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533 · Jun 2016
ordinary day
eclipso child Jun 2016
..we have our time..
       ..and most off all it was
drastically very fine..

         delicious to dine
    that blood wine..

but life is all ways so serious and room
           to be glad..

..the all that you gift..and it's the only on..

     room to be glad..
                          ..just mad..

life in it's wonders..are not enough..but when something
happens you as a yourself..everything is
suddenly just bad..bad..bad..

                 ..don't get it..i will never understand it..

..that were are not equal..

              ..we're just the sequel..
          ..and yeah..          
                   ..there's heaven..and all that..other stuff..
                        ..yeah..seems like it..
491 · Nov 2016
eclipso child Nov 2016
..the perfect poem.. like a perfect diet..

                 ..or the perfect addiction..

       ..soulmate to yourself..

  nurse your oblivion..
                  take care of your universe..

             ..the poem..the word's..sentences..
                              ­   ..your life..

                  ..there's your perfect..
          ..if it even exist..

so mayby little china-white ain't so bad
                after all..

..or wine with crystal ****..

        ..the poem is you..
452 · Jan 2017
it's going away..
eclipso child Jan 2017
..sorry i miss to turn left..right was all ready destroy'd..
               i when't along..

                                    ..straight to the Alabama..
437 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..iv'e never met a life this comatose..
        ..different..this unbecoming summer..night
                    ..& struggling fight..

just to be me..just to be..just to breath..

..but you no what they say..never say never..

                                   ..i believe in you too..
426 · Oct 2016
..memories of yesterday's..
eclipso child Oct 2016
i'm a little too much to handle with care..little
           too much to look the other way..

                        ..little too much to be just me..

             ..if there's a place called..

i'm little too hungry for everything..
             ..nothing's's either too slow or too numb..

i'm just a little too fast for my body..i'm miles away but i'm still here..
                 ..too heavy and at the same time too light..

angel that isn't an angel..but still over whelming..just too little
                  to go down..
                               ..give up..

start a war at very wrong reasons..i'm just too little out there..


            ..action takes control of words just too little..

                              ..on sidewalk..all cares
              anymore about our home..within..
                                     ..& somewhere where our dreams are born
                      & the same place that they wither & die..

                                             's just too little

                                    to hold go on..
                 know off..

                                         ..but i'm clad that there isn't
                                       too little pray to say out loud..
                                                              ..i'm just too little too happy
                                                       being sad..
eclipso child Jun 2016
..this a little odd words
from these lips..oditary
2 myself 2..well..maybe u can see it..
maybe not..
       ..i don't give flyin' ****..'s easy
if you can start it..
           ..then u even wanna clean your neighbor house at
                                  the same  cost..

..but starting..

         ..every fu**in' thing is like invitation to **** yourself..

..but after it all you feel so fukin' fantastic..
         of the world..

but there's a point too in here..
                    ..but the hairball's are like people
        ..fighting back with every living soul
                        2 not 2 go at  the dumster..sewer..etc..
  that's why i'm all most certain of divinity..
             ..The Big Book says: GOD made man to his image..

                there it is in black and white..

                                          ..divine germs..

( i just washed and cleaned my bathroom and SAUNA..6
it all came to me from this hairball going to the sewer
in stream..)

..yeah..i know..
333 · Jul 2016
6th of July
eclipso child Jul 2016
6th of July we remember our one of the greatest hero
             ..Eino Leino..

but most of all an
individual who never gave up..and

in my opinion
the strength of our little lady
called Finland..

..he cave us a belief to our self..
            ..our eyes thy see the sadness and fight back..
                        ..he cave us our back bone..
..our *******'s..
..and the faith of the impossible..

& i'm glad it's my birthday too.
.as a man manipulating words..
                ..the day is also the day of poetry..

..and playin' with the letter's
at the age of 18th..
                      ..iv'e learnt..nothing..
                               ..all that i need to know
                                       to grow..and grow
                          ..until it's my time to go..


..cheers.. Eino..
317 · Oct 2016
eclipso child Oct 2016

                                        ..ME, MYSELF & I..
              ..all ways first/last..
            even do
              you've done

            ..& you still gonna feel
                                   ******* amazing
                          the Marvel's

  ain't conscious..
          just really
             don't even
                 what you are & '
                        that you are
               have done something
                                          ­ ..water to wine..

                   ..but there's still
                        the reason
                    for all this for sure..
                            that if you wanna
                             look awesome for who ever..self..
                                     ..the beautiful/psychotic
                              our wall's of
                      our unstoppable genius
        ­             ..filosophy..
   ­                                                ..etc..  & etc..

                          SO...?    HMM..?

                     all ways me..******* ME..!

       ­                                              me..
              ­                          me..all ways me..

                                      the first  
                                          and last..

                ..maybe our
               little steps
                   we take
( without a thought.. )
                             even when we're blind  
                                                         ­   as a bat's ..



          can i
                      think this everyday

                                                  ­        (******* day)

         ..superior self..evolution..


                 ..AND where's GOD..
                  ain't dead..
             M.R. Nietzsche
           promulgate that it's dead..left humanity
                                  to it's on beatitude..mercy..

              misunderstud at our cursed
                humanity..our stupidity..pessimistic reality
                                        of us ..**** Sapiens..**** Idiotical..
                         for real.. and truly true
                                             to end of the horizon..
                                                  ****** up in
        ­            never love the
                                 mirrors again..

                     ­     flower narcissus..blessed tale..fact..


          ­                           there's no other..


                               we have lost..'
                                 so many steps..
                                                 ..gone all ready..
                                 ..GONE AND DEAD..
                         ­        ME..myself and I..
                            ..wound forgive..forget..
'                                                        LOSE with out
                                           the infernal noise and war..

                             ..of us..individuals..
                                               ­              ..US..
                                         ..ME & YOU..

                    ..THE FUTURE..

                    ..just loose that      
                                   " me"
                              to the tomorrow's                            
                          ­     infernal affairs..

                                       ..there's all ways more & more stairs..

                  ..and that's HEAVEN..for me...!!!!!!
315 · Feb 2017
eclipso child Feb 2017
..plase dear..don't go
            so arond..  
        still find yourself in the same place..

       --is it home or somewhere more near to you..
.. yourself again..the
                                     ...mirror doeesn't ever lie..
       go with it..
                                                   ..nothing in everything..

311 · Jun 2016
Garden of Eeden
eclipso child Jun 2016
..we're lookin' always these nutshels..



                               ..are u there anymore..



more than enough is too much..going with
              it is
                too much and too less..
307 · Jun 2016
eclipso child Jun 2016


           ..big deal..

every ****** on this god forsaken planet

everyone's controlled..
       they're own EGO
                            ..and the one thing
                                 separate's me
                from them..
                          it's simplicity..
                            just say it
                        out loud..

              ..& not be embarrassed
                                by it's existence..

            ..and the happy fact..
                           ..that you can't
           never get a ride off
                          this blessing..

     & the funny part
         that the largest

            sees as a curse..

                      ..why to whip your
           the fukin' rug..
            the GOD is insanest  
               of all..

what other
      would explain IT'S
         continuous change of heart..

with fukin' everything..

            .. & remember..
                     we should be HIS image..
             ..that's the gift of life..
      .. & that

                many forget's..
and just
     continue 7 to 3 drama..

              ..they're loss..

i ain't never been envy to other's
             or no one..

                ..'cause this gift
                 way too short to
           lose my energy
                  to other's

302 · Apr 2017
So what is it..then..or..
eclipso child Apr 2017 slice..
..piece  by piece..
       ..getting it's's's
            change of it..

But all we know we come to our mother's metra ..
      ..were blind 4 nano second at least..
                ..same least the one's that get that.. much time too u think that we have thonger out of our stupid..made belive..problelm's..and do you
.              even know true love...
..i do..and it hurts the most of all that I have witness..3/4 of my heart went to love..or what thougt love..i've would have give my life that somebody gould keep living..LOVE..jist a word what we made to oirselfs to **** say something when it feels awkward some **..what ever..but we're not out word's or language..that would be just plain skitso and dumb..yeah th the 10%:t..but still..there's jus another  'fact' that we eat
          without chewin'..ain't the first time to ack like ape..throuing boo as funny business..OR we know why you but us in cage's..

   ..made up words to get explain our simplicity to others....the ******'s that make's us belive that we are in charge..

              ..words that have made all war's exist..and blood spilled..

       ..we need them but it would bea very sunny day..when we
             learned to use them too this my contribution..
299 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..can i visit in you..can i see trough your eyes..
                   ..can i
           even know you..somebody..
      ..anybody..somewhere..same to's just to move..
                                     and to stop

..your there i'n the wall's..trying your best..
                       ..and out here..
        ..under this deep..deep water..

                                 ..and i hope i meet you someday..
292 · Jun 2016
too young
eclipso child Jun 2016
stay away..go away..

          ..don't need a suicide..
               ..don't need
                              to do with yours..

keep in to my life..or get as far as you can get..
            ..little miss ******' sunshine..

        and your fake morality
                                      can **** it..
290 · Sep 2016
eclipso child Sep 2016 die and you die
       and you die..¨
    ..every second you breath to stay alive..

seconds past you by..minutes..hours..

and you still keep on dying..
             ..till your death..

but what's your life between in those seconds..days..
           ..what.s your poor life..
in the moments of crazy..wild life..
            ..***..drug's and rock'n'roll..'s..

                  ..poison or pleasure..

candy or treat..
           ..honest or lie..

it come's close when you least aspect it..
                       ..your choice..

        live or die..

without words..
without passage..

                and die in pleasure..

  can't miss..
                                               ..big boy..
279 · Dec 2016
eclipso child Dec 2016 you remember the brick's on your wall..

                       ...surrounding your tears for escape..
                   ..from the hole..the too many hours in blindness..

   time to describe the crack's  
                                                       of the wall's..

                   ..there were no answers to put these in the puzzle

           ..that is the only way you..or her..the Diamond..
                                       ..we all got this same dilemma..

             ..brick's in the wall that chained you..
                           see only
                         the wall and the brick's..the way out..

concrete manipulative..seeing through all those eyes..
                              ..that you see on your mirror every day..

              ..seeing the one and only truth..
                      really don't know anything..

   have an idea..and you have your backbone..

                      have your curiosity..
                          ....our wall..our own..bricks and all.. whey back..
                                  's just a beautiful circle..

            go and figure it out..too see it
                                                  in our blindness..

                          ..who knows were we start and were we end..

                            there we are..
274 · Sep 2016
too much time..
eclipso child Sep 2016 weary..' s scary..

             & you might lose your Deary..

and all thought this poem ****'s ***..big time..

or not..

..all ways remember the ***..
eclipso child Oct 2016
..bow when there's a change to be a man to this honorary..
..of course.. don't do it lightly..without any living experience that
can stand by your side like a 'blood brother' in arms..but to take a bow you have to have mind blowing adventure..concrete..a tale that will be told generations to generations..mouth to mouth..and it's all ways
as breath taking like then when you had to go through to it all..tale brings tear's to those ears that hear and live it all most the same way..there will be gasp's with eyes like full moon's relatively hidden  secrets at the the blindness for seeing any of the GOD's..the pride oneself on or upon something that i would count equal to the speciality of the universal adventitious secret of the power's within the bow..and the humility of it's infinite magic..& we know deep within...that when's the time to's kind of like a source code in our backbone..there's millions of spells to take a have to be absolutely 110% to make this mode of will and power..'cause after you can't get rid of the kiss of GOD' bow only when something/somebody deserve's it..the life ain't gonna be boring after the first time..with right zoom trough of it coming back..your our no JACK..
268 · Oct 2016
eclipso child Oct 2016 know you 'gonna go away..somewhere..

           you believe it..that somewhere..

..or do you hang to yourself..
                    ..not to give up..say ******* to the broken..
                            ..heart and soul..

              ..and still you know that you 'gonna go away..

                                           ..somewhere our nothing..

              ..go trough to you..
                      ..or else..
266 · Mar 2018
Struggelin mourning rust
eclipso child Mar 2018
..mourning rust..
      ..that peelin' on my cement ways..

  ..and im runnin..runnin..
        ..runnin..and theres no sound
                                    any more.. nothin..Just
               mourning rust..

    ..chalk on the board..


..scratsh my toes with a rusty nail..its just fuked up clad to be..
 zero 2 all the way to

      .. else..

                   ..mourning rust..
Few s bungle85Æää
266 · Sep 2016
no word's anymore
eclipso child Sep 2016
..what's the point of life..
       ..when you know that you going to die some day..

                ..where's life's priority's..meaning..


i'.m a humble man but i can't look in the other way..

                ..this is just straight up *******..

            try an smile in these conditions..

   happy..and care 4 your children..

                                                ..i ain't happy..
                  ..i'm fed up..

                                        ­      ..death..

..and what is life before that..

                       ..not sweet bunny's..
          ..i'.m sure
                 ­             ..nothing and miscellaneous pain..
265 · Jul 2016
eclipso child Jul 2016 word'
s are gounted..

                  ..'cause of
           fukin' computer.. slip and slides trough subject.. grammar..        &
               ..more than church..

more than all ..
      no one..
 ..after all
what DO you know..

               lady's and gent'...

more of us..
                   ...more all ways..
there's more ways
                                       ­     ..right there..

            right there..

265 · Jun 2017
eclipso child Jun 2017 individual..sorce..of no coming the moment..
     ..talking too much aint the one to
  you gonna ask yourself..
            ..where you at..whats your point..

..who you are and are you still steady..

            ..slow suicide its not the
                    way to go..

            ..or *** sleep after          ...

           ..buatiful roaď to you..
264 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017 people like my mind..the words..
          ..i kind of blush.. you even know me..
                            ..where is my mind..
           ..or are yo blind..
264 · Feb 2017
eclipso child Feb 2017 all by day..
..why haven't i've done nothing..but all..that
          i ever gould find..within..

264 · Jun 2016
eclipso child Jun 2016
..go away or stay..
          ..don't play anymore..

your not a kid no long..

..where were you when i loved my razor
                    where are you anyway..

      ..not here..nor there..
                            ..not anywhere..

..let me out or let me in..
           ..iv'e got my changes..
    ..learn' the heart anymore..

                              there still more i have to give..
261 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..same is alone & the streets too..
    giving up..stand tall..
          & be recognize is the same..

       ..many wonder's go trough these gates and no
                                        one has seen them sense..mystery..
               ..why not..

but the same is all ways at the same spot as the same should be..

                                      ..thinking over it's same to me..

               ..what do you think..?

peace please..
259 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..poem is a poverty..
         ..godliness..mess up mind..
      ..down under..fukin' Satan..
                 ..kissing god hairy ***..

                ..poem come's from weakness and despair..
                                        ..just a few word bind to infinity..

                  ..there's a joke in poetry..
                               one really get's it..

                    ..Bukowski was the greatest clown ..
                                            ..or was he..


                                    ..& chauvinist  big..

               ..and love him to the death..

                                        ..joke's on you mothaf*a..

               ..keep the words flowing..u wimps..
256 · Apr 2017
go further..
eclipso child Apr 2017
..and don't come back.. ain't easy to sell your body to anybody..not even yourself..
..classic..frustration ..gain your coin..
hope for better after some walk..somewhere..i hate don't know even you..
blessed some body else..

..there's no other..
252 · Nov 2016
244 · Feb 2017
eclipso child Feb 2017
..i would like to add me
        but that's nonsense..

       ..who wouldn't like sentences..word's..worlds..
            ..who wouldn't like bourbon..
        Bukowski or Pessoa..or still me too..

But adding something to anything is we see it.. add my add..your''s still the same

             ..just to be..        ..again..
244 · Mar 2017
me again
eclipso child Mar 2017
..egoism..poetry..death.. much can love wan' t..
          ..hope not much else..
243 · Jun 2016
eclipso child Jun 2016
..hell ain't got nothing..

who the **** wan't to go to heaven..

    ..that's not the paradise..

..heaven..that's just more pain that you don't understand..

         ..hell's straight..

and i ain't talkin' no satan..
239 · Jun 2016
eclipso child Jun 2016
..i haven't drink enough yet..
         ..this take's some time..

      ..soul's unjustly
                     miss direction..

no deal..more drink..more self-loathing..

..what a joke..

there's a poem 4 u..
238 · Jun 2016
eclipso child Jun 2016 can go bad and it can
'             go worse

  ..but it's still all ways  the same..
      at it's funniest..

game that share us together..
             ..and bother..

i don't  know nothing..
        ..but still it's more than enough

                       for me..

all ways
something new..
237 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..add one to the plus and what you get..
            ..more time off course..

there was a man somewhere living his life..and all of a sudden
           there was another man..
     ..and they didn't know what to do..
                     ..looking each other..smellin'..touchin'..

    ..add one to the plus..and that you get..nothing..

                           ..two strangers poke to each other..

    ..who are you..WHO are you..what you are..
                         you are..time when't by and they started to
             feel each other..
                             ..and then there was this curvy being standing
        not many feet away..lookin' shy..dumb..not like these two..

                         ..and one added three..with complications..little blood no
           and then..yelling..cursing..

                ..and stupid moves that looked like dancing..

what i'm about to say is..don't near the fire..or don't fall in love..
             ..or add anything to anything it still doesn't add up..

                                         in peace my three kings..
236 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..inside is outside..
       ..remember Leary..

     ..i'm going too fast that the letters don't keep up..
                body is still..
               ..but my mind is thousand miles ahead..

           ..killer walk the walk..
                                ..& and never..
             ..ever couldn't find his heart of living..

             ..wrong or less..

                       all ways wait yourself..
       the mirror of your heart..

                                    ..blessed by thy..
                                                  ..wrong doing..
236 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..go trough a dream..

              ..and wake up..and your still there..

   ..say the words that live's your life..
'         a morning light..

                                     ..truth is elsewhere..

            ..GOD & Satan we do not understand..

  ..and this when't over your whip..

                     ..don't worry..
   gonna die too..
                                       ..then you see..
233 · Mar 2017
eclipso child Mar 2017 surface..just gruel notification..just a feeling from the true and all the lie's that go with it..

..poetry..yeah..great..**** me..

            ..there's never enough fukin to make  this.. better and worse..
  and you die..
233 · Mar 2017
Dialogy of us
eclipso child Mar 2017
..please somebody stand 4 me....this is not going anywhere..3 try's to give a world a word..but.. **** it all mind & spirit..
             ..but not this fukin world..

      ain't free..

's jail of of this destruction..

         ..yeah in peace..

               ..or in PEACE..
232 · Sep 2016
eclipso child Sep 2016
..a point going back to your house..


i really don't wanna go back to my house..
        ..while it's a nice place..
                   ..but all ways it's jus o.d..
  sleep..too much awake..

concrete..something to look forward to..word LOVE..

                 's been so long..that i only have myself..

and that's the only place what is certain..warmth..

                            ..go steady..and be blessed..

  's just you..
231 · May 2017
eclipso child May 2017
...can't turn around..
          ..anywhere.. directions..

oxygenation is starting to get down..
             ..really know..down and down..
                      where's my town.. salt and sugar mixed with coffee..

                        ..when your's optional..

                ..keep it..
231 · Oct 2016
Mindless Blessing..
eclipso child Oct 2016
..i am nobody and
             yet i'm everybody..

            ..i'm free but still captured..
              and the pagan..
                             ..still..but gone..

                       ..i'm who ever i choose to be..but still i don't
             really recognize the form i live in..

                              ..the mirror is false
                                      and true at the same moment..

                  ..and still i can't believe the geometry of
                                 being the moment..& breath..

           ..holy and unwise..
                       ..cursed and blessed..loved and hated..
                         ..and is it/it is..
               all combine..together..

     ..without any real outcome..
                                ..this madness chuckle 's together
                 with me..or us..or them..

                        ..& i'm happy to know with out knowledge..

                  ..& the greatest regrets..

                                            's out there somewhere
                       are you there..?
231 · Nov 2016
eclipso child Nov 2016
ME mouse at it's

   ..just step it up..
  'gonna get there..
229 · Mar 2017
u know u?
eclipso child Mar 2017
..go and figure..look at the mirror and
     find out
         if u really are the one that u believe at all.. are u there or do u just image it all..

       ..come on..hit your ball..

              ..or be a same doll to fall..
229 · Oct 2016
eclipso child Oct 2016 green chills..
..sleep in the the deep water..

           ..wake up..wake up..
       's not a dream

cold..cold front..freezing death coming upon you.. blue it's the horizon of youth..

                    it's everywhere..
                & there..

did you look even any where..

   clue to the clue..

..and boredom still..middle of this all..

                 ..some or the other one..
                                 like clue..

               ..then trough..go.go..
                                  ..go through..
228 · Oct 2016
eclipso child Oct 2016 your

               ..your word's.. 'em..

             ..your word's.. what's the point..
                               what' s the point..

225 · Apr 2017
eclipso child Apr 2017

Yes..your there..ok and fine..
   lookin' pare of ears for your fixation of our world..i'm a cancer so i'm hers and her systematic view of the status-quo..hers anyway..

Blaa laablaablaablaa..and my man hits me now and again..and he doesn't treat me as a human being..
   ..with feelingg's and ****..

..the world should be his..*** her..she's just a *****..a blow..

..and then more that tragedy haven't even happened..

I just have to wonder whose the most ******* or is hitter..and women just swallow it and smile..

..what's this life..what's this heart..oow child...
224 · Jan 2017
eclipso child Jan 2017
..hello poetry..iv'e cone of movement of words..language ain't anymore..
..were ******..subconsciousness is getting mess..
..i believe you have seen for years now..

                              were you stand..are you a *****..

                                   ..and were the letters wend..


                        ..where's your magic..
221 · Mar 2017
eclipso child Mar 2017
..**** of poetry..
.      there's no tomorrow..

        ..and **** flesh and it's poetry..

Go home and stay there.. out..there it is..

   emptyness and pure solitude..


         ..and you again like all ways..

Poetry is ****!
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