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 Apr 2012 Miranda
JJ Hutton
"are you feeling anything now?"

"nothing positive.
some guilt with a hint of nostalgia."

we thought we could touch.
touch that would enable us to exhale.
we thought we could touch.
but our touch don't mean all that much.

we thought we could make love.
love that would resurrect our rhyme.
we thought we could make love.
but we only looked perplexed when all we made was ***.

we broke each other up.
played pretend-patch-each-other-up.
now all we are is haunting shrapnel,
stuck in each other's side.
Copyright 2010 by Joshua J. Hutton
 Apr 2012 Miranda
Becca Keith
This place I have reached
(I know not how)
Excites me,
Elates me,
Empowers me.

It is not a lovely place
(I know with certainty)
A ***** place,
A wretched place,
A sinful place.

I have tasted fruits
(I ought not have)
Poisoned fruits,
Corrupted fruits,
Toxic fruits.

I have felt the caress of your lips upon my skin
No revenge tastes as sweet as the poison in my mouth.
A semi-reality.
 Apr 2012 Miranda
Becca Keith
I have seen you
And I have experienced your light.
I have loved you fondly
Beyond all that I know now or ever had before.

But you are dark.
You are destructive.
Like the plague you leave chaos in your wake.
You **** people.

You took me in your hand
And with your silver tongue, destroyed me.
I hate you.

But, I can't.
I loved you too fondly.
I know your light.
An experience I have had.
 Mar 2012 Miranda
 Mar 2012 Miranda
The way I memorialize
a woman's heart
against my own,
is by pointing
to the scars she has left
on my heart
in my moments of solitude.

Like the wounds
on sharks during
I hold close
those moments
when I sank my teeth in
and when she sank
into me.


"Would you have done
anything differently,
now that you see how it
turned out?"

And I say:

I cherished those moments
when your placed your mouth
on my heart
and squeezed with
perfect teeth.

— The End —