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Feb 24 · 419
Mimi Feb 24
To love an addict,

You smoked all night and too late
And didn’t want to waste your high.
So you stayed up and slept in,
Mary keeping you company.
I had loved and stayed knowing
It wasn’t just you I had to love.
Jan 28 · 170
Mimi Jan 28
Standing by,
The wind flowing through my hair.
Painfully slow,
The gravity pulls me to the core.
I linger,
Waiting for you.
This will not waver.
little bit random
Jan 27 · 676
Earl Grey
Mimi Jan 27
You invite me in for tea
To sit down and talk
About nothing,
And nothing was something.
It was warm, sweet, bitter, bland, and cold
Time went by so fast
I had no time to savor it.
The tea or you
Your eyes like earl grey
Understanding, soft, sad.
We walk to the door
I grab my coat hesitant
It's chilly outside.
Maybe just one more cup of tea?

— The End —