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mikecccc Sep 2021
I'm in
how the ****
did that happen
always on the outside
looking in now
im in
always knew
you had bad taste in friends,
mikecccc Sep 2021
What good
are doors on the floor
just invite yourself in
I can't stop you
I'm asleep
everyone sleeps
thats no weakness
still unsafe
close my eyes
never again
I can try.
mikecccc Aug 2021
The walking dead
I get you brother
just pretend
you aren't rotting in the light
tis the way of all things to decay
but not this fast right
if I were alive
I wouldn't fall apart quite so easily
I think I hope
if this is normal
I think god might be a ****
zombies don't care
they aren't angsty like vampires
mikecccc Jun 2021
fay folk
in the legends
regular folk
from what I've seen
tie-dye with vital red
savage minions
rushing about
with such naïve purpose
maybe maybe I do you a disservice
maybe you understand more than I did
God knows I can't ask
no good reason to prove
what you might suspect.
mikecccc May 2021
An Egg
of hope
the last one
for the lucky few
all is lost
most is lost
the last bit is given
an apostle is made.
worth it
some people think so
mikecccc May 2021
What would it take
to **** A dragon
A **** load of iron
the world may never know
RIP kentaro miura
mikecccc Feb 2021
I'd bite off your fingers
if you offered A hand
its not an attack
just thought
you might fill my void
is that not how it works
impolite perhaps
the material
can fix the immaterial
so they say.
only metaphorically maybe
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