convince her to stay alive and not **** herself but she doesn't want to listen so she pictures him as the bad guy
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