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mikecccc Feb 2017
Not excessively
what good are names
when they are ironic
they're good for a laugh
the first time anyway.
mikecccc Feb 2017
once upon a time
A boy broke his head
he was never the same
his parents wept
and his friends
were bummed out

it happens
it happens you know
not sure what we learned
besides that it can happen.
just a story
i've been told
mikecccc Feb 2017
go away
your spot
is steeped
in bleak spirits
go kayaking
go running
do something
anything but
the same thing.
mikecccc Feb 2017
Picked up a walking stick
and set out to find
the point of their story
couldn't say
if they found it
but they seemed happy enough
at the end.
might've been the drugs
mikecccc Feb 2017
if it isn't real
it can't hurt you
but words do
thoughts can
things with no matter
can matter a great deal
seems unfair.
mikecccc Feb 2017
how could I say no
will principles help
will they stop
people from doing
the terrible things
they are so fond of doing
I don't know
is ****** the best solution
hate and fear is mostly ignorance
can't we teach a better way
probably not.
rough draft maybe
mikecccc Feb 2017
You know
it really only works
if you trust
The People.
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