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 Jul 2013 Madison
Daniel Magner
All I crave
is someone to hold
and hear they love me
even if they don't mean it.
I'd gladly welcome
a lie
Daniel Magner 2013
 Jul 2013 Madison
Daniel Magner
 Jul 2013 Madison
Daniel Magner
Sitting on the stoop
smoke rings break in the wind
but one bent into a
as I thought of you

(and left me confused)
Daniel Magner 2013
 Jul 2013 Madison
If the eyes are the windows to the soul
Then your windows must be awfully dity
For I've peered in many a time
Pressed my nose up to the glass
And tried my best to clear my vision
But I still cannot see but a foggy silhouette of what lies
Behind those soiled window panes
 Jun 2013 Madison
Daniel Magner
I don't know how else to say this
I've waited, I'm patient, *******.
I keep my kind heart, selfless, but helpless
and loveless.
I'm tired of sleeping alone, or even just not
having cute voice mails on my phone.
Tired of putting my neck out
and getting chopped and not bit
and I know swearing is unattractive
but **** it, this is *******.
I'm a good kid, for the most part.
Never put people in harms way
don't bash on those who aren't the same.
I love people, I love them so much,
their laughs, voices, touch
so why am I laying alone again,
what is my sin!?
What the **** did I do?
Why do I mean nothing to you,
and you,
and you.
Daniel Magner 2013
I'm tired of this
 Jun 2013 Madison
Tobias Graves
I start to hear familiar piano chords
The release from these dusty old swords
I search for that old sound to find you
You've paid your long overdue
Starting over with this old and new
Seeing your bright green eyes shine
Waiting for me to call you mine
Getting that dancing smile glance
This may be my only second hand chance
To ever have to be together again
Leaving all regrets and failures in my den
Meaningless to my own ear
I just want to be with you, my dear
The trumpets call out from the distance
Your Christian angel hood showers over your face
I’m trying to get to your heart without haste
Just thinking of new possibilities
Contemplating these new utilities
Even if we aren't meant to be
Just to hear your voice is love to me
Chatting in that old car of yours
Shutting those tender thought doors
Romancing back to those February days of love
She’ll wait and fly into the purple night sky
- T.G.
 Jun 2013 Madison
empty dreams
I finally stopped wanting you,
But now I crave your touch.

I finally stopped needing you,
But you give me a sort of rush.

I finally got over you,
But now not so much.
 Jun 2013 Madison
Lydia Cooper
I’ve had this sickness in my stomach

For a few weeks.

Right in the center

Where the  butterflies should be

I feel like a rotting flower

And love avoids me

I can’t bloom like I used to

I’ve grown old and ugly
Hey, girl why are you so sad.
I know you fell so hard.
And you don’t know how to get back,
To what you had before.
Your broken dreams have shattered like glass.
And you don’t know how to face your past.

I know it seems impossible
But you can try
To pick yourself up and fly
On broken wings.

You found that you have no faith in anyone.
So tired of being someone you’re not.
Lies were all he left you.
Truths you’ll never find.
Then there were the tears you cried.

I know it seems impossible
But you can try
To pick yourself up and fly
On broken wings.

Your broken heart can’t heal.
So you decide not to feel.
You need to remember what it was like to dream.

I know it seems impossible
But you can try
To pick yourself up and fly
On broken wings.

Breathing set you free
To fly with your broken wings.
You look forward to living your dreams
Now that you learned to fly on broken wings.

You know it’s not impossible
Because you tried
You picked yourself up and flied
On broken wings.

Now healing wings…
 Jun 2013 Madison
Chaz Kirshcmann
I try for now but the past comes back
I can't take that
Ripping me apart it bruises my heart
Grips me tight leaving deep finger marks
Oh the remarks
Oh how we act
All I ask
Why did you do that
Why would heaven decide to hurt my heart
Why couldn't I have us
I was so young
It still makes me cry
At least It gave me a big heart

I would give it all for you if only
It ***** being lonely
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