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Dec 2015 · 241
ej Dec 2015
Perfect date site
With a café and

This is a refuge I
Found when I was
Young and it's all I
Can do to share it
With you

Today I made a comment
That could be considered
Misleading because I'm
Scared of the bullets that
Might fly from your mouth

I know it's impossible
So why do I bother?
Dec 2015 · 575
ej Dec 2015
It's where I keep my
Unfinished masterpieces
My polished imperfections
My broken promises

My draftbook is littered
With work and unwork
Like a handyman's abandoned

Forgive me when the books
Flow slowly; it's all I
Can do to stay standing
Dec 2015 · 258
ej Dec 2015
Set the scene and
I'm so worn down,
Drinking little lies
So I can get by before
The rain hits

I'm sorry I hurt your

I'm overheating and
There's no easy escape
Dec 2015 · 244
Happy Beat
ej Dec 2015
Biting my knuckles
I want you to play
That music louder

Muffled French voices
On the radio --
It's all I want to hear

Tears down my face
Catching on my shirt
Hide it with that
Happy beat

What're you on about?
This time I swear it's
I swear that
Nothing's wrong

i can't do this alone
Dec 2015 · 158
ej Dec 2015
O footprints in newly-fallen snow;
you were set by feet long dead
Long have I wished to meet your
Dec 2015 · 274
ej Dec 2015
I'm sorry this long winter
Has destroyed you so

I love you.

But if leaving you behind
Means moving on,
Then I'm all for it
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
ej Dec 2015
Karma's a *****,
Martin Shkreli

A man can only
Run from fate for
So long before the
World drags you back
Down to face reality
With the rest of us

On the behalf of the
World's moral side,
I hope you burn in Hell
Dec 2015 · 667
ej Dec 2015
This is me.

I've taken a myriad of names, yeah,
But I am who I am now and I was who
I was yesterday and tomorrow is a
Mystery we can all wait for

Patience buys the future
And fear is the unknown.

I know how hard it can be to get the two
Confused sometimes but it's okay;
We all do it.

Trapped by this gravity,
Beaten by the wind,
I am well-worn and strong.

Emerging from this heat wave,
I am raw, and when I
Escape the deep freeze, I am
Like a yeti

My height is insurmountable and
My skin is tougher than the Earth's
Mantle magmata;
My eyes are white to reflect every color
Known to man and I will
Live an die unknown in the gale
Like I was always destined to

This is an awakening.

I am a beast of the dark and
He who haunts the study in the
Hours forsaken by God;
I am the name seldom spoke;
I am the fear which dwells deep
Within the wicked

Behold me and my creation and
While leaning back, remember that
This is barely the beginning
Dec 2015 · 251
ej Dec 2015
We've played a game;
Tracking words and
Dropping wineglasses on
The heads of dead men
From twelve storeys

I can watch your brain
Scintillate for hours when
You think there's a veil
Hiding it all but I think
You want me to see,

It was easier when instead
Of thoughts we only had
Glass and bishops to ****
But with time comes
Dec 2015 · 363
ej Dec 2015
Get a new love.

365 sunrises is simple math,
But you can't forget sunlight
When it's winter just because
You feel like it

Wrong me and I will eclipse
You because standards mean
Nothing to me and I will
Destroy the charts where
They stand

You know this.
Dec 2015 · 386
Boy Wonder
ej Dec 2015
You know these waters as well as I do
and I know that you live for the perfect shot

I know that you find safety in knowledge
and the shore is your only salvation

You know my youth; a bounding call
from roads I could never walk

A sea I could never conquer
Dec 2015 · 338
ej Dec 2015
Pulling on my heartstrings
Commanding every move
I know how you feel

I can feel your tension
Through these cords
This electric beat
Pounding through my brain

Blest be your eyes
Because they read mine
And don't call back
Self control
Dec 2015 · 283
Beloved of God
ej Dec 2015
Echo: a continuation,
A promise but to
No end
Claiming land on
Horizons untouched
Seeing sunlight
But feeling no warmth

Curse: a burden,
A price on your head
The promise that nothing
Ever changes and
Your revival means
Nothing if you always
Stay the same

God: a faith,
A deity in churches
Made sacrosanct through
Centuries of spilled blood
The only empire immune
To being conquered
Dec 2015 · 242
ej Dec 2015
You grin when
You see me

Your eyes make
Me feel young

But God forbid
We ever speak
Dec 2015 · 255
I'm Sorry
ej Dec 2015
I'm sorry I ran that way
I'm sorry that locomotive
Killed you on the tracks
And when I picked up the
Pieces you left behind, I
Found no way to repair you

Nothing short of God
Can mend shattered gristle
And blood spread over a million
Miles, I know that you still
Ride that train into the
Great forever

I take some comfort knowing
That you're seeing the world now
Like you said you always wanted to
Even if it's not like how we
Imagined it
Dec 2015 · 203
Killing Yourself
ej Dec 2015
I can see only a
Glimpse of your soul
And I understand that
You don't care for me

A photograph captures a
Piece of the spirit and
Yet your eyes reveal
Dec 2015 · 702
ej Dec 2015
Cast in iron,
We are wardogs
Fighting to a
Bitter end

Justifying a heinous
Means, we cook good
Hearts until they are
Nothing more than
Smooth ash

Eyes and souls at war,
We are fit for short
Lives and expire
Quickly in our youth

Fate demands we serve
And meet our demise
At the hands of those
Whom we look up at

Not because they are
Higher than us but
Because they sit on
Lofty stools
Dec 2015 · 318
Into Your Arms
ej Dec 2015
We're a lost impossible
A doomed vernacular
Children of the Why and
Parents of the How;
I'm stuck between
Two ultimatums

I don't take thoughts hostage
Like my parents did and I
Won't forget the world like
Our descendants will

But I'm burning stolen time
And I don't plan on giving it back
Dec 2015 · 190
Rules for the Dead
ej Dec 2015
Bad moods don't breed good words
I've learned
Even the dark side of Mars
Sees the sun sometimes
And the dark side of Luna
Sees it as well

Don't make a boy a promise you
Can't keep if you'll get bored the
Next day over and leave him in the dust

Don't take what you can't give back
Don't use up energy you can't replace
Because my time is gold and you aren't
Dec 2015 · 180
Pick a Side
ej Dec 2015
Tiny struggles
Little civil wars

Beg for a reaction
And I won't budge
Dec 2015 · 367
You're Crazy
ej Dec 2015
I know the way you walk
On a bad day
The way your hips speak
To the wind and the way
The air listens

I can read the sway like a book
Or like a bible;
I haven't decided which yet
But I know that your eyes
Can't change my mind
No matter how hard you try

I know you're crazy;
The way your arms fly apart
Like a duck in a bird hunt
And when I walk away I know
You're falling too
Dec 2015 · 407
Blue Blood
ej Dec 2015
When you cut me open
We both noticed something
A little odd

I know it made you want to
Run away but I swear,
I'm nothing bigger than you
No better than you
No higher
Than you

My blue blood is nothing
But memories of a lost

This is a different kind of
Vitality and different
Doesn't mean bad

Take my word; the world
Looks no different through
My eyes
Dec 2015 · 352
ej Dec 2015
I have a theory that a new
Day begins only when you've
Had a chance to sleep after midnight
And for an added bonus, maybe
You'll wake to see the sunrise
As well

I've gone a few mornings without
Sleeping but I'm ready to put a
Big red bow on this night and
Call it a day

I mean,
Call it sacrilege but
A break is what I need
ej Dec 2015
I don't know what's crossed your
Brain tonight but I know that
You shouldn't think I want you to
Know that I think highly of you

So please,
Kiss me and get it over with
Dec 2015 · 266
ej Dec 2015
Love runs thick
Down my face like
Tears after a long day of
Cold weather and kisses

Paint me red with
Winter sunsets and
Crushed rose petals
Like old perfume
Dec 2015 · 260
ej Dec 2015
Pray for me
Because I'm about to lose
Myself again

You make your promises
But your legends are as real
As my dreams of a
Perfect life

I resent you no less than the Devil
And I keep your book on my
Shelf so I can read the death of
Your son and remember how you
Killed him in cold blood

You'll **** me too one day,
Like you did him,
And I'll die as insignificant as everyone else
Because we're nothing more than
Your playthings
Dec 2015 · 248
ej Dec 2015
I meant to take a shower
Seventeen minutes ago
And by the time this poem is
Written, the clock will read a little
Wrong and I'll be lost again

I'll feel a little bad again and
I'll forget what it feels like
To kiss someone and mean it
To love someone and mean it

Remember when it was

Neither do I
Dec 2015 · 244
ej Dec 2015
Never really felt awful about
The way I slip in my rhetoric
And sink the world into these
Bogs of everlasting rot

It was my curse to inspire anger
But now in my path is
Sown sadness and though I will
It not, that's the way curses are

I never write down my poems and
They always rhyme,
Cast in dead images and
Forged by the lips of an angel

It's all I could hope for to make
It to the bottom
Dec 2015 · 198
The Fires
ej Dec 2015
I can handle depression
But anxiety is a bit too much

I'm sorry for writing your run-of-the-mill
Emotional venting poem but I need to get
This off my chest and I have nobody left
To talk to, not to say I'm not thankful

These fires lately have me on edge and there's
Too much on my shoulders and though I
Know that I can't collapse,
I really do want to
Nov 2015 · 313
ej Nov 2015
We're more similar than we realize but
Infatuation only delivers disappointment
Nov 2015 · 274
Baryon Skies
ej Nov 2015
Whisper that song of kings long forgotten
And underdogs are the only true winners
But those who are immortalized in stone
Should always be dead

Pull me close for this coming storm
And I'll take your warmth and give you mine
Like any good friend should

I know I should tell you the truth
About what we've done but
Seeing our world broken like this
Would tear your heart apart and
Ruin these Baryon Skies we're under
Nov 2015 · 278
How Sacred is a Mystery?
ej Nov 2015
How sacred is a mystery?
Longer kept in its own veil
Than a human lifetime or the
Breath of a bachelor

Clutched to my chest like a
Dying heartbeat, this mystery
Is one I never wish to release
Nov 2015 · 206
My Promise
ej Nov 2015
At the time, I was passionate
I was adamant
Our love moved mountains and
Your eyes were like twin gods

I don't miss it anymore, no
But I get flashes to the past sometimes
And my mind makes little rhymes
Trying to put the pieces together
To find out why I left

And the mysteries never solve themselves,
It's why they're called mysteries and
It's why it's best to leave them alone

There's no bad blood between us, no
Only stale words and promises I
Made and never kept and I knew that
One day I'd pull the plug on you

I can't tell if you're more alive now but
I know that I'm becoming something new
Something better
Someone better than who I was before

Because I'm adamant
That my love will persist through this
Storm and that I will rise to face the
Challenges that lie ahead and these are
Things that I can do alone

I don't need another part to complete me
I'm all I have left and I'm all I'll ever want
Beyond the sunlight and the trees and other
Little permanent things

It's crazy how the world shifts around us and
Sometimes we're the ones doing the shifting,
And how the leaves look different in the spring
Than they do in the winter

Dead things never truly go away, I've learned.
Like the rain in the summer, old things come back
To bite you and like the leaves in the winter, lost
Beauty will never truly desert you
Nov 2015 · 286
ej Nov 2015
Bring her to the forge of the gods
With the guidance of your mother,
You can lead this Beholder to

Open up the gates to the
Wardens of Vanos and break that
Sacred promise that you've held to
Your breast for centuries, trust that
Now is the time to break it
Nov 2015 · 272
ej Nov 2015
Voice higher than the clouds
The stars
It begins to shake and I send you
My silent support

I'm a fan
Is the best way to say it
But in reality,
I'm too afraid of this
Social dilemma

You're beautiful but
I'll keep my distance
Nov 2015 · 384
ej Nov 2015
So excited but so cold
Haunted by the icy lakes outside
And my thoughts are muffled by
My insatiable hunger, I cry for a
Release from this pain

Send them my regards and I'll
Seal the deal with a kiss as I
Wish Minneapolis goodbye

I hope to return here one day since
My visit was brief, you frigid
Nov 2015 · 306
Monstrous Roadshow
ej Nov 2015
Drive up on the curb and hit the horn
Throw chunks of turf up at the
Park rangers with their sirens blaring
Behind you

Your music taste is **** but
It catalyzed mine and threw me into
Another world entirely, changed my
World view entirely

I was an ace, once upon a time,
And then a mountain, and maybe
One day I'll be the beloved of God
And change based on my vicinity

You helped me to realize that
Paths cross and it's okay when they split
Again, so to honor your unspoken wish
I will never again speak to you
Nov 2015 · 268
My House in White
ej Nov 2015
You arrived like snowfall,
Silent and white

You left like a storm,
In anger and spite

Your voice carries on the wind
And I wish you well in the
Ruin you sowed back home

You're a house in black,
Lit by a dying sun

You're a song written by
A woman long dead

you're 19 now
Nov 2015 · 230
ej Nov 2015
I'm a mortar shell deprived of black powder
And there's nothing left but the echoes
Of an explosion I once delivered lives
Before the one I'm living now

Melt me down for scrap and fit me into
Something new so I can fly again
Nov 2015 · 185
space vagoo
ej Nov 2015
How can you take anything
Seriously when such a thing as
Laughter exists?
Nov 2015 · 244
Missing in Action
ej Nov 2015
Do you have any idea
How much I love your
Purple sunsets and your
Old baby blue guitar?

The way you play for me
On the beach late Wednesday
Night before the cops bust us
For breaking curfew

Bury my feet in the sand and
Hold my head down beneath the
Waves like you hate my guts
But I know you love me

Only you will sing to me when the clock
Strikes midnight or pour out your
Heart to a stranger

I love nothing more than sensationalized
Love stories, since I must admit that I'm
Only really romancing the idea of you
Since I think you're missing in action

And that's okay
Nov 2015 · 266
Straight Romance
ej Nov 2015
I've read a love story
A billion times in my life
Every page the same
Every dustjacket adorned with the same
Cover design of two sultry lovers wrapped
In each others' arms, lips pressed together in
A kiss

He was a man and
She was a woman;
They were destined to
Be together

Your story is nothing unique
Nothing different
Your words are the same as those
Scrounged together decade after decade
Centuries cascading to produce the same
Love story under a thousand names

It's your straight romance
Your promise that everything will be okay and
That you might have kids one day
And a nice house without fear of
Being killed for your identity
And out of my hatred for you is
A deep envy and a desire to have
What you were born with

You do not have to fight for
What I have earned
Nov 2015 · 2.1k
I Need a Haircut
ej Nov 2015
Hey, wouldn't it be lovely
If we could set down our books
And sing to the sky
Like lunatics in the early dawn

I'm seventeen and I still can't talk
You forgot how to walk
And scraped your knee on the blacktop

I need a haircut;
Something simple that would leave it
Short on the sides and longer on the top
So I could style it back and realize my
Mirror-driven destiny

Hey, wouldn't it be great
If we could walk away and never look back
Like you knew how to walk
And I could still talk
Nov 2015 · 536
ej Nov 2015
Hunter blood
Drowning in mud
Screaming to God
There's nothing I can do
To escape this fate
I've chosen for myself

Pull me back
And take me home
Lay me by the hearth
So I can pray
To that which is killing me
As I sink here
Losing breath

Too weak to cry
Too deep to become the animal
I see at the edge of the clearing
Too feral to make
Sense of what I'm feeling
Nov 2015 · 378
ej Nov 2015
Copper sunrise
Sand between my toes
Lips on mine
Lean into it
And grasp the wind
Still when we hit the stones below
Take me to Indeset
I'm out of breath
Take me into you
Promise me that
Nov 2015 · 292
It'll Get Better
ej Nov 2015
I got a glimpse of what I'm going to be
Last winter, a year ago
When I trekked New York City and bought
A pair of suede shoes and cursed
That statue of Abraham Lincoln in the
District of Columbia

I'm only getting answers now;
The questions are up to me
And there's a whole lot of freedom
When the Devil comes begging for mercy and
The world bows to do your bidding because there
Is nothing more powerful than a person
Who knows their mettle
Nov 2015 · 248
ej Nov 2015
I met you in a cloud down by the quarry
And we were there to watch it when
God cursed the crows with their raucous
Voices because they told too many of His secrets
When he wasn't listening

Looking into your eyes I see a deep
History of ups and downs and
Promise and venom and I need you to
Hold on

It's not that bad

You know that
You feel that
You see that
You're rounding out now and
Growing comfortable in this world
We've built up just
For you

Listen though, little fighter --
It's a tough place to survive but
I know you have
What it takes
Nov 2015 · 517
Buona Sera
ej Nov 2015
The stars are shining and the
Voice of Louis Prima is leaking
Through my earbuds and for now,
I've gotta take some time to myself;
This is my peaceful time,
Buona Sera
Kiss me goodnight
Nov 2015 · 665
ej Nov 2015
I'm fireproof

My kisses light up the sky
And I sing with the voice of a god
And my fingers stir up lightning
In the stormclouds above

I can silence the sun with a touch
And those solar roars sing to me
And me alone
Nov 2015 · 324
ej Nov 2015
You're a firecracker
Filled with sparks and light
The world wants your energy,
But listen closely:

Hold it close.
Guard it with glass --
That way, it can shine through.
You're solar-powered
You're a neutron star
You're liquid moonlight at dawn
You're my baby girl
And the world will fear you one day,
And it will love you as well
As I do

You're a goddess
And I know that you will
Leave this place better than the
Way you found it
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