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JR Weiss
Whittier, CA    hello world! meet the faceless name that has too much time on it's hands at 3AM *all content is owned, copyrighted, and not allowed to ...
A dream-seeker, an aspiring writer, a thrill-sick individual. " Hey guys. I don't really expect anyone to like what I have to write about. I ...
Amber S
hello, my name is amber.
Megan Kirby
I suppose it could be said that I've been writing pretty much all my life. I began writing poems and lyrics when I was in ...
Emma Jacobson
United States    I have a love affair with words. I am too smart for my own good sometimes. I am aware of a lot more than most ...
a burning bridge    I have changed my mind. I'm going to stay. But I'm still going to be remove some of my older poetry, because I'll be putting ...
Steven Forrester
32/Non-binary/Tucson, AZ    Steven Forrester Poet Usually sad Some happy Enjoy
Red Starr
Currently addicted to your words. They're my obsession, compulsion, addiction...please keep writing so I can keep reading! All written work on this profile is copyright ...
I am but a humble pebble that has been washed up upon this poetic beach I will stay a while but if seas get rough ...
Danielle Jones
I am a cat lover and a big-word scientist. Feel free to browse some of my poetry.

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