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Dear God,
These songs make me
Remember Everything
About all those
Careless Whispers
You spoke to me,
So Far Away.
Like you would
Never Think
To just
Let It Be
And let us go our
Separate Ways, Worlds Apart.
So, here I am, stuck in
The Space Between
Where all my
Grace is Gone.
I just don't know
Why I Love You
And all I can hear is
"Don't Stop Believin'."
It's just one
Bad Day
After another for this
Southern Girl.
Eventually I won't be
Tangled Up In You
Anymore. I'll just be one of those
Misguided Ghosts.
But until then, you can
Call Me
Anytime, and just
I won't need to find a
you know ...
They all say sight
Is the first to go
When youth gives way
To age and the young
Grow old and forget.
But look through the eyes
And hear it on the tongue
Of a child
And monsters are everywhere;
Behind every closet door,
Reaching from under every
Lengthy bed skirt
And laughing in every shadow.
A child
With eyes so new
And freshly forged in the fire
Can see them clearly
And know them well,
But the old
Whose eyes are rusting,
And whose fires have grown cold.
Lose sight and forget,
They forget their childhood,
They forget the nightmares,
And see only what the light can hold.
There's lightning bolts on the air conditioner,
Magnetic words on the refrigerator,
Crazy cats on the hard wood floor
This isn't your average house next door.
There's a barbed wire fence in our backyard.
Unlocking the door is awfully hard.
We've got a back porch, but no back door.
And non-existent traction on that **** hard wood floor.
The house around the corner just couldn't compare.
At least over here I have some fresh air.
A place we can stand to smoke when it rains,
And oh, did I mention, these cats are insane!
Who is it that I write for?
There's no pressure to impress
No needs that need met,
There's only myself.
My sanity laid bare,
My instability shining
The cross I bear held high
For all to see.
But I do not write for you.
I do not write to catch your eye
Or cross your gaze.
I'd rather some not read
My impoverished words at all.
This is personal.
My most private thoughts
I'm too afraid to speak,
But come alive as words in ink.
This is for me.
This is my mirror,
However distorted in may be.
i like where we're going, we're in the same book
but right now we're not on the same page.
we're young and we're ruthless, it aint entertaining
i've experienced much at this age

you push and i pull
then i push and you stay

the corners are dogeared
the pages are yellowed
the cover is filthy and stained
the bandages wrapped up around the old volumes
are ready to be torn away

you push and i pull
then i push and you stay

i'm walking, you're watching
i'm kissing your fingers
eyes kiss lids then i kiss a ways
i kiss all the lips off of state store products
so that you won't ruin my day.

you push and i pull
then i push and you stay

so you're hanging up others' dresses?
well i'm still hung up on guessing
how much to give and to take
you catch my eye,
i blush and i shiver.
look at this fool you helped make.

now i push and you pull
then you push and i stay
this is my last goodbye
im done and out for good
i have went through more pain
then any human being should

the destruction of my heart
and the slowed down beat
makes me think that maybe
my exsistence should delete

my confusion ****** it all up
and in the end he made me choose
well i took to long and now hes gone
there's nothing else to lose

pulling my hair out
looking for the feeling we had yesterday
so this is my goodbye, i love you
thats all i have to say

i have unfortunetly lost you,
i miss having all your attention
i miss your touch, so so very much
and your comforting affection

but in the end i just wasnt enough
at least not enough for you
you had me wrapped around your finger
but that still made 'my love untrue?'

this was your excuse to leave me
dangling on an edge
as you walk slowly away
after pushing me off the ledge
Inspired By Kyle<3
Oh, how the nightmares
Drown my dreams.
In every rest do I but see your face
And dream of a better place
Within the embrace of your knowing gaze.
Then, awake, with tired eyes
I find no dreamer by my side
Instead a space which none have filled,
A hole in which my spirit falls,
Nightmare, reality, how you drown my dreams!
And ***** out the secret hope I’ve locked inside.
If I could only control what my waking eyes see
And go about, awake, but as if in a dream.
I’m looking for a slower kind of burn
A fire to keep me warm for longer
Something that will last throughout the chill
I need a fire to warm the cold,
The cold that’s snuck into my heart.
Not a fire that burns itself out quickly,
Not a lust that leaves me sated
A slow burn to last the night,
A slow fire to ward off the things of fright.
Give me that slow burn to get through
To get through the ice that’s holding me.
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