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Mia Eugenia Dec 2014
It makes me think of when
You loved me
If you did
But at least then
I felt wanted
But I can't feel like that
Cause you were no good for me
And now I know
That when the sun sets
It leaves me alone with my thoughts
And that's not a safe place to be
Because your mindset is unhealthy
And I get wrapped up in it
And then there's no going back
If there ever was
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
I've been trying to brainstorm the perfect words
To describe the feeling of emptiness and fulfillment
And all the love I feel in my heart
For the nights gone by and the faces that come and go
But live forever in the hearts of the people
We shared that darkness with
That silence
Knowing that the next few seconds
We what we make them and nothing more
That the next few hours were completely in our hands
And we could make of it what we wanted to
The only time we have control over our actions
And knowing that this time
This night
This breath
Is for us
Us alone
The breaths I take now are not nearly as significant
As the ones taken behind the red curtains
So silent
For fear of ruining the serenity of knowing that
You have the world in the palm of your hand
But only that everything is out of your hands
All at the same time
And I will never have that embrace again
I will never be with those people
In the way that I was
But I'm okay with that
Because moments aren't meant to linger
And no matter how hard we hold on
They will always slip through our fingers
But that's the way it should be
Things are ruined when left in the sun too long
There are things down the road
I can just make them out
But I will never forget the hands
That helped me lift my head
To see those shapes before me.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
Everyone always talks about how beautiful she is and how much everyone loves her
And I agree, I think she is beautiful and I love her
And I bet you could too
You're already half way there
You just need to love her.
I'd love her too
And I know she wants you to love her, I can tell by the way she talks about you
And by the way I want to hit her when she does.
But you see
I think you're beautiful
And I love you
So can't that be enough?
I might not be as perfect as her but can I be enough?
And now I'm afraid to mention her name in a conversation
Because you will realized how much you two deserve each other
You have been working so hard at her for so long
And I may not write beautifully
Or take stunning photos
Or act as mysterious
But I want to be enough for you
I want to prove that you don't need more
But I cant prove that to you until I believe it myself
And I don't
I believe you can do so much better than me
And I'm afraid you'll come home and realize that she
Is so much better than me.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
You seem to enjoy fixing things that aren't
Like my stairs
Or my swing set
Or my home.
No one asked you to step in
And try to make everything better
I don't need you painting my room
Or planting my grass
Or loving my my mom back to health.
We are broken.
And maybe I liked it that way.
Mia Eugenia May 2014
My life flashed before my eyes
And your face was nowhere to be seen
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
My breath reaches for the stars
Creating clouds to obscure their vanity
But my fingertips pull me closer to the cement
And knowing that the last step is longing than the rest
Is helpful on the way up
But soon forgotten on the way back
Dirt gets in between my toes
As I run towards comfort
That may or may not be
Fantasies of a child's mind
Playing hop-scotch
In a teenagers body
In a teenagers life
Walking down the
At school
Pretending that you cared enough
To carry my books
Even if my class is on the other side of the school
Aren't even books that are able to be carried
Especially by you
Because you don't even know what classes I'm taking
And all I'm asking of you
To treat me like you did before
When you still thought you needed
To gain my love
Because just cause you have it
Doesn't mean I can't take it away
All I'm asking of you
Is some time for
Heart to grow open
And consume the love it's given
The love I offered you
But threw away
All I'm asking of you
Is to be a
And own up to your feelings no matter how small
Because this might come as a shock
But you need me
And I can do without someone
Wants the world on a string
Without ever casting his hook
Into the depths of his mind
Where he will
Find the questions he is looking to ask
To match the answers he already knows.
Your head
On a pillow too far from mine
Yet I wish you could be farther
Because we only seem to work when
We have something holding us back
And I don't know
This came to be
But dysfunctional as it is
As we are
I wouldn't want it any other way
And the stars in the sky scream for my
But I'll never tell the sky
It is far too vast
Far too many souls to tell
And not enough heart for me
So maybe
Will tell the blades of grass
I pulled out of the earth
While listening to silence
Because we never needed to say anything
Maybe I
Tell the flies that circled my head
That night it all seemed like it was over
And it was all starting
In one breath
And I wish the planets would
A bit more forgiving
But they remember everything
Every letter I threw out there
A bird from a nest
That would never be able to fly
Just to see if they could float
But I guess my wings will never be strong enough for
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
Pack up your car
And move far away from the failures
I left on your doorstep
One for everyday
Since you left me to fend for myself
In a town where all you can carry is a shield
And you were mine.
Where the swords are made of rubber
But it hurts just as much as metal
If you try hard enough
And trust me
They've tried.
They can cut you in half
It just takes a bit more time
So excuse me for wanting to switch out their toys
For the real thing
Just to speed up the process
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
Consideration never ran through your blood stream
Instead you tattooed the seven deadly sins on the inside of your vanes
And stamped approval around the outside
You whispered sweet nothings onto your flesh
And sewed the thought that you belong into every stitch you ever got
But these are just blemishes you would rather show the world
Than let go of the past
Even though the people from your past aren't calling anymore
I'm the only one breaking down your door
To make sure you're still alive
Two sided or one sided
My friendships take many shapes
But no friendship has ever changed shaped as rapidly
As you have taught me to get used to
Our shape changes as often as our hair
As often as your mind
Because you never pick the right people
To give all your eggs to
Somehow you put them all in the wrong basket
The basket of someone who will never accept you
And you will never be satisfied with
Prolonged bus rides don't make friendships
And moving on doesn't excuse a dead battery
What has happened in your life due to reckless behavior
Does not excuse more reckless behavior
And I am the only one brave enough to tell you that
Doesn't that mean something?
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
The Lego castles I built when I was little
Aren't strong enough to keep you safe
But they are the best I can do.
And I promise
The collapsed dollhouse in the garage
Is not a fair representation of me.
Though it might be a bit too close to the truth.
And I've never been good at Jacks
But I promise to pick up all your pieces
Every time you get thrown around.
And I got good practice
Taking care of people
Through all the stories I made up when I was five
And the rubber heads of my Barbies
We're always still connected to the plastic bodies
At the end.
So I think I have good experience
On how to stay alive in the real world
So maybe we could live in Lego houses forever
Mia Eugenia Feb 2014
I'm staring to a wet footprint
At least that's what I think it is
I can't really tell
My vision is too blurring
My eyes are too dry
Because the last time I let go
Seems so long ago
But I'm determined not to do it again
According to your institution
I'm not worthy of release
And all the eyes in this room
Are focused elsewhere
So why do I feel like I'm being watched
And why do I feel as if no one cares
And I'm wondering if I care
If I think the next year is worth this strain
And I'm beginning to be certain it isn't.
Mia Eugenia Dec 2013
I had never felt closer to a person
Than in that moment
And now we were never farther
And I won't be the one to build the next bridge
Just to see you burn it
I thought you would whisper to me
The secrets of the universe
Little did I know
That everything you had said was falsified
And unimportant
I am not some crash test dummy
You can practice your feelings on
To see which ones break me
Just so you can sweet talk your way through
Eventhough I know you've never been too good with words
The most profound thing about you
Is that you can make people believe you
You can make me believe you
When I have witnessed your manipulation
Time and time again
But I always thought I was different
That must be the most idiotic thing I have ever done
Believe in you
Believe in your words
The ones that used to create clouds for me to live in
I could have lived forever in those words
But just like my smile
They pass
And they won't return
They are waved away into nothingness
And I have to watch as my life fades with them
And I could create a million clouds
And they would still never be enough
I have no new love for you
Just the same feeling of dread
Everytime you make a wrong turn
So basically that feeling never goes away
For your sake
I hope you find a way to keep it there
Because you're running out of time
And I'm running out of capacity
And you are taking up too much room
Not in my heart but in my brain
And that's a place I never wanted you
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Since when are you easy because you don't play hard to get
Is it wrong to want something and to get upset
When the one thing you trusted in consistently let
Your heart break
And since the day I saw you
You blew
And *******
And I knew
But there was nothing I could ever do
But sit back and watch you make a fool
of the person you thought you were.
The whole thing happened so quick
And too fast you became my walking stick
You were there for support when I needed kick
But never when I just wanted a friend.
They say people in glass houses should't throw stones
But the people on the outside will always be prone
To the curiosity of the unknown
And what's hidden beyond your crystal home
And I'm no exception.
I will always be leading that pack
until my blood runs cold and my heart turns black
I'm waiting for the day when the world will finally attack
And all I want is to see you fight back
Cause you've got me addicted to that smack
That runs through your veins.
And it's 11:11 somewhere and all I'm thinking about
Are all the times you were blazed out
Burnt out
And knocked out
Waiting for me to carry you out
Of the hole you made yourself out of pity and self doubt
Hoping that from my actions might sprout
some real human emotion.
I'm picking at scabs you left on my body and on my soul
Because all you did was laugh and roll
And I'm the one that has to pay the toll
Because somehow that means you accomplished your goal
Because for some reason that was my heart, which you stole
Along with other material things.
And now you have to rot and pay the price
Of a life gone wrong and a bad role of the dice
You and I represent lives that were sliced
And childhoods taken that would have been nice
And the next time you see me I hope you think twice
Because we are skating on such thin ice
But I don't seem to mind because I'm with you.
And now that I'm done ******* I guess its time to forgive and let go
Of all the the lonely nights that moved too slow
And the days of putting on the same show
And the love that just wouldn't grow
From a heart that just could't let emotion flow
Even though your broken heart would fit perfectly with mine.
Mia Eugenia Jan 2015
We discarded each other like used tissues
And you never looked back
But I did
I ripped through the trash
Trying the find the broken shambles
Left over from who you used to be
Because you fractured yourself
But this time you didn't give me enough time
To put you back together
You let me try
When you knew it was useless
You let me love
When you knew it was fervorless
You let me hope
When you knew I was hopeless
Though time has taught me
That you are the hopeless one
I cannot forget about you
But I can move past the idea
That you are the only one
Who could possibly love
A person like me
But you
You will always manipulate
And toy with
And loose the people who care about you
And until you can move past that
You will always be alone
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
Yeah, you know me
And you know what I was thinking
While trying to make my eyes focus on the florescent sphere
That makes promises it cannot keep
But tonight I will get into the shower
And wash this last year away
Wash my memories away
And tomorrow
When a fresh layer of snow will cover my window sill
All it is doing is covering up last years scars
But maybe
When it melts away
My life will be healed
And maybe this year I will finally fulfill my New Years resolution
But lets not get our hopes up
Because I cant have you
And I certainly cant forget you
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I could grow old with you
I could spend the rest of my life with you and be happy
and that could be enough for me
but what if it's not
what if I wake up one morning and don't want it anymore
what if I wake up and lose you
I couldn't do that
so please don't make me try
don't butter me up with compliments
and for the love of God
don't be nice to me.
you're too nice to me
and it's not fair
it's not fair that you know how to make me feel this way
and I still cant
figure out how to use your microwave
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
It's not about me and I'm not trying to make it that way
But I can't shake the feeling that I could have saved you but didn't
That I didn't try hard enough to save you from the substances
That you use as a crutch to walk over the eggshells that makeup your life
The broked shards or your glass heart
Transparent and true
And when you come down there is no where to hide
I see you
I see you truthfully and you can't run away from that
I'll be your crutch
Turn away from the bottle
Lean on me
Unlike your product
I'll never let you down
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I didn't think of sobriety as an option
Not for me at least
It was a given
Not a taken
And your friends don't seem to mind
And apparently you and them
You both think I'm adorable
But maybe that's not what I aim for
But I settle for any old kind
Of compliment or emotion
You let leave you lips
Or your heart
Mia Eugenia Apr 2014
I appreciate your praise
But it won't find it's home in my heart
I did nothing admirable
I failed you
I tired to keep him safe but
I should have never let him slip
And he fell so hard
But he got back up without me
And maybe that proves that I was right
That he never really needed me
That he was always happier without me
But neither of us ever had the heart to say it
I didn't want to admit it
But he never wanted to hurt me
Which is useless because he did
Many times
I didn't save anyone
I took credit for a heart that healed itself
Cause I was never any use to anyone
I never wanted him to get better
Because at least when he was low he needed me
To bring him back up
I'm sorry for all the lies
I should have taken better care of him
I promised I would
But I've never been good at keeping my promises
Your praise is appreciated
But it won't find it's home in my heart
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I'm over it
that's all.
you gave me some really great material
but I ran it all out.
I guess that was the point though
to write all my feelings
until I had none
well mission accomplished
I'm drained and void
or any reminiscence of feelings
especially, but not limited to, ones about you.
That's what you wanted
and what I want
is to make sure you get what you want.
I proved to myself today that I can live without feelings towards you
and I can do it successfully
and I can be happy with your love the way it is;
manifesting itself in 4:00 am texts
just because I was someone you needed to talk to
and free merchandise
because I'm "a good soul"
and anytime of day phone calls
just to see how I'm doing.
it may still sting
but I'm not so sure that will ever go away.
I'm just happy to know that I can be happy
with what I get
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
Everything I write I write for you
Every syllable every word
Is all I wish I had the courage so say to you
But don't.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Don't call me "punk", don't call me "druggy"
And don't you care call me by my home town.
That's where I've been not who I am
And if that is your impression of me
you obviously don't know who I am.
But that doesn't surprise me
No one in this town ever really knew
Next door doesn't even grasp it
So let me explain it to you
Though I am always myself I am not always the same person.
When I'm with you I'm the person you want
When I'm with them...
But it always seems I'm a little too much for you
And not enough for them
But unlike you
They don't seem to mind
They don't criticize my every move
And they love me without putting me down
Or trying to put me into a box where I don't fit
I'm sorry
But I just don't fit in your box.
I'm not made of clay that you can bend into a desired shape
And my heart doesn't have strings attached that you can pull like a puppet
And make me dance
You cant control who I am
Who I was
Who I will be
I can't even do that.
So you can put on your show
And make everyone believe you are something you are not
But I know who you are
Because I don't try to put you into any boxes
Not even the one that you are bending over backwards to get into.
Am I the only one who finds it liberating to breathe in the fresh air
Instead of being confined to breathing the same air
As you are passed on from one box to another
Until the only one left is a pine box that will hold you forever
Excuse me if that is the only box I ever want to fit into
The shapes I make are way too elaborate to be labeled as "punk" or "druggy"
And especially not by my hometown.
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I hope you find her
I hope she is out there
And just as perfect as you are
And I'll get over it
And we will stay friends
And some day
When you are married
And happy
Then I will tell you
How I felt
And how happy I am I didn't tell you
Because you might have not found
Whoever you are with then
But for now I will keep
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Last night as we sat under the stars
We were so far away but I felt close
Due to how tightly I was holding a piece of metal to my head
Just so I wouldn't miss a syllable
A breath
I wanted to hear everything.
That's the closest I have felt to you in a while
And I came clean
But you left me with questions I don't know how to answer
And comments I don't know how to process
In the simplistic head I wear above my shoulders
For me, not a necessity
But an accessory
Because my head never really did me any good
It's just there to pull the look together
It has no real purpose.
My thoughts are small and unimportant
Especially to a person like you
Whose thoughts could change the world
If you would just try
So thank you for every time you made me feel as if
I was smart enough to match you
But I then take them all back
For there are equal times you made me feel
Less than
But at least you have a solid ratio.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
I made a wrong turn on the corner of
Love and Dependence
Because I tried to drive down the middle
But all that did was hurt everyone
That had any stalk
In my life.
My feet are sore
From standing on my tippy-toes
Trying to see into your eyes
Which you keep so well hidden
But only from people who care.
You will look straight into your enemies eyes
But avert your gaze every time I get close to the truth.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I saw somewhere that you shouldn't give up someone you need for someone you want
You obviously aren't reading the same literature as me
But that's not our only difference
I won't go into the different way we could
Or couldn't
I've done enough of that
for this lifetime and the next
But just know
The next time you preach honesty and forgiveness
Know that it was your honesty
That put another crack in my heart
Though it seems like I am collecting those
And next time you feel this way
See how willing you are to forgive
A person who doesn't realize
He is doing anything
Mia Eugenia May 2013
There is a breathing exercise
my teacher taught me freshman year.
you breath in
as much as you can
hold it
and exhale
as slowly as you can.
little did she know
she was training me for my future.
Mia Eugenia Oct 2013
The sky is empty
All the stars have fallen
From their places in the heavens
Like the tears scattered
In the books I filled
Cover to Cover
With details of how my life
turned out.
Leather bound mistakes
And annotated embarrassments
That I forgot to return to the library.
Descriptions of eyes glaring at me
And whispers spoken by friends of friends
That I can hear all too clearly
Above my head.
And I use periods too freely
They are supposed to symbolize an end
A beginning
An idea
All of which I do not posses the nerve
To proclaim to anyone
Besides the friends I seek
Behind the bright lights.
And your song resonates from across the hall
And all I can think about is how
I would ****
To hear you sing it again.
And you've taken away my daydreams
But I don't want them back
Keep them
Because all the silly stories I made up
Were there to provide a false sense of proof
Behind the love you were selling
All the stupid fantasies I conjured
Were there to build you up so high in my head
That the real you could never compare
And you would never be able to hurt me
Only I could do that.
Even if the presents you gave to me
Wont stay on my wall
I will always keep a place for you in my heart
If you ever realize that it is the one constant place in your life.
But in the end you are just one of my
Leather bound mistakes
And annotated embarrassments
I forgot to return to the library
And I'm afraid to admit
That you will never find your way back there.
Mia Eugenia Sep 2013
My minds been compromised.
I can't form sentences
But when I do
It's just a jumbled up mess
Of the broken words
That fell out the window
That one cloudy night
Last May.
My minds made a compromise
With my heart.
One wont feel for you
If the other doesn't think of you
But they both have problems with
Keeping their promises.
Your tear-soaked "sorry"'s are on my clothes line
A different color for everyday
I cried to you through florescent light.
Caring is written on the ball
That I always throw correctly
But never really hit the target.
Caring is spray painted on your ceiling
But you always seemed to miss it
Every time you went to sleep.
Caring is the name of the one-way
Dead end
Street that I walk down every single day
Hoping for a different outcome.
And hoping was always something
I had left to those
More experience in short comings
Until I realized that the people
I should have been relying on
Were the people who hoped blindly and
Got everything they didn't know they wanted.
And for some reason
I wish it hurt more when you don't answer
Because then maybe I would have a new emotion
To connect to your smell.
And God only ever shed his light on me
When he knew I was indecent
But to be lit at all
Is a blessing itself
That is the only right answer to that question.
Mia Eugenia May 2013
There's that one song
I loved it
It loved me
We were happy together
We had future plans
Then you sang it
And I hate to admit it
You sounded amazing
Just like that
My perfect relationship was over

I hope you two are happy together
I guess I hoped
Because that song ran away from you too
it was taken

I guess that's something we have in common now
We can sit by the fire
and talk about the one that got away

Of course,
You'll be talking about a song
And I'll be talking about you
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
We never held hands, at least you never held my hand
And now I'm worried that will never happen
that my hands will stay empty forever.
My hands are perpetual black holes of happiness
******* the joy out of everything they touch
and I'm sorry you got caught up in that
you had no idea what you were doing to yourself when you asked me to talk
and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the mess you were willingly walking into.
Maybe things would have turned out differently
but I can tell you one thing;
the next time I see you
the first thing I will do is hold my own hand
and pretend it's you.
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
It took me a long time to figure out
That your smile is just pearly white
Cliches strung together by lies and smoke
Everyday the pain gets worse
But I can only think about
Why you don't care
And my bruises only care
That they never saw you
There are so many questions that I want to ask
Your dead eyes
But desperation was never a color I was comfortable in
I try and try
But all I get back are smiley faces that lead nowhere
And I thought we had a somewhere
I keep thinking
Trying to figure out what I did wrong
What I can change to make you
Keep your promises
But I guess I'm the one who broke that first
I can't change for you
If you can't love me for who I am
Who is going to
I have plenty of blank pages ahead of me
And if you weren't going to write them with me
I was at least hoping you would be a character
But maybe that's expecting too much
Maybe you're finally doing what's right for you
And maybe that means you leave me out in the cold
The least you could have given me
Was a flashlight
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
Things keep coming back
And I don't know where to put them because
My shelves are filled with the fallen stars of yesterdays news.
I leave bread crumbs trailing behind me
Not so I can know where I've been
But so I can know where to turn back and run to
When the flowers at my feet start to wilt.
I wish had time to sit and smell the grass
I remember how I loved that smell
When the world was simpler
And I didn't spend my time tripping over pavement
trying to get to a building made of glass
That I can hide in
And I'm always hiding
But I don't want to be anymore
I want to lay in the grass and feel free again
Like we did that summer.
We swore it would never get better than it was in that moment
And though those were just words we spat
breathing in the Jerusalem air
They became my truths.
Don't you understand?
The feeling you get when you think
That this is the best it gets for you
Is not a happy one.
Not for me.
For me it was a feeling of complete despair.
Mia Eugenia Jan 2014
Words don't carry much weight
When they spring from hallow lips
Let alone
A hallow heart
Where not even your blood cells will enter
For fear of being trapped
In that black hole forever
Just like me
I have been pulled into your nothingness
And I cannot escape the grasp
Of your need to be alone
And my need to be needed
You made me feel that way
Until you made me feel like
The raindrops that made lines on my skin
Were useless and unimportant
Compared to the ink dripping from your vanes
Because you always were a poet
You had the perfect words
For the perfect times
To make perfect moments
But only when you spelled it out for me
Your voice never delivered the same grace
As your tire tracks fade
So will my need to keep them there
Just because you've been somewhere
Doesn't mean you'll return
And holding onto indents in the snow
Is an arbitrary action
That I will no longer take part in
The only things I will hold onto
Are the tree branches that carried me
Long before you came around
And tried to take their spot
But you're just not strong enough to beat my oak tree
And it's a shame
Because all this time
All I've wanted to do is trust you
But your breath speaks lowder than your words
And it tells me the past and future
Both of which scare me
And I'll watch the fog roll in
And wonder if the grass ever gets frightened in the dark
Because I know I do
Colored paper and tea leaves won't keep me safe
Only you can do that
So since safely isn't an option
I will have to fight
But do me a favor
Don't trust in the rose petals on your doorstep
Fear them
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
It kills me to know
that you'll never care for me
the way you do for her.
it rips my heart out when
you talk to me in the hallway
but its worse
when you look straight through me.
I want to hate you for loving her better
but that's not fair
because I'm not sure if you loved me in the first place.
If I stopped talking to you
would you send me
late night messages reading
I miss us.
when we were never together?
because we did stop talking
but it was the other way around.
you ignored me
for weeks
and i played it cool
and pretended like i didn't care
when all i did was compare myself
to her
or her
or her or her
or any other girl you seemed to care more for.
I think you are just comfortable
in our relationship
knowing someone will always be there for you
might make you feel as if
they don't need you too
but I need you
and i will need you
and right now i need you to stop ******* up.
you said you would do it for her
and you said you never listened to her
and you commonly say things
that contradict
the previous sentence
but i was willing to accept those things
and you were willing to accept me
for all my flaws
and God knows there's many
too bad we just couldn't feel that way at the same time
cause i know together
we would have been great
and i wouldn't have tried to change you
but i guess you just fall for girls
that will never accept you.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I'm done comparing myself to love struck girls
who just dream about you
when in actuality
sleep is the only place I escape
from the tyranny of your voice.
I have never dreamed about you
and I hope I never will
because you've invaded every aspect of my life
I need one place of my own.
If it's not my own mind
it will be a padded white room somewhere
with nice people and cups of pills
that will only remind me of you.
I will sit in solitude because I am
"a threat to others and myself".
and the only way they will find to keep me sane
is to drive you from my mind.
But that would drive me to insanity
so I guess there's just no hope for me.
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I am coming to the realization that
there is nothing here
and there was nothing there
and even if you say there was
I will say you're wrong
because it makes me hurt less
to think that there was nothing for me to lose
instead of accepting the fact that i lost it all
if i believe that then
the next time you tell me
I'm your one constant girl
you put my advice in the highest regard
you trust me the most
you love me
if  I believe nothing's there
the pang in my heart will disappear
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
Everyone wears a mask
Though yours is beautiful and hard
You aren't as skilled as you think.
I can see the pain in the one place the mask doesn't cover
Your eyes tell the tales of nights gone too long on the street
And fights gone too rough with daddy dearest
And I wish I could protect you from the hurt
But you revel in it.
You use your pain as an excuse for all your actions
And I let you.
I encourage it.
I blame them as well.
The world hasn't been fair to you
But you haven't been fair to the world
Did you give all you could?
Try your hardest?
You gave the amount of effort you thought would make you cool.
That might have worked
But look where we are now.
You tried just about as hard
As a peacock tries to fly
When I know you could soar.
You are just consumed with yourself.
You show off your tail
And watch people run in the other direction.
All I wanted was to see you fly.
You couldn't even do that.
So I'm leaving without you
I'm flying high and leaving you behind.
The view of the sunset from earth might be beautiful
But the view from up here
Is infinitely better
Partly because you aren't here
Mostly because I can still see you
From the sky.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
You own the world don't you?
And you let it rest on your *******
Because you have to prove to the people
That you don't give a **** about them.
We Can't Stop is your summer anthem
And you follow it like it's the Bible
But the Bible never did much for you
Did it?
God never whispered in your ear and told you which way is up?
Well then i guess you'e just like the rest of us
Aren't you?
Out of everything you've done
Is that the hardest thing for you to admit?
Forging your life to follow in the footsteps
Of a fictional character
Is no way to go through life
But I guess no one ever told you that
And even if they had
I bet you wouldn't listen
Because you spend your time trying to convince everyone
That you're happy with what you have become.
The saddest part is
Your sweetness isn't a mask
It's just hidden by one.
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I was proud of you
But you ruined that
You promised you wouldn't change again
But you broke that
And it makes me wonder
What else you could break...
I made a habit of not blaming you
Of giving you an out
But that's done.
I'm to blame
You're to blame
Maybe everyone's to blame
But I don't care about everyone
I care about you
And I care about me
And I care about the fact that
Nothing will ever happen.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
I burned my thumbs searching for your approval
And scraped my knees tripping through the recesses
Of your mind
But now I'm finding myself needing to
Paint over the flaws I made for you
To get you to look my way
All you left me with was a bag of cliches
And wet feet from running in the rain
Trying to make it to your side.
I was abandoned before you arrived
And I was found before I was lost
So now I will be going back to my old ways
But as long as your steps are forward
It doesn't matter how many steps back
My feet take my mind.
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I listen to your voice on repeat
And I'm dying because I missed you
And I miss you
Everyday I want you to come home
But fear the day you do
And I want you to be safe
But know I'm not the one who
Can supply that for you.
I'm living a lie
About you
And with you
And no matter what
If it's with you
It feels wrong
Everything feels wrong
And you are the only one who can
Make it right
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
4:00 am
And you know
I keep the volume up on my phone
Just in case you call.
Even change my ringtone
Before I go to sleep
To something that will wake me up.
It's stupid.
I know.
But I do it because
No matter what time it is
I always want to be talking to you.
Mia Eugenia Nov 2013
I inflict my own pain
So you can't hurt me
You can't torment me more
Than the snow
That always remembers my footprints
And where they took me
And though I can always hear the wind
It never seems to reach my skin
And I prefer red leaves to green
Because they appear to be on fire
And all I want is my life to
And have flames run through my vanes
And engrave itself on the back of my neck
To represent the childhood house
That might as well be ash
Because there is nothing left worth saving
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I get it now
Why they call it a crush
Because my heart is crumbled
Like the Coke can in your hand
You didn't mean to
You didn't know I gave it to you
You clenched a fist without thinking
I don't blame you
I know you've felt this way
And caused this pain before
I can feel my stomach
In ways I never thought I would
It's beating like a heart
Maybe because
My heart never beats
Only pounds
And only when I see you
I love when you hug me
But hate when you let go
Because when you hold me
You carry me above the world
But when you let go
I fall
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
I'm sorry about the other night
I think I know why I did it
Or why I do it
But I guess I will just never be drunk enough
To tell you the truth
Mia Eugenia May 2013
I've always been good at falling
but I never really stuck the landing.
I was hoping
this time
you'd be my White Knight
dressed in all black
I was hoping
this time
I wouldn't have to land.
I wanted to be caught
but I slipped through your hands
and into this poem
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
Turn it off
Turn it on
That's what you always said
Turn it off
Turn it on
Anything that needed too much energy
Too much caring
Too much emotion
Turn it off
Turn it on
Anyone who caused too much hurt
But you can't turn me off
I am the light constantly on in the back of your head
I am the street lamp outside turning on with the moon
I'm the one thing you can't turn off
Deal with it
Mia Eugenia Jul 2013
You always seem to know the wrong things to say
At the right time
Or is it the right things to say
At the wrong time
Or maybe it's both
No matter what
The wrong always outshines the right
Because in the end the timing doesn't matter
It's what you said in the time that you were given
That will dictate how people remember you
But you are hollow
And I will always remember you as
The boy
With the chocolate coated nothing words
Mia Eugenia Jun 2013
I realized tonight that you don't really care about me
And you spit out words and aim to please
But you don't take into account that we are people
We live and we talk and I know
I have feelings! And you can't just play with them!
Say what you think I deserve and disregard the truth?
Is that what you think friendship is?
Is that what you think love is?
I feel like some old sofa
That might have gotten you through your glory years
But just has one too many stains for you now
So you move on to the next shinny new toy.
And you leave me on the side of the road
Hoping some poor guy who has no idea what he is getting into
Picks me up and takes me away,
And if someone doesn't
No problem
Once I've spent a good amount of time on the outside
looking in on the warmth I once knew
You will take me to the dump and get rid of me once and for all.
Is that all I am to you?
Stability and a blessing?
I got you through this year?
Is that all you want from me?
Are you done with me now?
I will still give you everything
I will still give you all of me
Because I will never meet anyone I love more
At least I hope not to because I never want another person
who will be able to rip my heart out by saying nothing.
I knew it was too good to believe
I knew you'd find someone better
So why am I so upset that you did
Once again you lived up to my expectations.
Empty promises and empty bottles are all I have left of you
And I wish I could lie and say that's all I want from you
Because that would make this poem end in a nice neat bow
But that's not true.
I want more of you.
And I don't want to spend the rest of my life as your lap dog
I want you to live up to your words
Or take them back
Or just do something with them
Because as they are right now
They are reused and old and bled dry of any real emotion
They are rung out and left out to dry on the cloths line of my inbox
Hoping one day they will mean something more
But no longer having faith that things will ever end up the way I want them to
I can clean myself as much as you want
But I will always be scared and flawed
And that will never be good enough for you
I will never be good enough for you
At least that's how you make me feel
And no one should have that power
I want to be over you
But I'm slowly realizing that will never happen.
You told me you will always be in my life but I'm not sure if I want that
I just want you to tell me that I will be okay
But you can't
No one talks to their old couches
You tried to fix me
You tried to sew on patches to my broken heart
But I ask too much of you
I don't try to but it always seems like too much
It always seems like something else is more important
But you are the most important thing to me
So can you promise me something?
Instead of leaving me on the side of the road
Just leave me in your basement
Because that way maybe I'll think you will come back for me
And I will have something to live for
And I won't even care when you never return
My heart wont even hurt a little
Because sofas don't have hearts
And that's all I am.
Mia Eugenia Aug 2013
I can't hide from the pictures on my wall
Or the shadows in my room
Or the ballet shoes in my closet
That used to fit perfectly.
The mirrors know what I've done
And the Hand-Me-Down clothes judge me
From their untouched spots in my closet.
The old school books know my past
And the summer reading I haven't done
Attempts to tell the future
And it's probably right.
The old toys stored under my bed
Used to keep the monsters away
But now my stuffed animals help them
Reach through the cracks in my wood floor.
Unfolded laundry spills my secrets
To people who walk by
And folded cloths offer up gossip
To anyone who will give them some attention
Even though
Anything that is folded hasn't been touched in years.
Winter shoes are crying for approval
And summer shoes are screaming for a break
And I'm lost in the middle looking for both.
But my blankets and pillows have it worse
Because they can only guess why
I cling to them when the lights turn off.
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