Sitting here, wishing to be that little girl again, everything is new, a dream, no pain.
Watching the clouds go by in a field of flowers, smelling the sweetness, not the cold rain.
My eyes follow a butterfly going about her simple way,
Hoping she'll come closer, sit by me or near and stay.
Wanting so much to be able to touch her gentle wing,
To listen to her secrets and also to hear her sing.
Dreamer that I was knowing so little about life, the cost,
That little girl is here again, she was just a little lost.
I grew up fast with so much hurt and anger, I almost made her disappear,
I let her go into hiding, not letting her out because of all the fear.
I want her to come out and see the light, play a little, even make things up, even pretend,
Tell her I am now stronger, no need to hide yourself, dream all you like, come and we will mend.