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 Aug 2014 Meenakshi Iyer
The fairy of the midnight moon
She hides in those luminescent rays
Her wings are made of gossamer
Accented with beads and glitter
The fairy of the summer's moon
Wears honeysuckles in her hair
She dances upon the tops of trees
Smiling from her haven in the stars
Is it any wonder that she is bright
After all she lives hidden amongst
The same stars you see each night
For she's the fairy of the twilight moon

Just a little thank you poem to Cheryl love
Who most kindly wrote a poem for me today!! :) ~~~~<3
Thank you, Cheryl, and I hope you like this...
Here's my fairy poem for you!!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~<3
Danger! There is - no end - to this tunnel.
Listen           to the voice...            it ends...            in light.
Hallucination! Just stay put -
darkness is what we were born to serve.
**** on!           This voice....            is true.
Those that go, they never return.
They           return not       as they          walked into light.
Prove it!              Then....             walk with me.
Any other way!          Then         search your heart.
Those voices are illusory, meant to lure and **** us.
Freedom              exists. I can            see its glow
as I          walk  closer.   You are hallucinating.
Voice competing with voice: you you you are are
hal-hal-luci-  li -luci-  ght  - li-  nating-nating-  ght  -nating
Some psychedelic verse, interspersing rhythms and rhythm patterns here...very experimental!
hey little one
i see you sitting
over there
on the fringe
of society

i see behind your
to the tears pooling
in the corners
of your eyes

little one...
it is ok to be
so scared
life is a big thing
to undertake

yet you have to
take a step
and join the fray

little one
sitting quiet in
the shadows
waiting for
your spotlight,
your allocated time...
your little ray of sunshine....

little one....
i see you there
waiting to be told
but you gotta
make your own stories
and create
your own fold and creases
in the game of paper
and life's origami  leases

give it time
                 give it time
i promise you, little one
                          you will find  
                                    your way
what if
the moon was just the sun
after it had been peeled
and showing all it's pith
and whote underwear revealed.

what if
the stars are just the peephole in the sky
so that those that went
before us never have to
say goodbye

what if
the sea was just a teardrop
from some sad god's eye

what if
we are just ants in a science
for alien humanlogist
from the planet fitahw....

what if
this is all absurd...but true?????
crinkle the chippies
wrinkle the bag
savour the salt
you're now a potato lad
buy the chippies
bag after bag
don't bother
about the belly sag
you're now a potato lad
wonderous flavours...
to be had
don't you worry
if your skin has gone bad
you're now a potato lad
cholesteral rising,
have trouble prising,
your doubled in sizing,
couch potato spread.
no, not you  
you're a potato lad
don't worry bout that,
at least, a third of the
world is morbidly fat.

besides my man,
you don't need to cry.
they went organic,
buy, only happy, free range kipfler joys.
they reduced the fat,
changed the taste.
and now your favourite
chips, are too
expensive to buy.
so my boy, you,
no longer can afford...
to be a potato lad

*here endeth
the unhealthy
potato lad
napowrimo day 10
prompt; write an adverstising

as you can well see
my jingle turned
feral on me
and became
a comment
a wry look
the adverts
with salsa
now is the time
when all winds.....
            the lights are ......
    and the world....
the world settles.....
        .....and the breathing
of the room becomes
syncopated.......... smooth...
.........broken..only by...
the whimpers of.....
medicated ....sleep sodden pain....... you shift ..... as they shift....
...  the broken...bruised ..and..
battered anatomy... on slabs
of latex ...concreted.... beds..
but.... even that.... has become
a ...descant.... that..
with the..... murmuring lyric gossip...
... of the nurses station...
.... and the brass buzzers .
answered.....­ by squeaky.....sqeeeeky
... shod percussionary..... nurses
               i lie on.... the razors... edge...
...of pain..... the half light
concentrating.... on this...
assonic symphony  ....willing for it .. lull me.... into a... fitfull... sleep..
but .....   . tonight it seems the ....throbbing ...robbing...
roaring.....pain  ................ my damaged limb...
........... and ....torn ...........flesh playing.. playing
.. a counterpoint sleep...
............... havoc........ this night's song.....
           .......for me....
at least ...until...
the meds.... sing .......
.in my veins....and then....
.... all is........ a lullaby.....lulla .....bbye
from when i was recently in hospital having
slipped and badly broken my leg..
you and i
my dear one
have seen
so many

have taken
steps both
back and forward

have laughed
and cried
in many places

you have heard
my heart race
and watched me

you know all
my secrets
but still
you hold
your origins
the blue
twinkle of your

when we first met
for me i was
instantly, lustful
of your graceful

i had to have you
spent my last coins
but you were mine.

your glass so dusky
washed by a million
encased in silver
and a oak tree motif
hand linked chain

you are my luck
my blue oak
bought almost  
thirty  years past
worn most every day

i feel naked undressed
if you are not with me.

just a chunk of sea glass
to some
to me
loves repository.
holder of memory,
rememberance and hope
napowrimo day 7
prompt: write a love poem
about/for an inanimate object.

my sea glass pendant
bought with the last of my
first grown up paycheck
28 odd years ago.
still one of my most prized
my father died alone.
in a car by the side of a busy road.
a young couple,
returning from a day at the beach found him.
they thought he was asleep,
he had, had a massive stroke.

i went to his funeral.
as a stranger
and heard the eulogy,
of a man i barely knew.
we had been disparate
for over twenty years
and before that sporadic
at best.

i did not weep.

five weeks
and two days later after breakfast and feeding the cats.
i went to open the front door. to begin my days toil
my hand on the lock began to shake.

i broke,

i just broke.

and fell against the door in keening, sobbing, rending sorrow.
i slid headfirst down the white painted surface,
opening a cut against the doorbell.
collasped in on myself, huddled into a heaving heap,
pressed into the corner.

i cried pinktears.
all that day.

i stayed in that corner
staring, crying,
beyond thought,
beyond comfort.


beyond .. .

at that point in my life
i lived alone.
with the exception of my cats.
my misery, abject, so complete. so dark, so ink jetblack, so bereft of life, so remote from love so deep in repression, unlocked. so ferocious in attack, so outrageous in it's anger and sense of defeat had hold of me.

i had lost myself.

it is with pure hearted certainty.
i say these two furry little souls.
with plainitive crys of need and slinking warmth, curling heartbeats and insistent nudge of feline body.
saved my shattered, tattered, beaten soul that night.

i got up.
i fed my friends.
and then went to bed.
turned inward on myself
for two days more
this was my path.
cats fed.

i gave no thought to the outside.
to the phone calls,

my apathy bordering catatonic.
i was locked in chains in stygian hell,
inside my head.

they broke the lock.
my two samaritan friends
and found me
a weeping shell.
guarded by two hissing cats. shocked beyond words,
they instigated help for me .

this was my descent into clinical depression

my acsent
back out of the bomb crater, triggered by my fathers death, was arduous and long.

two days heavy sedation.
two weeks close observation 3months at a sanitorium
years of medication.
months and months of dedicated therapy.( i still occasionally do therapy.)

crawling over jagged glass feelings
and rusted tin memories.
that would lock my jaw and break my back.
through slime and muck and crap.

i would crawl,
mentally, forward
and then fall away.
it was, excruitingly, painful.
but also,

redeeming and liberating,
to fight my way up,
to open new doors.
to learn new ways
of thinking, seeing.

another 6 months,
a completed PhD
and an eventual move
of towns.
had me standing tall.

re-invented, restored more complete than before.

that is my history of depression

now eight years on:
i am no longer on medication.
(5years free weaned under Dr's supervision)
i met, married and had a child with the love of my life.
i have great career doing mostly what i love.

i am no hero, just a survivor.

i have a small ragged scar at my hairline,
a rememberance of less than betterdays.

i want no sympathy,
my life rocks.

i live life,
with love and gratitude,
in the forefront of my being,
each day an adventure.
some are blazingly good,
some mediocre
and some are bad.
but always,
tommorrow, is a chance of sunny.

i write this to encourage
those in the mental fight
with this disease.
to show that, there is a bright, enduring light.

and to thank those,
who guided me toward,
it friends, family, doctors,
and furry ones.
this work is now a couple of year, old. still doing fine.
 Apr 2014 Meenakshi Iyer
"Everybody says tomorrow is scary
I say tomorrow only brings
A fresh page on a book
A new chapter perhaps
A new beginning
Another exciting adventure
Another step further
In your life."

Just One Of My Random Quotes!!! :) ~~~~<3
Please Enjoy It, My HP Friends!! :) ~~~~~<3
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