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 May 2013 Michael
The sun shines upon the trees
With its warm red glow
And the sunrays shine upon the trees
Where birds perch in the branches and sing
Where flowers secretly unfurl their soft petals and sweetness
Where bluebells grow and cover the ground
In purplish-blue
Where the sky is forever sapphire blue
Where the violets and moss grow
Where the breezes dance and caress my fair cheeks
Where periwinkles bloom
And peach blossoms unfurl their petals
And lift up their heads
And feel the warm sunshine on their pink cheeks
And where Fairies dance and waltz
At nighttime when Night wears her dark
Majestic gown of celestial beauty
Where the Fairies dance
And play Enchanted instruments
Like the harp
Which brings forth its nocturnal melodies
That dance upon the air
Which is perfumed with dazzling flowers
That bloom at Night
Where mist lingers in the sky
And sunrays dance upon its
Beautiful path
Where sunsets greet the west
And where sunrises say hello to Dawn
And where Dusk settles bringing
The dancing Fairies
That hush the world to sleep
With their sweet lullabies

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 May 2013 Michael
Salty breezes blow
The lullaby of the waves
Palm trees dance and waltz

 May 2013 Michael
The breezes blow through the trees
The sky is light blue
And there are a few clouds passing through
Green are the leaves that stirr in the wind
And the trees waltz and dance
Because it is a lovely day
The breeze softly cools my fair cheeks
And the smell of roses dances through the air
The sunshine dances on the trees
And on the green leaves
Making everything look bright and sunny
Such a lovely day
Warm golden rays shine upon the ground
And kiss the violets with their warmth
The roses sway and dance to the warm
Soft sunshine
And the tiny flowers
And the buttercups
Dance and waltz in the tall green grass
Such a beautiful day

 May 2013 Michael
 May 2013 Michael
Full of pink pristine beauty
They look like bleeding hearts
So pretty and so dainty
Their beauty is majestic!
Like a wave of pink
Or like cotton candy clouds
Yet clouds do not bleed
But Dicentras do
Even in the midst of their sorrow
And their cries unheard
They still possess their beauty
Little hearts are bleeding
Little cries are unheard
And there's nobody who cries with them
Except for God on high
There's no shoulder for them to cry on
And nobody to comfort them when they weep
And so their hearts are always bleeding
Bleeding a picture of beauty
And of sadness too
Like a rainbow in the sky
And so quickly passes through

 May 2013 Michael
Flowers are so,
                                        why can't I be
a flower?
Deep, way deep
Inside your mind
You’ve walked its paths
A thousand times

Storing all of
What you once knew
Parts remain lost
Some come back to you

Twists and turns
Some good, some bad
Longing for the future
Yet begging for what you had

Deep, way deep
Inside your soul
All of your emotions
They truly show

The grass surrounds you
Continues to grow
And simultaneously
You continue to mow

Lying there
Watching the clouds
With another
Sharing thoughts aloud

Back to reality
The truth isn’t so sweet
When you feel now
What lies beneath your feet
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