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michael reyna Jul 2014
Best friends are like stars you can't always see them but you know they're there, so next time you look up talking to the moon just remember you can count on me to give u some direction, You shouldn't  go through life so seriously, because nobody gets out alive and you shouldn't be so fixated on waiting for the storm to pass or to find the eye of it you should be learning how to dance in the rain and never regret anything that once made you smile. When people laugh at you and they call you different you laugh back because they're all the same. Sometimes life gets hard but u have to remember that sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, and our vision is clear only after our eyes are washed with tears. Also yeah I'm a loser but I'm the coolest loser you'll ever ******* meet because Protection and power are overrated, I think you are very wise if you  choose happiness and love instead. In life you must be diverse and strong,persistent and enduring,great sense of humor, capable of adapting to many things,The sense of community and love that holds anybody together through anything,and the desire and will to achieve what they want, but only  after you find a place of peace and freedom.
michael reyna Jul 2014
My heart fire went out when a cold winter struck.
   She is perfect but her household is not. I want to stop all the shouting but i don't want to alarm so i just stay quiet thinking it'll simmer down not this time no, this is flying of the we walk but don't talk and when we get to my house we stop. I want to tell her everything will be okay. I want to be her P.I.C but she went out with a D.I.C and won't let go cause she can't she tries and tries but it's harder and harder so I tell her how I feel and we don't talk for a while...we both know there's kerosene everywhere and we would burn bright but she says she doesn't want a fight as in we would break-up at some point in time and the friendship we have will be lost forever.
michael reyna Jul 2014
Why do I re-read all these lines from the past that's what it is a past time to get myself down and and angry when all it will do is just come around and make me want to explode its not just, for me or you I don't why I'm like this you took something from me and I figured out what it was, it was the glint from my eyes that told me that I knew what it was to be alive not just living, I want to know how that felt but I can't now.Your presence, I don't know how to describe it but you give off this vibe as if what happened never really did, I know I said goodbye, but I can't live here knowing you are too I have to move because you've made it known to me that I can't handle this because I can't channel this feeling into something useful all I do is hurt and I don't want that anymore when I found you I knew you were a precious ore. I ****** it all up for a *****.Now I'm 3 years older and I've gotten colder. I once hopped to be with you now I know that I Can't do that to myself. So this is goodbye...

— The End —