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 Dec 2013 michelle
Sub Rosa
 Dec 2013 michelle
Sub Rosa
if you're writing the words
you're doing it wrong

you have to let the words write you
 Dec 2013 michelle
Kirsten Lovely
You know something happened
When every teacher walks into the hall
And a shared, scared glance sweeps across everyone
When your friend walks into the room and tells you
And the teacher brings you into a class of strangers
To tell you how much you mean to her.
You know something happened
When she starts crying and telling you
That she can't sugarcoat it even if she wanted to
And when you walk into your next class
And the room is silent
But the teacher didn't tell them to be.
And when there is a staff member at every corner
And when there is silence in the halls
And how you didn't even know him
But it makes you sad as well.
And how every stranger to walk in the building
Could feel the tension in the air
And how you turn the corner and see your youth pastor
And how you can't even tell your best friend how you feel
And how the silence shows you that through tragedy,
We are one.
And how the silence told me that we unite through feeling,
An unspoken feeling,
A silent tribute throughout the halls
Throughout the day.
And how you see the sadness, the tissues and hugs,
And how you wonder if that's how he felt
Before it happened
Before any of us felt this way
And you wonder if he felt this feeling
The beautiful high school quarterback
With everything seemingly perfect
And you wonder if he felt this way-
 Dec 2013 michelle
Marsha Singh
You were hard
like sun-warmed
stone, your
eyelashes were
feathers – these
are things I can't
forget; I'll write
you poems forever.
 Dec 2013 michelle
JP Mantler
 Dec 2013 michelle
JP Mantler
Drapes of madness cover the sky
As fiends run and cower to hide
Nevertheless they prey on the young
As the young go to sleep

When the light breaks through the village womb
The delirium burrows to sleep
Oil paintings of bride and groom
Made for fiends to keep

Friends of fiends mope and mope
Lamenting in fear; they cope and cope
Hence their gentle persistence
To shy away their evil

Sky shifts from orange vigor to madness
The fangs of loved ones feed off one another
Fiends run and cower to their only Mistress
Deep within the sappy dark cypress

When their bodies frolic with need
The pale eyes of love dance and feed
Luminous they are in front of black cloth
Draping the beautiful sky
 Dec 2013 michelle
 Dec 2013 michelle
I tried to rewrite our ending too many times,
It was exhausting,
painful and eventually embarrassing.

I once thought you saw what I did,
so I forgave you for being scared.
I wanted you to just be scared.

I couldn't handle your rejection,
so I trapped myself in your purgatory,
and teary eyes fogged over the reality.

Now I see truth and I am free.
Pain... it dissipates.
 Dec 2013 michelle
andrea hundt
sixteen shots and nine hits later,
do I love you still or am I wasted?
pour me another, straight *****.
if I feel you still, I'm sure I'll take it.
puff puff pass, his smoke in my mouth.
seventeen shots and ten hits later,
love is bitter, hard to chase.
no amount of self-destruction will rid my heart
of such an unforgivable taste.
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