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Humans Never Learn! History is lost on people who do not read! We all need to learn from our past!!
Hate comes from not understanding, not talking to our neighbours, not becoming wise! We all are from the same cast!        
I get so tired in my heart, it hurts! reading the absolute **** and crap that is on fb and written onto internet!
The pain of antisemitism, hatred of other skin colours, or religion, it is a cancer and again growing, a threat!
We all come from one Earth, why can we not live in it together and celebrate?
Learn and listen to each other and just live together, be together, great????
keep being kind, offer strangers help, and always look for the good, unless shown the bad
standing there with all my kids, and still....There!
The one in the grave, still....apart and we share!
we talk about a lot of funny, laugh  and all get still,
because the memories we have, does not... cannot fill!
The one place in our hearts, we are going, forward, a step at a time
but sometimes, we remember and the path does not rhyme!
Just sometimes trully 10% of ALL my time,
I feel old, sad, tired and lonely not so fine,
I just get peopled out 90% and then slowly feel the pull!
Christmas comes around i get to fill my need inside,full!
So then i get to engorge and stuff till enough is enough!
And wait for next year so i can be ready and not rebuff
Peace to all!
no not mine, was invited by the older son, seemed almost routine,
the rest, brother, mother and father let me fit in, in between!!!
They had there ups and downs, they got through it, with each other!
I watched and saw them, be there , let no-one fall, be for one another!
Then the oldest made a decision to depart, take himself far away
He took his life and the home became a house and there was no play!
In the four years and four months I see some difference, always pain
but the base of it,strong, still stands with cracks and some strain!!!!!!!
now the youngest has a career, a girl, a new life growing, a home maybe some hope
and he knows that the foundation his parents give will be there for him, help him cope!!!!!!!
to my adopted family, love!!! to sven and laura and your new life, there are no words to wish you all that wish you. XXXXXX
do not ask me....?
the level, reaction we have...?
we meet, strangers? but..?
trully happy to see you, speak,
like we know each other....?before?
life is hard, hurtfull, not fair and yet beautiful, amazing!
glad to see you in the flesh, it did me good!
for people i was not looking for, but touch my heart
this needs to hurt the worlds heart!
innocence thrown apart!
gone is the belief!
caregiver the thief!
build a wall, trusting no-one
isolation, help they will shun!

the question in there eyes!
is humanity going to rise!!?????
when is it enough, do we stand on the side
or do we shut it out, look away, let them be denied!!???
if you can feel,
SHOUT OUT, reveal!!!!
Stand up and protect
don't let this go unchecked!!!!
I need to THANK the people in this world that help, smile, a hand or food
that give without thought, stand bright
that do things without thinking, they bring miracles, doing what they do
being good, there heart shining, a light
the heart can be heavy with shadow of yesterday, some strangers pass by not seeing the darkness and pain
and then a 'grin' and a wish comes out of nowhere and knowing they are not alone, don't have to explain
the souls that are beacons, give hope and happiness because they can, not for possessions or money
I hope and wish you all well and your world filled with joy, your plates overflowing with good food and honey
and to the people who feel alone and afraid, not enough to eat or nothing to give
I can only say, you are not alone,  reach out and there is help, you have to reach out to live!!!!!!
to Everybody who has smiled at a stranger or given a helping hand. and to the alone people, there is a helping hand.
i am one of you i was helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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