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If you could only see what you're doing to me.

The loss for words
The rush of warmth
The blush of my cheeks
The self concious preening
The attempt at ****** jokes
The common sense I seem to lose
The fear that I'm not what you want
The butterflies caressing my stomach
The idea that I can just touch your hands
The panic when I almost automatically do....

The anger because you make me feel like this
The wild emotions whenever I think of you
The small gestures I'll end up overthinking
The effect you have when you smile at me
The sarcasm I use to try to hide myself
The embarrassment of everything I do
The swooning I catch myself doing
The need to just talk to you....

If you could only see what you're doing to me.
 Nov 2013 Michelle H
They say sarcasm is the weakest sense of humor
Well, pardon me for being funnier
It's better to be sarcastic than basic
So use it to your advantage
It's better than
Slapping idiots
Who ask stupid questions

Excuse me, if I offend
That's not what I meant
But stop acting like I'm doing wrong
When all I'm doing is being less boring
Than all of you who make this place
Such a disgrace to live in
Loosen up a little
And have fun

Don't be so serious
Have fun
Loosen up
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Nov 2013 Michelle H
Reina Lynn
I just took a 2 hour test.
43 questions
4 passages to read
2 agonizing hours.

I was forced to listen to the silent tap of someones foot.
I say silent with sarcasm
It was loud.
Sounded like a million bullets hitting the floor.
Not being shot at the floor but simply dropping.
Making a thud with each one hitting the ground.

2 horrid hours shaking.
Anxiety im guessing.

Almost compares to the 2 hours I was in the hospital.
I heard nurse shoes squeaking.
People rushing to save lives.
Beeping of heart monitors.

The man next to me was sweet.
He looked to be about 70.
He ended up where I was because of a heart attack.

He looked at me, sitting; instead of laying on my hospital bed.
The needles in my arm.
They hurt.
Thats one thing they dont mention in movies.
Or on t.v
Or the internet.

"What are yuh' in for?" He asked.
As if we were in prison.
Confined to our beds, or rooms, or areas.
I dont know how prison exactly works.

He was smiling.
This man was nearly stripped of his life,
and he was smiling.

I write this shaking.
Because taking a 2 hour test really compares to being stripped of life right?

I want so bad to be gone.
And there in front of me,
was a man denying god-fighting so hard to stay.

And I mean, Who are we to deny the lord on his word.
When its time to go.
We go.
We follow.
But not this man.

2 hours of beeping.
2 hours of silent bullets.
2 hours next to a sweet 70 year old man.

2 hours of thinking of the worry I cause.
Focusing in and out on my test- what I should focus on.
school is hard the man said.
Never did he tell me his name.
My brother guessed Burt.
But its important you pursue
My brother nodded.
As if he agreed.

But I know he didnt

2 Hours







— The End —