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 Mar 2014 MiraclesExist
Ill feed you honey off of a teaspoon in the morning
And I’ll cover up all the reflective surfaces and
hold you in the bathtub till about 2 pm

I’ll rub shampoo through your black hair until the water turns cold

We will read poetry under that big shady tree down the road
and chase each other in the maze at the library
but I’ll always let you catch me

You’ll eat out of my hands like a broken baby animal
on the back porch wrapped in an afghan
the colour of your eyes on a rainy day

We will turn on the lamps at night and count our freckles
while we are wrapped in the sheets

And if you still hate yourself after that
We will wash rinse and repeat
until you can look into the mirror and

see what I see
 Mar 2014 MiraclesExist
I am not pink lace and bony knees
I am not please and thank you
I am now and because I said so

I am ripped jeans and skinned knees
I am not a thin wafer
I am a loud tongue

my body has never once been a temple
I am a volcano erupting at random intervals
I burn everything I touch

some are born with a silver spoon in their mouth
I was born with a hunger
for something I have yet to taste

I have never been meek
A proper lady
A lamb

I am harsh worded
I speak like a grater
I leave bruises and burns

I am a sinkhole
And if you're not careful
I will swallow you up
 Mar 2014 MiraclesExist
When I was in second grade a boy punched me
and I punched him back
until his nose bled on mulch

and ever since then I don’t chase boys
and I do not care for blonde hair anymore

when I was in second grade I would make
homes for fairies in the dirt using
moss and leaves and dandelion stems

when I was in second grade I had a house I could rattle around in
I could sulk like an angry ghost in a house built in 1867

I would wander around in the forest with two boys
I convinced them we should break into old houses
and our neighbors sheds

We created a world of green and vine and stumps
For Christmas one year we decorated a tree

We were the little ones who never wanted to go home
We called ourselves Peter Pan
Because we were never growing up

That was all before I moved
And the last day with them they crowned me Queen

I would climb on the roof at night
and feel the warmth of the sun still lingering there
and that was back when I was scared of what was in my closet

but since then I’ve befriended it
I have such power
But wily Knight could take me
If he moves with skill.

You are behind me,
Where you belong. Careful now…
I can move backwards.

A pawn is in my path.
I can’t take him,
He is protected by you.

There is a way out
But I do not want to win
I want to be won.

Take me, game over,
I willingly concede, my
strong, sweet Knight, checkmate.
These are linked haikus/senryu's but I don't think the poem needs to be labelled as such.
People don't smoke.
The cigarette smokes.
People are the suckers.

Soul Survivor

 Mar 2014 MiraclesExist
Lame Poet
I birthed
a faceless character
and my amniotic aura leaked out
spreading langloriously
across https
all over
the www.
My character
grew its skin
as a layer over mine
as thin as a tan
and as permanent as
true love
(whose permanence
s     t      r       e        t         c          h           e            s
to the size of your faith).

- LP
to be continued
when your temper begins to flare
a sure sign the devils there
trying to get you in his trap
tormenting you so you will snap
so he can have his wicked way
and with your mind he will play
he will use his evil spell
and drag you to his burning hell
so when your temper begins to flare
just beware the devils there
 Mar 2014 MiraclesExist
I’m uncomfortable with a crowded room
partly because there’re so many personalities mashing into one
and too many conversations being held out of spite
i’m restless to the idea of meaningful small talk
because I truly do not believe in it’s existence
no one is happy to be here
and we’re all drowning our sadness
in different ways that no one would ever know
we're forcing ourselves to become one
and I will never understand
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