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Jul 2019 · 195
Spilling into the Sun
Mickinous Jul 2019
Like a dog licking its wounds
Like a god forever entombed
The stone won't roll away for me

Like the moss that grows on a rock
For a thousand years I've waited
Im a toad in the hole you see


A wounded heart
Can or can't  
Bare its scars so easily

Time can forgive and time can forget
Open up old wounds and bleed again

The blood of a thousand hearts bled dry
Fill red rivers rising

Into the sky like fire

Spilling into the sun
Jul 2019 · 154
Intellectual Love Affair
Mickinous Jul 2019
you are my platonic lover

my intellectual love affair

its like there isn't any other

when we get inside each others head

it's like we can read each other's mind

I just want to crawl into bed with your thoughts

make love to your intelligence

you are a special kind of friend

we have this connection

I'm always bouncing off you

you you're always bouncing

we've seen our ups and downs

of this emotional roller coaster

Its a ride I want to take over and over again

You blow my mind when I'm with you

let's do it again
Jun 2019 · 320
Vacancy Preoccupied
Mickinous Jun 2019
Ive been trying to quietn the mind
To be a little more mindful
So I can find the time
To be a little less mindless
The more you live in the moment
The moments become timeless
The more you move the more you see
Most people are lifeless
There are people everywhere
Brainwashed beyond compare
You can see it in their eyes
Within their vacant stare

There's a lot of people
Who are lost in their minds
They don't even know
If they're dead or alive
Goin about their business
In a haze of dizziness
Living for tomorrow
Thinking bout yesterday
Listening to the chatter
The story of their lives
There's a lot of people
Who're preoccupied
Jun 2019 · 165
The Birds What To Do
Mickinous Jun 2019
Colour becomes white
Like Doves
Transparent windows of ice
The sun shines down valleys
and alleyways
Crimson in devise

Light beams of orange and green
Send Larrikins tending
To fields of magical beans
To ride upon an insects back
Dressed in robes of inquest black

Tortoiseshell Mottled
Outback Bottled
Wattle Tree
We see the discovery
In magnified photography

Little whiskers
Like astronauts
Like blue defines the out line
of an afterthought

Colours return
In high definition
Sublime eyes
Sneak a second glimpse
of the premonition

Silver and gold
Stories foretold
In the ages of old
Surreal animals
Exchanging gifts
Plugging the holes
Of which become rifts

The delicate curves
of ambiguous reef
The place where wayward
Ships come to grief

The whole world rides
On a Tortoise's back
The illusion of time
Soon shows up in the cracks

Misty rivers
Cascade through valleys
In place of the footpath
In place of the alleys

The earth is a middle age man's
Hairline receding
With a mind like a open cut mine
With a heart that's bleeding

Baring itself to the elements
Delicately flowering
Self-pollinating diversity
In the face of adversity

Our Attention turns to flying
The birds what to do
Jun 2019 · 356
Spring Break
Mickinous Jun 2019
I'm sorry I ruined our spaceship
I didn't mean to break your hyperdrive
I didn't want it to be this way
but the results comply
with the theory of relativity
We made a ripple in the space time continuum
That upset the balance of natural algorithms
and the organisms we grew
in our micro envirourment
couldn't climatiise to the change
and became extinct
Now only monotonal groans
bounce between the airwaves
of our subconsciousness
Smolderijg in ashes
of the fire we once built
Turned into the ground
to bring on the new flowers
of next Sping.

As we look out
upon our new landscape
Oblivion comes into view
Overshodowing the void
of the overshadowing
void that we once knew
The Panoramic vista
gives us visa upon the earth
To spend time
in the meternal moment of life
and death
A perpetual dance
on the floors of grand halls
Palaces made of gold
In spa baths designed
for the pleasures of ***
A feast fit for kings
prepared in the lands of
sacred burial grounds
Spring breaks with the tantrum
of a young child
before the bell chimes and tentras
take the place
of the modern day
no foundations
clinging from above
The dove returns to the eve
just out of reach
reluctant to share
the olive branch
Jan 2019 · 289
Together Again
Mickinous Jan 2019
I feel like a king
telling all of his men
to put humpty dumpty
back together again
cause the world took a dive
and its had a great fall
and all we think about
is putting up another wall

The divide is like driving
a stake into the ground
staking a claim
to what ya think that ya found
we put up the barriers
between me and you
so we can do what we want
and do it out of view

but what if we can't
repair the damage
no matter what we do
there's not enough glue
for all the kings horses
and all the kings men
to put humpty dumpty
back together again
Jan 2019 · 235
The Eternal Dream
Mickinous Jan 2019
In three dimensions
time elapses
from the present to the past
creating the illusion
of a future time
perhaps will ever-last

But the sad truth will come
though divine intervention
or alien invasion
from a parallel dimension
One by one
we're abducted
delivered to be witness
of the rising sun
being experienced
by sentient beings

It will be the dawning of a new age
The turning of a new page
that will give a new word
to the world
as we kaleidoscopic
into the telescopic vision
of a never ending dream

When we all experience
the same spontaneous
sensation of enlightenment
and the walking dead
of our sub-conscious mind
experiences the consequence
of our brutal existence
and what it means
to be both dead
and alive
at the same time...

Then we shall dream
the eternal dream of
now and forevermore
Aug 2016 · 485
Pigsty (Beg My Pardon)
Mickinous Aug 2016

Pigsty (Beg My Pardon)

even in my darkest nights
I could see the light of day
even at dizzy heights
I could focus on the *****
when I was down
there was always an upside
I could always turn a
frown into a smile
when I'm digging
down in the garden  
I'm aware
it's a pigsty
beg my pardon
Aug 2016 · 577
The Rocking Chair
Mickinous Aug 2016
you're a father who abandoned your children
when we were at a sensitive age
your a father who abandoned your children
and that's how I want it to stay

you reckon it was mum who had left you
and that she had taken us away
but was you who started a new family
and forgot about the one you'd made

you said you need someone to do all your cooking and cleaning
what you meant was another slave
now I realise everything you said had a double meaning
you condemned yourself trying to be saved

I never once saw you with mum in the grand stand
you didn't show up for my 21st birthday
you didn't turn up for my wedding
you don't even know my kids names

now you rock that chair on the veranda
with all the symptoms they say
of almost full blown dementia
slowly waisting away
Aug 2016 · 830
My Sacrifice
Mickinous Aug 2016
you think I laid my life
down for you
it was my sacrifice
nothing to do with you

it was me getting back
at my old man
I was the only one
who could foil his plans

and you think
I saved your lives
with my sacrifice

but you see
I didn't really die
my friends came and saved me
in the dead of night

don't get me wrong
my dad was ******
he was swearing he'd be back
and he was shaking his fist

here we are now
I tell you he's back
and everyone here
gonna feel his wrath

this time there's nothing
that I can do
cause this time it's also
between me and you
Jun 2016 · 431
Dumbed Down
Mickinous Jun 2016
you could be
who you want to be
what you want  
when you want
wherever you want
you could be yourself
co-existing in parallel
where nothing makes sense
and the senses are numbed
So that this moment
can make sense
where you are who you are
with no recompense
no guilt
no compassion
no circumstance
not withholding
no doubt
no resolve  
not within
not without

I can slow it down
round it out
make it sound
more profound
Dumb it down
dumb it down
dumb it down
dumb it down
Jun 2016 · 385
Vivo Vicarious
Mickinous Jun 2016
There's a photo
in the dark room
of over exposed minds
that has captured
the proof
of repeated crimes
against humanity  

slowly reducing
the impact of fear
that once fully developed
should bring us to tears

though we are relaxed
of the true reality
what we think
is normal
is an illusion
of normality

if morals
are the building
blocks of our society
where there's a variety
of ways
of losing your sobriety
where morality
takes a back seat
and normalcies
a bad dream

of a wolf
pulling the wool
over the eyes
of soft little sheep
lost in a dream
about to meet a wolf
with a big appetite
big eyes
big teeth
big claws
dig deep
and you too
will see through
it's clever disguise
Jun 2016 · 694
Bring in the Clowns
Mickinous Jun 2016
Bring on disclosure
give 'em exposure
take off your masks
show us who you really are
come down from heaven
rise up from hell
they will pick us up
from where we fell
reveal yourselves
remove the disguise
they're coming out of the ground
and down from the skies
some are friend
some are foe
which one is which
how am I to know
one by one
we take a bullet
collateral damage
for the cause

The world could collapse
into mass hysteria
vanish through a blackhole
of plush leather interior into
a soft crushed velvet existence
stroking the furry wall
in a dreamlike trance
taking the bullet for us all

or reject us like a virus
all because of Miley Cyrus
and her wrecking ball
May 2016 · 607
Birds Riding Thermals
Mickinous May 2016
from my balcony
i see the alchemy
and i have the need to remind myself
i need to breathe
every morning is the same
looking at the world
from outer space
i see that life
goes on without me

from this new perspective
i see a new directive
part of me wants to leave the scene
the other wants to play detective
everyday i play this game
try to look at the world
in a different way
but life keeps repeating
and everything's the same

so in conclusion  
i see reality's illusion
and what's not real
can not be real
and can not be the solution
only in an upward spiral
can we gain the height
to move on in life
so around and around
in circles we fly
like birds riding thermals
May 2016 · 635
Low Expectations
Mickinous May 2016
The way things are going
the direction we're headed
is the total destruction
of the entire planet

unless we put down
the gun pretty soon
there'll be a white
elephant in the room

It's now or never
to say live or let die
for everyone's sake
I hope we get it right

make no mistake
face the fire in the sky
It takes more than it takes
than this slow genocide

it's always a shame
to watch a civilisation die
burnt by the flames
of the fire in the sky

all the destruction
all the loss of life
to see all that modern
technology fry

but from out of the ashes
will spring new life
and a single cell
will multiply

will start again
slowly gathering

what monuments will be seen
by future races
what will they think about
the shape of our faces

when in the debris
they find the traces
of our ancient
May 2016 · 429
The Art of Life
Mickinous May 2016
calm ocean
leaves on a stream
slow motion
scenes of a dream
projector of light
innocent child
running wild
the art
of life
May 2016 · 388
Mickinous May 2016
The shimmering haze
Carried me
To the crystal waters
Of an oasis spring
Surrounded by nothingness
The emptiness of
Sterile desert sands

At first I washed my feet
Then I washed  my hands

I placed my eyes
In the mouth
Of an emerald green frog
I rested my mind
On a plumped up clump
Of bushy green moss

I detached my tongue
And used it like a sponge
To clean the dirt
From my sodden ears
While it whispered
To me
All my forgotten fears

I extracted my brain
Through my nose
And flushed  my skull
With a convenient hose

I took off my head
And lay it on a bed
Of freshly gathered
Pulled out my spine
Hung it on a vine
That was currently
Bearing fruits Devine

I emptied the rest
Of my bodies contents
Into the crystal
Waters of the spring
And through my eyes
Held within
A frogs mouth
I watched them swim

My soul relaxed
In a spiritual collage
They found my bones
Sun bleached clean
It was all just a mirage
May 2016 · 682
The Flower
Mickinous May 2016
time is spent most often
looking for a four leaf clover
knowing that you'll be pushing
up the daisies when it's over
life is cruel to be kind
in a cruel kind of way
after looking for you all day
you turn up without a trace
with that look upon your face

I found you in a field
of four leaf clover
I knew that as soon
as it started
it'd be over
as I leave you now
in a field full of daisies
I'll spend the rest of my life
singing you your praises

let me tell you about a man
who went looking for a flower
looking for hours
under the baking sun

when he thought he'd found nothing
he turned and there it was
the only flower that could survive
in those kind of conditions

so he took his *****
and dug it up
wrapped it in some cloth

took it home
and put it near a window
planted in a ***

he gave it love
watered it daily
fed it nutrients

people who saw
the flower were amazed
and gazed at it's elegance

time went by
the seasons changed
the flower died
the room rearrange

cause our time is spent most often
looking for a four leaf clover
knowing that you'll be pushing
up the daisies when it's over
life is cruel to be kind
in a cruel kind of way
after looking for you all day
you turn up without a trace
with that look upon your face

— The End —