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I Dreamed of Peace  

                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where games cannot touch my saddened heart;
                                 where the winters spray of discontent cannot
                                 make my blood cold, cannot make my marrow
                                 ache and my inner force limp wounded to the gray
                                 and weeping bank.

                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where fire words shot to take me down
                                 miss their target and fall harmlessly in joyous fields
                                 of ripened corn, standing strong, smiling, repelling
                                 all the pointed barbs; whose yellow husks cannot be pierced
                                 but in reflecting provide a  nourishment so replete
                                 the archers arm is wearied by the load.

                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where no longer do I wake at night
                                 seeking reassurance from apparitions that their calling
                                 means no harm;
                                 where the raven sitting on the drooping branch
                                 is not waiting for my soul’s ascent;
                                 where the soot covered face peering from the bracken
                                 is not the axe man arrived to take me home.

                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where the fire in my brain is quelled
                                 by knowledge, accomplished thoughts of reason and
                                 not prone to dissatisfaction;
                                 where thirst is quenched in rivers so deep
                                 my dive can never touch or scrape the sides and
                                 in whose fear I need not fear;
                                 where my essence is left untouched , my spirit not assaulted
                                 by ego and forced appraisal.
                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where false disinterest lies split and gaping
                                 and hypocrisy oozes its puerile bile across cracked and
                                 concrete stagnant floors;
                                 where beggars no longer assault my passing
                                 with arms outstretched and hope etched into canyon
                                 city faces;
                                 where the malcontent is driven to the slackened shallows
                                 and forced to face their own reflection.

                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where lightening skipped and danced across the waves
                                 and thunder played the most delicate of notes;
                                 where wind swirled not in anger but caressed
                                 the sparse sand dune grass and the stilt legged
                                 petrel bobbed in anticipation;
                                 where the fuss of self induced stress is placed inside the trench
                                 and covered by the dirt of self awareness.

                                 I dreamed of peace
                                 where only peace may step and no intrusion
                                 may be entered;
                                 where neither the able nor the vacuous may encroach;
                                 where neither the sun drenched and rich may acquire that which
                                 others have stooped to learn;
                                 where the essence of time is encased and made bare
                                 and does not beat to a false clock;
                                 where all I have been and all I am to be is in the one,
                                 and there is no need to climb a further set of stairs.

                                 I dreamed of peace.
You weren't my type
I wasn't yours
but i liked you anyway.
I said "Hello"
you said "Hell No"
still i wanted to;

cry for you...
fight for you...
**** for you...
and die for you...

First we were friends
soon we were lovers.
Spent alot of time
under the covers.
You and Me, Me and you
never thought that we'd be through,
that's why i was;

crying for you...
fighting for you...
killing for you...
and dying for you...

Came home early with a wedding band.
Caught you in the back of our van.
You were fooling round with the rest of my band.

I was so much more than disturbed
I never said another word
and never more is all I herd.

With a picture of you in my left hand
and with a gun in my right,
I sit and ponder why, I;

cried for you...
fought for you...
killed for you...
and died for you...
This is the latest version of the first poem I ever truly tried to wright.
Ever lightening shades of night blue
Make way for a paler hue
The moon closes her sleepy eyes
And bids adieu in favor of more dynamic skies
The sun moves boldly back to his domain
The King has returned to resume his reign!
I cannot
and I will not
No, I cannot love you less
Like the flower to the butterfly
The corsage to the dress

She turns my love to dust
my destination empty
my beliefs scattered: Diaspora!

Who set this course - and why?
Now my wings beat -
without purpose
Yet they speed...
the trees are talking
full conversations aloud
whispering to me
 Nov 2012 Mike Finney
Angie Sea
I love how you never leave me
hug deprived

and save me
from the carelessly painful words

shot at me
the world rushes at me

and only you slow things down
to make moments with me

and just lay with me never lie
I never understood why

wars were fought over freedom
until I found it in your words

and the ways you change me
you're not even trying

with you I'm a better me
I laugh louder

and smile truer
there's no belonging without you

not a place in the world
can't wait to be home

can't wait to be home  
to be with you
You love me like a child loves the light.

You love me like a fire burning kindling;

All too bright.

You love me, plum, and now the light is falling

Should I sleep? I'd only dream

I saw you

Wakeful, love , and whispering out the door.
I miss you. I miss you right here in my mind; with all the remnants of my strength; all the might I have left in my perilous grace. I am longing for you; I'm so after you; I praise and adore you relentlessly with unspecified reason.. I'm so done without you! Where to find you, my love, in this wordless pursuit at such a fiery night? As long as my kisses remain unreturned, my soul shall only continue to suffer, for in the day that this love must surrender, I shall have nothing more to offer...
All of us are here
There’s silence in the air
A stillness all about us

Dust from a moth’s wing
Covers everything
Glowing in the quiet

Floating through the air
Light means nothing here
For there is no darkness

Shining milky skin
Free from all the sin
For thousands of years

Standing on the surface
Calm without a purpose
On our silver marble

We are not at home
We are not alone
We are all new here
This was written a while back in order to describe what I saw when listening to the song Compliante La De Butte. Beautiful song, hard to find though.
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