after the end what will I see a groundhog day loop I fear it sounds hellish repetition makes me twitchy but burning alive forever doesn't sound fun either what about nothing nothing sounds nice it would probably grow old suppose i'll see.
black pool pull me down fill my hollow chamber's with something words would be nice good ones please I would sacrifice my mind at the inkwell alter if only I could find the right guide.
Vaguely Seen from afar The blurs dance A gray kaleidoscope If you will Even if you don't Is it an Equal view or apathy Does it matter Would contacts Make it better.
White nationalists on the lawn not really new my neighbor proudly waves A confederate flag but they aren't on TV trump was unhelpful monocles fell in surprise we can all agree on nothing nothing new.
untrained as in to remove what you have learned the wrong coping technique I suppose you never forget just learn something new to cover it up for however long the new way works.
We all shall one day but for me today is the day the sun shines the crowd is constricting today is the day But then many days seem like good ones to away there is no hurry perhaps tomorrow.
fuzzies buzz little benign looking things those fuzzies nothing like bees more like roaches infesting the mind they don't want out simple things fuzzies they dine on drive.
It did the thought died for a time Should i say it was resurrected who by no one in particular someone special able to bring to mind long forgotten things what a gift.
run from the cat the light the giants run from anything not everything is trying to **** you but any of it could there's enough crumbs on the edges to survive.
I find myself with nothing to say that is to say unable to express what I want to say am I letting down my muse or is my muse letting me down has it retired to wherever mute muses go.
Your life was a threat not threatening by existing but the idea of having you're life was a warning would you be defensive would you just shrug would you turn things around would you could you.
A worker collapsed move the body send in the next it happened again rinse and repeat till we run out when will we run out no time soon we offer minimum wage.
how could I say no principles will principles help will they stop people from doing the terrible things they are so fond of doing I don't know is ****** the best solution hate and fear is mostly ignorance can't we teach a better way probably not.
humans are trying what is is so debatable I sometimes pray robots will put us all down do we deserve that have we earned that is the person next to me neutral good or evil humanity is humanity is certainly something.
waste away tis the way of nature to decay day by day to make way for something new decaying isn't fun nature doesn't much care but we do we often try to fight it or try to ignore it do birds care they would if they could probably.
forever and ever ah man what would you do with all the time in the world can you fritter away an eternity you could befriend generations or make an enemy of them would you one day meet the morlocks or get to see utopia.
A hand The same shade as space with stars as fingernails just floating or attached to the body cosmos god or just a dream who can say you if you want what does such a peculiar mitt do the same mundane things as you do maybe not who can say apparently one thing it does is guide us not overtly but it's there doing things bad and good hopefully it has a plan for our global tableau that makes up for the pain of existence not that it needs one what true artist needs to explain all of them arguably.