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mikecccc Nov 2016
A statement phrased
as a question
how rhetorical
why ask answered questions
to see if I knew the answer
to show how much you know
cause you're obnoxious.
mikecccc May 2016
Not much time
for society
to take you in
but about enough
to keep them
from getting bored
don't be angry
all things hot
must cool down.
not the original point
mikecccc Jan 2016
the new year is here
and I suspect
it will be much like
the last one
I would tell you
my list of resolutions
but I never bother
to make any.
mikecccc Dec 2021
it sounds so futuristic
by now
the world should be chrome
still time still just 21
things can change fast
could wake up tomorrow
having missed the revolution
movies from the 80s what do they know
less than me apparently.
****** plague
all those ya novel
turned out to be true
mikecccc Mar 2016
Do we have one
A screen
Right in front
We just can't see
With someone
Lurking behind it
Enjoying popcorn
And our lives?
mikecccc Jan 2018
In half a decade
Where will you be
Having consulted
My crystal ball
I can say with certainty
mikecccc Mar 2016
I reached into
my skull
to fetch
A thousand words
I got a handful
and a headache.
mikecccc Apr 2016
I hope everyone
Has such a place
Or thing
To defend against
The madness
That would cut through
The strings
That keep you
In one piece.
mikecccc Aug 2016
Stop that
hmm no
Stop that
oh okay
R r really
I want to
kinda really
poor phrasing
mikecccc Jul 2015
it's pitiful
in the darkest places
there's a light
it illuminates
so very little
really it just
accentuates the darkness
and eventually it burns out
there's always another.
mikecccc Aug 2016
Walk or run
if the destination
is the same
does the pace matter
it does if your racing
it's not a competition
kinda feels like one.
mikecccc Sep 2015
A plain box
with an intricate padlock
quite mysterious
what's inside
a heart
metaphorical treasure
you wont know
till the box is open
keep in mind
the box
will be nothing
once its contents are gone
except to cat's and box fiends.
mikecccc Feb 2016
It sometimes rains down
A revealing corruption
that burns away all sorts
of natural things
it may appear over you
you'll need a tough umbrella.
mikecccc Mar 2016
As all hoosiers must
I have been
To church
When I was
But a lad
So young my
were regarded
As jests
I was taken to church
Many times
Did I sit through sermons
And I don't get it
The love some feel
The spirit I just
Ain't got it
I had a suit
I had combed hair
I sang the hymns
But all I felt
Was agitated.
Too much
Too little
Just feelings
And memory.
mikecccc Nov 2015
Actions speak louder
Than words
But words
To be heard
Must be spoken
And speaking
Is an action
One with
Great potential
Saying the right thing
To the right people
At the right time
Can make
All the difference
In the world.
mikecccc Apr 2016
Can do
i'll wear glasses
and carry a book
they'll never guess
I have no idea
what's going on.
mikecccc Dec 2015
Being eaten
By cabbages
I know I know
They don't eat folk
You crazy person
But you see
That is the fun of it
If cabbages ate you alive
That would be a sign
That God condones
My hate for you
And it would make
For a great photo
To put on my wall
A beautiful mix
Of emerald and scarlet.
mikecccc Nov 2015
that didn't help
admitting the truth
things aren't worse
but they aren't better
maybe they will be
someday in the future
isn't my virtue.
mikecccc Feb 2021
Writing time and again
about the same old topics
Cerberus poet
an undying dog
surrounded by bones
can gnaw on these forever
is that healthy.
is being Alive.
mikecccc Aug 2016
Honor can't be forsaken
such an important form
of invisible currency
I fear the only solution
is pistols at dawn.
mikecccc Jan 2022
Time travel
gave me infinite options
I found them all equally displeasing
rewind time again and again
changing big things little things
butterfly's all A aflutter
things change I carve new shapes
but none look right
American gothic kinda vibe
I spent time my time
doing this
how do I get more
so inappropriate
I know
mikecccc Jul 2016
Not built for combat
you don't have to be big
to stab at an Achilles heel.
mikecccc Aug 2016
I love fighters
a beautiful tragedy
they battle
The way of things
by being
counter culture
or with simple bravado
and a knack for painting
I know they'll give
submit to the way
but for a while they shine
I do hope they succeed
but I don't think they will.
I had a friend
her Facebook updates
are at times alarming
might just be me though.
mikecccc Oct 2015
What come next
When your race
Has been run
Is it nothing
Is it clouds
Is it another life
I don't know
Many say one thing
Many say another
Some possibly the wisest
Say don't worry
Your living focus on that
Which is advice I wish
That I could follow.
mikecccc Sep 2018
Who am I To say
all the faithful
are fools

A nonbeliever
could be more diplomatic

Respecting your right
to believe untruths
how long can that last
can we agree to disagree
on the fundamentals of reality
historically never very long.
something nothing
in this day and age
does it really matter
mikecccc Mar 2016
the perfect device
that always points
to the truth
annoying then
thats it's so hard
to translate what it means
no wonder
everyone prefers
good book
mikecccc Dec 2015
Dear God
Look at it
Up there
No hand made device
Could possibly compare
No building can truly overcome it
The sky the sky
Such a thing
Just a glance at it
I feel it stareing into me
I feel it grasping at my soul
Feed me small creature
It bellows it roars
Oh god
Is this what it's like to be high.
mikecccc Oct 2016
The words circle me
not like vultures
they don't care
what happens to me
it's possible i'm a vulture
waiting for the words
to fall upon the page
certainly no hunter
seeking them out
at the library
or wherever they flock
for the best really
all the best word hunters
are crazy or dead
which is awful.
mikecccc Sep 2017
I saw you today
For the first time
The hundreth time
But the first time
I really saw
you are not
Who I thought
Suppose that's my problem.
mikecccc Jul 2016
Simple embroidery
An elaborate  heart
sewn on your camo sleeve.
mikecccc May 2015
Does a room of marsupials
perhaps in wigs
come to mind
don't feel bad
I thought the same.

It is in fact a trial
A trial you can't win.

You can't win
because its not really a trial

It's simply a show for the masses.
mikecccc Aug 2016
An armor's shine
never lasts
but so long
as it doesn't break
you'll probably survive.
watch out for maces
mikecccc Mar 2016
Liquids and meats
Bones and lies
Make us
what we are
A seemingly
Simple recipe
With so much
mikecccc Jan 2016
you've wandered
into the wrong realm
her majesty is irate
and your family
is quite worried
some tea will help
or maybe an
occasionally invisible cat.
mikecccc Oct 2015
Are swirly things
And monster faces
I'm not sure why
Perhaps it's a sign
Of discontent
Or an unwell mind
Could be drugs
Who can say
Not I
That'd ruin
The surprise.
mikecccc Apr 2015
you rushed through
and now your done

you may wish
for seconds or fifths
but you can't have them

So you must wait or work
for more

unless that really was the last for

in which case your *******.
mikecccc Nov 2015
A thousand maybes
In every soul
You could have
Been great
You could have
been loved
You could have
been so very much
Or maybe not
Maybe you are
What you are
But you certainly
Could have tried.
mikecccc Dec 2015
Expectations are important
Too high and you'll be
Rather disappointed
Too low is just sad
Somewhere in the middle
Like many things in life
Is where your expectations
Should rest
Although what qualifies
As the middle isn't
Always the same
To each their own
I guess.
mikecccc Nov 2015
I'm gonna lose
Are my words
At the start
How surprising
Are words I will
Sneer in the end
I'm a psychic
I'm just a defeatist.
mikecccc May 2016
not always
A good reason
but sometimes
any reason will do
to do what
anything really.
reason v excuse
mikecccc Dec 2015
If at first
you despise it
Give it time
Before you know it
You'll love it
It gets easier
After the first time
Soon you'll be a pro
So don't worry
It's just
An acquired taste.
mikecccc Jan 2016
As I look to the audience
and tell them my plan
I pray
that you really
can't hear me
if you could
i'd be quite the fool.
mikecccc Nov 2015
You might
Fall into the clouds
If you have no anchor
For most
All you need
Is your physical shell
The needs of the body
To keep you in check
But some
Need something more
Perhaps some one
To remind them why
The earth isn't so bad.
mikecccc Feb 2021
Late to the party
fashionably so
what lies on the horizon
the same old woe
claims the cynic in me
in me
the cynic I am
the optimist I try to be
might claim otherwise
the optimist i try to be
Do I really want to be
Could be fun
A change of pace
The Optimist I try to be
might say
so long as you're alive
things can change for the better.
mikecccc Aug 2016
He took mine
so I took his
i'm still half blind
but so is he
didn't really help
didn't hurt either
didn't hurt me
in anyway I could see
mikecccc Mar 2016
I need your attention
when you look away
I go somewhere else
somewhere lifeless and sad
so just keep your eyes
feasted on me
and i'll appear to be
you want me to seem to be.
mikecccc Nov 2015
another reason
to curse god
this and
especially that
it boils my blood
ruffles my feathers
not big stuff either
but little things
that seem huge
dam little big
mikecccc Feb 2019
Life is short
so they say
they say A lot
billions of seconds
leaking from my hourglass
staunch the bleeding
thats not plausible
anyway it's just Tuesday
Life is short
so i'm told
but don't worry
it's only relative.
mikecccc Dec 2015
once upon time
we burned women* alive
once upon a time
we enslaved one another
once upon a time
we would throw you
down a hole and pretend
you never were
once upon a time
the world was controlled
by a privileged few
once up wait
i'm sorry no
not once upon a time
we still do these things
we are just a bit
more surprised when
we hear about them.
*and occasionally men
mikecccc May 2016
the end
a bland goodbye
no drums or drama
not even a curtain
just dull shades
a handful of people
expected more
for all that hassle.
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