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6.7k · Mar 2016
mikecccc Mar 2016
I doubt
material wealth
means anything
in the afterlife
on the off chance
that I'm wrong
bury me
with my books
and my plastic owl.
Didn't expect to find
One of mine as the daily
Thank you
for the hearts and views.
6.4k · Oct 2016
mikecccc Oct 2016
Take me away
driver man
go as far
as my wallet
will allow
so at least
to the next neighborhood
I hear their lawns
are as green as emeralds.
polished emeralds
at that
1.8k · Mar 2016
the circle of life
mikecccc Mar 2016
What a Disney shape
life is no circle
life has corners
for hiding
and pointy bits
for stabbing
not sure what shape
that is
a sharpened triangle.
1.8k · Apr 2016
mikecccc Apr 2016
health in a jar
or words
maybe wine
lots of wounds
lots of remedys
nothing works
for everything
but laughter and time
usually help
to some extent.
1.8k · Aug 2015
Que sura sura
mikecccc Aug 2015
Whatever will be will be
Or so says Doris day
I heard that song
So long ago
Sorry if I butchered it
But it still rings in my head
What will be will be
Is it true
Is it false
Should it be
Or is it an excuse
You aren't in control
And what will be
Will dam well be.
1.6k · Nov 2015
Discretion and valour
mikecccc Nov 2015
Be brave
And be smart
It's easy to be foolish
And believe your being courageous
The world can be scary
And fear is natural
Keep it in mind
But don't let it
Control you.
1.6k · Jun 2015
mikecccc Jun 2015
It's broken
In a thousand pieces
All the kings men yada yada
Yet still you attempt to rebuild
Diligently picking up the pieces
Are you a fool
For trying to fix
The unfixable
Or am I
for never Trying at all.
1.5k · Sep 2015
mikecccc Sep 2015
Little people
in your ball
I am your lord
I make it snow
and cause quakes
I say
and no one cares
those inside are quite stoic
and those on the out
seem quite condescending
a sad lord am I.
1.5k · Mar 2016
The flying spaghetti monster
mikecccc Mar 2016
The jokers
They have a god
A Ramen deity
To show how mad
All of it is
In a few hundred years
They'll forget
They were joking
Maybe less.
1.4k · Sep 2015
the champions
mikecccc Sep 2015
All our hopes and fears
Rest on their shoulders
But they bear the weight
With a smirk and wave
The champions
Stalwart defenders
And grandiose fighters
They never falter
At least not
When there's an audience.
mikecccc Jun 2015
who watches the watchmen
or something to that effect
its an important thought
they keep an eye on us
but who watches them
are they their own check
a very ab-usable system
if they can't watch themselves
we get more
watchers to watch the watchmen
but that same problem pops up
their overseers get corrupt
so we must watch them
but you know you can't trust us.
1.3k · Dec 2015
A trip down memory lane
mikecccc Dec 2015
A tiring walk
that gets
kinda awkward
super quickly
going down
memory lane
makes me long
for blackout
1.3k · Mar 2016
Dam your smile
mikecccc Mar 2016
I curse
your optimistic soul
when i'm down
you try
to cheer me up
your morning person smile
almost makes me grin
and when my
natural negativity
one day gets
the best of you
I may just cry.
1.2k · Mar 2016
upsidedown frown
mikecccc Mar 2016
put on
your sun mask
otherwise people
will stare and
break out the pity
don't worry
if your mask is cheap
no one will call
that bluff because
no one really wants
to know.
1.2k · Dec 2015
mikecccc Dec 2015
A kind hearted man
With an organized life
A good intention
For all the people
Too bad
That superman
Is trapped in the mirror
I'm the one
Out here.
1.2k · Dec 2015
Jellyfish wisdom
mikecccc Dec 2015
Do you find yourself in need of
A State animal
or mascot for your home
well your search is at an end friend

You may think a lion is good
regal and proud
you may find yourself drawn to the otter
cute and funny
these may be good for a few
but I fear not you

Instead you should follow the current of the Jelly
Free to drift where they will
and hunted by very few
They have no spine but do just fine
And some are quite deadly
if you're into that sorta thing.
Just avoid
Sea turtles
ocean sun fish
And humans
1.0k · Aug 2016
Den of inequity
mikecccc Aug 2016
A naked angel
and an ***** fiend
place bets on how
all this silliness will end      
not that either
really has anything
to wager with.
1.0k · Sep 2016
To the last
mikecccc Sep 2016
When I die
I hope
you are near
I can take you with me
I doubt i'm heaven bound.
1.0k · Sep 2015
Cynical sloth
mikecccc Sep 2015
We're all doomed
and theirs nothing to do
the cynical sloth
all is gloom and doom
so you may as well
hop in a hammock
and sip drinks from coconuts
This is wrong
or so they claim
because letting things rot
since nothing is perfect
is incredibly unhelpful
also nothing ventured
means nothing gained
but doesn't mean
nothing lost.
1.0k · Jul 2016
mikecccc Jul 2016
Anything can sound silly
death threats from the weak
and admissions of love
from sociopaths
the height of hilarity
a squeaky voice
will do a good job
at stealing the strength
of any sentence.
1.0k · Nov 2015
Funny story
mikecccc Nov 2015
I have a relative
That was accused
Of being possessed
I doubt she was
But I'm not surprised
I have never met
Anyone else
Quite so despised.
987 · Sep 2015
gummy bear
mikecccc Sep 2015
You should be intimidating
All big and tough
But no
You I fear are
Gummy bear
Not even sour
Safe for consumption
By any one
Also prone to decapitation.
957 · Apr 2016
mikecccc Apr 2016
Keep your eye
On the prize
So simple
Oddly difficult
Dam it.
955 · May 2016
position of power
mikecccc May 2016
when you're strong enough to stand
you will discover
how easy it is
to sneer at those
still on their knees.
unfair as it might be
950 · Sep 2015
leopard spots
mikecccc Sep 2015
you can't change them
if you tranquilized them
you could paint them
But it would just flake off
However people aren't leopards
they can change
even for the better.
946 · Sep 2016
mikecccc Sep 2016
nature friend
such spells you weave
astonishing views
and bizarre life forms
can your anteaters
and your Appalachian mountains
halt construction
I fear it is nothing much
In the face of progress.
938 · Mar 2016
deep fried heart
mikecccc Mar 2016
flinch at the carnival food
I can't really recommend it
maybe if you have
some broccoli with it.
938 · Apr 2016
mikecccc Apr 2016
Crazed chuckles
almost drown out
the whole
absurd situation
but not quite
soon the grin
will fade
and tears shall fall
but not today
935 · Oct 2015
just trust me
mikecccc Oct 2015
I know where I'm going
You said
I know what I'm doing
You said
It's all good
You claimed
Well here we are
In a land
surprise surprise
You don't recognize.
915 · Apr 2015
mikecccc Apr 2015
I don't carry my home
and i'm more chartreuse
than green

Metaphorically though
I have some very turtlish

I retreat to my shell
when confronted
and i'm low on the food chain

I'm wary of those who fly
they might pick me up
only to drop me
and **** a tragedian

I hate lettuce
though so
do snapping turtles
eat meat

not important
so ah
**** turtles.
912 · Sep 2015
fallen idols
mikecccc Sep 2015
God dam it
You owe me nothing
You never asked for my faith
Yet still you had it
When I thought about the best
You were it or dam near it
But you failed
You've proven me wrong
And though I know
That your only human
I hate you for it.
906 · Apr 2016
Rip Van Winkle
mikecccc Apr 2016
Took a nap
to while away
the dull day
only to wake
after one hundred years
A long nap indeed
he found the world
to be a strange place
not really his place
from what I've heard
he would feel the same
had he been awake.
904 · Aug 2015
mikecccc Aug 2015
Cakes Cookies Croissant
apple fritters
so many choices
frosted or not
mayhaps sprinkles
ahh the calorie laden
sons of *******
Each bite
another nail
in your double wide coffin
accursed gods
wheat thins for everyone.
891 · Jun 2016
Cynical Sloth
mikecccc Jun 2016
Humans are ****** up
sad stories abound
in every national library
it has always been so
technology has evolved
but people it often seems
have not

so let's get drunk
you can't please everyone
but you can please yourself

according to some
this thought is wrong
because this isn't hell
this is earth obvious
but it means we have hope
and nothing ventured
may mean nothing gained
but it doesn't mean
nothing lost.
A rewrite
does it work
as well as any sloth
872 · Oct 2016
I get bored
mikecccc Oct 2016
What do you do
when you have
nothing to do
think about death
or what you could do
not doing anything
but thinking of all
you could
could take hours.
870 · Jun 2015
mikecccc Jun 2015
Once upon a time
A man from Greece
Upset the gods
well who knows
They were an irritable bunch
So he was cursed
Not in life but in death
Cursed to roll a stone
Up a hill
Not so bad you might say
Expect that the stone never stilled
At the end of each day
(Or underworld equivalent of a day)
The stone rolled back down the hill
And to this day he deals
With that accursed stone
Ever rolling.
869 · Jun 2016
when life gives you lemons
mikecccc Jun 2016
The great fruit vendor
had naught but lemons
I set his cart on fire
and went on a quest
to Walmart.
866 · Oct 2015
mikecccc Oct 2015
Bystander Bystander
innocent more or less
you do not commit
but you do not aid
you aren't really blameless
but the excessively nosy
are despised
how much is too much
it is better to do nothing
i'm sure someone else will help.
862 · Sep 2015
mikecccc Sep 2015
A white fog
seeps into your brain
it whisperers sleep
things need doing
but nothing you
can't do later
fog should be
chilly and damp
but this is warm blankets
on a winters day
it makes a good case
but when the fog
rolls away
it might be too late
to do
what should've been done.
844 · May 2016
mikecccc May 2016
you rarely rest
a path upwards
fraught with danger
but it's not personal
just nature being nature
say you do it
say you make it
such a rush
was it worth it
you do know you could
have hired a helicopter
to drop you off at the top?
the path less traveled
may just net you
a broken leg
or it may not
it's funny like that.
813 · Jul 2015
Cover judging
mikecccc Jul 2015
Don't judge a book
by its cover
good advice
you know kinda
the cover tells you something
maybe not everything
but it certainly shouldn't
be ignored entirely
if nothing else
you need to remember
the title.
812 · Jul 2018
mikecccc Jul 2018
What wouldn't I give

For a little bit more

Where does it end
The wanting
When you have enough
What is enough.
You need lessons
Enough is taught
By ma pa
And society at large.
812 · May 2015
A kangaroo court
mikecccc May 2015
Does a room of marsupials
perhaps in wigs
come to mind
don't feel bad
I thought the same.

It is in fact a trial
A trial you can't win.

You can't win
because its not really a trial

It's simply a show for the masses.
808 · Nov 2016
No offense is meant
mikecccc Nov 2016
which is to say
with all due respect
I hope to give
great offense to you
who is due no respect
in my opinion anyway
but you know
803 · Dec 2015
Lean on me or don't
mikecccc Dec 2015
When you're in trouble
When you need a hand
I'll be in the area
I guess

But I'm not well balanced
Lean on me
When you're not strong
And we'll both
Fall over.
Good song
783 · Feb 2016
dancing in the moonlight
mikecccc Feb 2016
What is it
about you moon
that brings out
the weirdness in folks
full moons cause
such lunacy
it's madness
all you do
is sit up there
and shine.
of course some folks
don't need much of an excuse
to go wild
781 · Feb 2017
Should you punch a Nazi?
mikecccc Feb 2017
how could I say no
will principles help
will they stop
people from doing
the terrible things
they are so fond of doing
I don't know
is ****** the best solution
hate and fear is mostly ignorance
can't we teach a better way
probably not.
rough draft maybe
774 · Mar 2016
carpe diem
mikecccc Mar 2016
I wish I could
seize the day
and mold it
in my fist
if only reality
was made of clay.
773 · Sep 2015
Butcher's shop
mikecccc Sep 2015
Be not afraid
Poor creature
Of going to
The butcher's shop
You may lose
Bits and pieces
Of yourself
they Shall be
Quite useful
To the rest of us.
760 · Mar 2016
dark curtains
mikecccc Mar 2016
full of sunlight
till late in the day
when the sun
starts creeping away
the curtains fall victim
to the shadows
slowly but surely
certainly no one
will see in.
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