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From the moment you’re born
You get a lollipop
You **** on
Till it *****!
For sometime you lick the stick
Before turning to Him,
the ultimate candy of sweetness!
I see you dangling from the Christmas tree/
blowing minty kisses to me/
my eye is caught by your red and white/
twisting in bower of forever-green height/
let me express my love to thee/
by singing you some lovely karokee/
please take my bow, and hook my finger/
I am better dancer than I singer
oh the snow drift must have made your skin/
with a sunset blush of red crimson.
I shall draw us in the windows fog/
and reveal that heart in breath of nog/
and even tho other candy might get jeolous/
we will still hug and kiss and let no one tell us/
that our love will be of short duration/
because man and candycane is only a tasting/
our love will always last I implore/
like your minty taste and striped contour/
oh how cute you look in my palm/
jiving to these christmas psalms/
oh but now you look so pallid/
you look all white like iceberg salad/
the sunset has left your cheeks,
snowblind, my eyes that could not see.
oh the pain my heart revealed/
that I should have kept your plastic sealed/
the kisses and licks that I have gave/
are sending you to an early grave/
oh my heart breaks seeing you so brittle/
my darling love is the size of a skittle/
so with one last kiss we will depart /
oh sweet candy cane you have broke my heart.
I watched a small ant swim the sea.
It was a wondrous thing, to me.
I saw him struggling ten feet out.
I watched him as he flailed about.
I saw how hard he fought the flow,
Then finally let the body go.
On frequent waves he floated free.
They brought him in, where he should be.
He, exhausted, sat once more
Upon the the sun warmed sandy shore.
The lesson Ant was teaching me,
As I sat watching patiently.....
I should not struggle, such as him,
Worried..... Should I sink or swim?
I should give in and let it go.
Be patient and accept the flow.
For, fighting it could surely be
The cause of what's exhausting me.
Give up, give in, just let it go.....
Patiently accept the flow.
The giants must be lonely with their heads up in the clouds
The wind and the rain must be really really loud
The birds try to make nests inside their ears
Because a giants life is full of fear
The ants are hiding in the long blades of grass
Because ants are often murdered on mass
They risk their life getting food for their queen
Despite their work she's never to be seen
One day the giant bent down to tie his lace
Looking back at him was a tiny ant face
They understood each other from the very first glance
Even though it unheard of to have love between giants and ants
The ant followed the giant for many days
They had picnics with Apple juice and egg mayonnaise
One day a human wasn't looking where they were going
stood on the ant without even knowing
the giants companion was forever gone
After that day the sun never shone
the giant blocked the sun out and squeezed the clouds tight
So it rained all day and it rained all night
all the houses began to float
All of the humans wished they had a boat
The giant, he cries all day
He'll never love another the same way
Oh great city of stars,
May we dance the moment
After midnight under your

Amanda. F (c) 2017
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