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 May 2013 Mizanur Rahaman
Anon C
Do you bleed
from the paper cut
the cut from the tree you defile
to so worship your paper
do you choke
on the fumes
the fumes you expel
when you speak your vile intentions
do you drown
in the water
the water you taint
to promote your heinous acts
do you die
live to die
is it worth it
is it worth the graves trodden upon
if you so believe in the afterlife
will I see you there
or will it be in Hell
where the whip I will at last hold
and then you will realize what it is to plead to no avail
 Jan 2013 Mizanur Rahaman
Wherefore art thou my love?
I seek the kitchen, you're not there
I check the bathroom, you're not there either
In the gardens? Nope not there
Where can my lover be?

The gentle guide  easing close to me whispers
He's in your head my love
He's in my head....
Over the last few days
I have constructed a new basic description of myself:
I am the seventeen year old
poet with a white beard and baggy, bruised-looking eyes
who only ever uses his left hand when playing badminton.
 Dec 2012 Mizanur Rahaman
Anon C
It is your eyes
I love black coffee
no sugar, no cream
much like your eyes
deep and dark, mysterious
except I am pretty sure once you jump in
unlike my black, bitter coffee
your demeanor is sweet
and skin soft
so you could say
your eyes are my new coffee
He was limp
And small.
Smaller than I remember
But I remember
Clear as day
When I held him for the first time.

The coarse fur scratched my skin
And reminded me
That gentle things have
A roughness
About them.

The heart that pounded in his chest
Was one that would remind
Me what life sounded like
When my own

His eyes were endless
And a thousand souls could have found
A home within them.
But he just had one.
And the one he had,
It was plenty enough.

I sift my fingers through the
Gentle fur
Across the hollow and
Silent ribs.
Unashamed at the wetness
Of my cheeks.
With these words, over and over,
In my head.

You wonderful creature.
You beautiful, beautiful beast.
my eyes
ask you silently.

i dont want the answer
the way i want you
but i can't
help myself.

can't help but
imagine that
this is the last time
will grace

i can't remember
a life
without you and the
heady suffocation
of your
gut-curling, heart-pounding
you've clean-slated me
the way
broken glass can
purge human vision,

your intoxicating soul wrapping me up
in its heated hollowness,

in that warmth
which keeps me up at night
and makes me
wish i could
in the heavy circle
of your body.

and i can't imagine why
i fear
your vanishing
when more often than not

your soul,
and your broken glass

the stuff of my
haunting dreams.
 Dec 2012 Mizanur Rahaman
Anon C
walking an old ancient path
mind cloudy, deadened
despite the birds singing
thoughts are laden bricks
heart fills with fear 'tis true
end in sight nevermore
weight of emptiness crushing
naught can save me from me
devouring own mind
afraid, at this pace... knowing
sooner or later I shall collapse
never to be found
on an old ancient path
I Was Hoping Today It Would Be Fine,
That The Mayan Prophesy Was Divine,
That We Would Be Saved By A Glowing Light,
I Was Stirring  In My Blankets All Night,
For Curiosity Bubbled Inside,
To Bathe The Spirit In Which I Confide,
Yet The Road To Redemption Is Still Coarse,
Screaming For Wanted Change; My Voice Is Hoarse,
We Still Hold The Bottle To Our Stained Lips,
Holding On To Hope But Losing My Grip,
Today I Wish Humanity Is Healed,
But The Atmosphere Is Starting To Peal,
Why Should I Hate When All I Feel Is Love,
Yet All The Owls Are Killing My Doves
Again Trying Iambic Pintameter! I'm Deathly Afraid Of Owls So That Explains The Last Line
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