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 Dec 2012 MLentz
Anon C
 Dec 2012 MLentz
Anon C
Animal instincts drive a man in
To a sweet smell, that of a *****
Siren is her sister, voice like an angel
Do not let her catch thee, thy soul will she mangle
Hair akin to silk, masking the snakes
Swallow thee they will, within their wake
Hands so gentle, look close they are talons
She is able to rip thee to shreds like a falcon
Eyes deep like the ocean, easy to get lost in
Careful, thou wilt drown whilst trying to swim
Lips of ecstasy, taste like a love potion
Oh no friend, that which thou art tasting is poison
Skin so soft, upon her lovely chest thy wish to dwell
Not realizing milky skin encompasses a hollow shell
Do not claim I hath not warned thee, friend
I wish thee luck, beyond *****'s will might thou transcend
Unsure what inspired this one. A bit bored. I always loved Sirens, painting them and obsessing over them as a child. Constructive criticism welcomed.
Say nothing but good of the dead
As they were once your friends,
Or enemies, it doesn't matter.
In death lies no dishonor.

Say nothing but good of the dead
As they were once fellow workers,
Or leaders, it doesn't matter.
In death lies no classes.

Say nothing but good of the dead
As they were once our slaves,
Or masters, it doesn't matter.
In death lies no races.

Say nothing but good of the dead
Because they were once living people,
People like you and me.
In death they are beloved.

De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum (Latin for "Say nothing but good of the dead.")
 Nov 2012 MLentz
If only
 Nov 2012 MLentz
If only I could tell you,
If only you could know.
If only there was a map,
To tell me where to go.
If only I could explain,
If only I could share.
If only I could find a way,
To get you to care.
But it's too far,
And it's too hard to do,
When I'm feeling lonely,
If only I had you.
 Nov 2012 MLentz
Light me up,

and i'll feed these

         corrupt lungs

            with a dead flame.
 Nov 2012 MLentz
Jon York
My words flow
like rivers and streams of life
for my soul  that is feeding
my every desire to reveal
stories of old chronicles
of loves and dreams
and tales of being alone
and being together with someone
as the wheels keep turning.

Sometimes I am grateful
for what I am and what I have
because it has not really
been that bad and no run
on my bank can drain it
because my wealth
is not possession but love
and a grateful heart
that is grateful of the people
who have made
me happy.

Sometimes we have to
stumble often to reach the truth
as the wheels go round and round
and like the tides our moods will rise
and our moods will fall
and we must realize
that all of our problems and heartaches
are in truth opportunities in disguise
as the wheels keep turning.

Confidence takes away fear
so we can become
the master of ourselves and laugh
at our mistakes and our burdens
will lighten and we can  not
waste another moment mourning
yesterday's misfortunes
and as the wheel turns
our failures teach us.

What sometimes breaks us
makes us stronger and in the end
our strength is unbreakable
because when we discover that strength
we begin to believe in ourselves
and others begin to believe in us too
as the wheels keep turning.

As I turn from the past
and return to the present
I look into the eyes of love again
knowing that she will be the last
because her eyes focus on the present
and she helps me to let go
of those things that were
very bad in the past
and were not meant
to last.

As nothing grows into something
hope is found and love becomes a condition
in which the happiness of another person
is essential to our own
so all we can do is dare to dream
and believe that our star will guide us
as to which way to go
as the wheels turn ever so slow.                      Jon  York                2012
 Nov 2012 MLentz
P Chartier
Cut open my flesh

What will you find?

Strength that is stained

With wine that is sweet.

Filled with life and love

Which is confined in tiny tubes

But when you open my flesh

its all let

 Nov 2012 MLentz
Thomas Wolfe
Oh, will you ever return to me,
My wild first force, will you return
When the old madness comes to
Blacken in me and to burn
Slow in my brain like a slow fire
In a blackened brazier - dull
like a smear of blood,
Humid and hot evil, slow-sweltering
up in a flood!
Oh, will you not come back, my fierce song?
Jubilant and exultant, triumphing over
the huge wrong
of that slow fire of madness that feeds
on me - the slow mad blood
thick with its hate and evil, sweltering
up in its flood!
Oh! will you not purge it from me -
my wild lost flame?
Come and restore me, save me from the
intolerable shame
Of that huge eye that eats into my
Naked body constantly
And has no name,
Gazing upon me from the immense and
Cruel bareness of the sky
That leaves no mercy of concealment
That gives no promise of revealment
And that drives us on forever with its
lidless eye
Across a huge and houseless level of
a planetary vacancy
Oh, wild song and fury, fire and flame,
Lost magic of my youth return, defend
me from this shame!
And Oh! You golden vengeance of bright
Not cure but answer to earth's wrong

— The End —