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I'm single.
And not that chill
Ready to mingle,
But that sitting at home
With my hand stuck in a can of Pringle's
Let faith, hope and love,
These three,
Bind whatever powers be
And soothe the heart I cannot see.
Lend his broken soul to me.
"All is fair in love and war"
Or so the saying goes.
My stubborn heart that beats within
Thinks we'll never know.
Is it fair to turn away
And leave a lover cold?
Is it fair to keep heart at bay
And not let your love take hold?
To Captains and Generals
This saying is bold
And may hold true for some
But with matters of the heart
It must be told
That nothing's fair in love.
And now the waves come crashing
That torrential ebb & flow
On the shore my life is thrashing
The story’s ending, unknown.
A hand’s reached out before me
Desperate in its advance
Bt death just seems so likely
And life’s a cruel romance.
Like music to a composer
I do just as I’m told
I reach as you drawn closer
Your heart brushes my soul
Your eyes promise new beginnings
The embrace, a story untold.
Fires burn with this new feeling
In your arms, I’ll never be cold.

— The End —