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mikecccc Sep 2015
You ever hear people say
How is this still a thing
Why are we
Still doing THAT
In our enlightened age
It's cause
We're human
And humans change
Very slowly.
mikecccc Feb 2016
Fleeing the club
Almost swept away
By the human tide
I need to breathe
I need some room
Why did I think
This would end well.
mikecccc Aug 2015
unseen ropes
connect them
they have no weight
no width
or so it seems
folks just walk through
it is no bouncers rope
yet it has an effect
when they are slashed
people notice.
mikecccc Jan 2016
I still remember
The last time
I saw you cry
They were not
Tears of joy
And it was not
A happy birthday
At least
The cake was good.
mikecccc Oct 2016
You have a rather
frowny smile
are you a sad clown
or do you just
look funny when you cry
if you knew the future
would you be here
or would you have just
given up or gone
A different route.
A coworker
mikecccc Jul 2017
We all shall one day
but for me
today is the day
the sun shines
the crowd is constricting
today is the day
But then many days
seem like good ones to away
there is no hurry
perhaps tomorrow.
still too repetitive
mikecccc Dec 2015
Self imposed
Or otherwise
Does funny things
To the mind
You can lose yourself
In your own
Mental labyrinth
And to get out
Some need a guide
Some others
Never leave.
mikecccc Jan 2017
it's not crazy
to scratch an itch
might be uncouth
does it become
A mad action
if you scratch
till you bleed
but the itch remains.
if you have to ask

maybe you just need a knife
mikecccc Nov 2015
A great deal
a side effect
of slight paranoia
that could go wrong
drifts through
my mind
not much room
for anything else
it's not paranoia
I can't tell anymore
if i ever could.
mikecccc Jun 2015
Light it's illuminating
And in my opinion

Sure with out light
Everyone would be
Stumbling over desks
And cats

But on the pro side
No Sun burns.
mikecccc Nov 2016
Faith is for fools
Believe in them
Trust that reason
Will win
And you will find
A monster
Given the keys
To the land
Of now tragic dreams.
Trump won
Ha ha
That will end well
mikecccc Nov 2015
If you stare
into the void
it just might
look back at you
with two circles of oblivion
that play havoc with your mind
and your soul
you may never look away
you may not want to
so maybe no one should look
of course
if no watches it
then how can you stop it.
mikecccc Jan 2018
I see something silly
I laugh
Serious sincere
I see deep naivety
Dreamer dear friend why
I try to ask
But the laughter won't stop.
mikecccc Aug 2017
it does
A sincere shrug
it is what it is
why is that?
of gravity?
mikecccc Mar 2016
Or the highway
Or the secret tunnel
Or the alley way
The yellow brick road
There's a lot of ways
Truth be told
To get where
we are going
The place all
find themselves eventually
The great state
of confusion.
mikecccc Aug 2016
terribly complicated
when you attempt
to take it seriously
but forget the rules
and just toss the pawns
to the horses
then you'll have fun
or at least
be done with it quickly.
mikecccc Dec 2015
I had a staring contest
With an inanimate object
If i won
I would go on with my day
Happy and free
like a butterfly
If it won I'd consume it
And be filled with regret
I lost but it's dead
So really who won?
mikecccc Apr 2016
It was disturbing
the world is big
the sky looks infinite
the roads are full
the cars are to
this isn't all
this is barely any
I need to hurry home
and lock the door behind me.
mikecccc May 2016
I don't see myself in you
i'm jealous to say
I see such greatness
well a better level of mediocrity
at any rate
so what's your secret
tell me
show me
how not to be me.
mikecccc Jun 2015
And that
And that
Ooh and definitely that
Alas I cannot
I curse you God
All these shiny baubles
Catch my eye
I go in for one
And leave with six
It is just so wrong.
mikecccc Dec 2015
i'm totally
thinking it
it's kinda rude
so I will be wise
and not pick a fight
even though
it would be
you may be thinking it to
mikecccc May 2016
not out loud
but I would think it
possibly even whisper it
in a private place.
mikecccc Jun 2016
two faced
by nature
A smile and a frown
would be typical
for an actor
what two faces
would a god deign to wear.
mikecccc Dec 2015
Do you find yourself in need of
A State animal
or mascot for your home
well your search is at an end friend

You may think a lion is good
regal and proud
you may find yourself drawn to the otter
cute and funny
these may be good for a few
but I fear not you

Instead you should follow the current of the Jelly
Free to drift where they will
and hunted by very few
They have no spine but do just fine
And some are quite deadly
if you're into that sorta thing.
Just avoid
Sea turtles
ocean sun fish
And humans
mikecccc Nov 2021
Anarchist fingers
honed by habit
A future fit
for no one.
mikecccc Nov 2015
How dare you
Judge my people
How dare you judge
My time
How dare you judge
When all you have
Are preconceived notions
And crazy stories
From a friend of a friend
I ask even though
I know the simple truth
I dare to judge
Because that's what
I was taught to do.
mikecccc Jun 2016
In the belief
that I was a phoenix
I let myself burn
I knew
that if  I could be reborn
I would do things right
I made ash of myself
for a second chance
probably should have done more
with my first one.
mikecccc Dec 2016
the end is nigh
maybe the worlds
definitely the years
A celebration is in order
wine is needed
we survived
if nothing else
call the party planner.
this poem is early
hope I haven't jinxed us.
mikecccc Jun 2016
It isn't a hook handed crook
Tapping at your window
Just a tree branch
Just your imagination
Playing tricks on you
You'd know that
If you looked
Instead of just
Hoping it stops.
mikecccc Jan 2016
I meant to say hi
I thought up
all the sentences
we could trade
I envisioned
where things
just might go
but you left
before I could say
my bad.
mikecccc Sep 2015
I looked away
For only a moment
And you were gone
Things had changed
It was all wrong
But I swear
I only looked away
For a moment.
mikecccc Aug 2015
Such a simple concept
do wrong and get punished
all society's need it
even if it seems warped
to outsider eyes
but its easy to confuse it
with vengeance
which is less clinical
and corruption ruins
the very idea of justice
making it so malleable
the rules must be firm
but they must also be tempered
with mercy maybe
mikecccc Sep 2015
Just drop everything and run
when the unpleasantness comes
such sage advice
for a ***
with nothing to drop
we are made to cling
to our stuff and our people
we truly are
even when all we have
is pain and trouble.
mikecccc Dec 2015
I'm pretty much done
We both know
Where things are headed
You may as well
Push me off the hill
And watch me roll down it
Maybe I'll hit a rock
On the way
Then you can see
Me bleed
I'll try to pick some flowers
On the way as well
I'm sure it will be lovely.
mikecccc Oct 2015
I know where I'm going
You said
I know what I'm doing
You said
It's all good
You claimed
Well here we are
In a land
surprise surprise
You don't recognize.
mikecccc Feb 2016
You're like a kraken
And I'm the ship
You seek me out
You wrap me up
Then I find myself shattered
The debris that was me
Just floating in the sea
This is why
I prefer dry land.
mikecccc Nov 2016
click clack
fingers on the keys
like hooves on cobblestones
but this is for me
not a passenger
i'm fairly certain.
mikecccc Jan 2016
father time and his
tic tocking minions
love to remind you
how fast they run by
really should trip them.
mikecccc Apr 2016
What string of words
Resonates with the crowd
What dab of ink
Sends your mind
To the right places
I never know
But I'd like to.
mikecccc May 2016
Take you
Place you
Prop you up
Snap that
We can all
Go aah
What do you
Think of that.
mikecccc Nov 2015
Things keep breaking
things keep falling
and I fear
I am to blame
making poor choices
and saying
the wrong things
I fear
i'm just
too much the fool.
mikecccc Sep 2015
those of poor dexterity
aught not throw knives
yet evidently I do
and with a blindfold to
since i'd rather
not see any spilled blood
I hit my target
somewhat unintentionally
perhaps I should get headphones
to block out the screams.
mikecccc Jan 2016
I've heard of you
So cold at first
Then so warm
Then so nothing
In young hearts
You bring to mind
White snowfall
Hot cocoa and angels
To the more learned
You bring drunks
Frozen on the sidewalk
And grey glompy slush
So many dread you
But I'm happy
To think you're about.
mikecccc Feb 2016
You're too bright
Here put this on
Then we can
mikecccc Apr 2016
Like ever
What to do
Armageddon Arrives
Spend the day
With family
Just read a book
I don't know
If it happens
I'll think of something.
mikecccc Apr 2016
Crazed chuckles
almost drown out
the whole
absurd situation
but not quite
soon the grin
will fade
and tears shall fall
but not today
mikecccc Dec 2015
I could stare
At you for hours
Such peculiarities
Swirl within your
See through carcass
I tap on your glass
To check it's effect
Nothing much
But that's okay
I'm still
Having fun.
mikecccc Mar 2017
by the law
with the law
I abuse you.
mikecccc Dec 2016
the rules are meant
to guide
mikecccc Oct 2016
By the book
society should flow
if it doesn't
it doesn't
someone has to correct it.
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